
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. Review Site Risk Register Response

  • a. What date was this register last updated or reviewed?<br>

  • Select from range

  • b. Which aspect has the highest residual risk?

  • Select from range

  • c. Is there a constraint to reducing this risk further? What is it?

  • Select from range

  • d. Can you assist with this constraint being overcome?

  • Select from range

2. Site EHS Plan and Objectives

  • a. Does the Site have a current EHS Plan?

  • Select from range

  • b. What is their approximate progress against the plan as a percentage?

  • Select from range

  • c. Are there any items which will not be achieved?

  • Select from range

  • d. What is the constraint in achieving it?

  • Select from range

3. Site Leadership team have current EHS Objectives/Commitments?

  • a.​Do the Site Leadership team have current EHS Objectives / Commitments?<br>

  • Select from range

  • b.​What is their approximate progress against these commitments?

  • Select from range

  • c.​When were they last reviewed, by their manager? (Quarterly is best practice)

  • Select from range

  • d.​Is there any constraint in them achieving of these objectives?

  • Select from range

4. Use of Risk Control measures

  • a. Are Take 5’s actively used on site in work areas?

  • Select from range

  • b.​Is there evidence of these identifying risks above a Low level?

  • Select from range

  • c. Have these risks been subjected to further risk control measures?

  • Select from range

5. Behavioural Safety Observations and Workplace Inspections

  • a.​What is the frequency of behavioural safety (task) observations?

  • Select from range

  • b.​What risk levels do these target? Extreme only or all risks?

  • Select from range

  • c.​How often are workplace inspections performed?

  • Select from range

  • d. Who performs these inspections?

  • Select from range

6. Incident Reporting and Follow Up?

  • a.​Are workers provided feedback on reported incidents in toolbox meetings?

  • Select from range

  • b.​What is the oldest open incident on the Cintellate system for that site?

  • Select from range

  • c.​Have corrective actions been assigned as the result of incidents?

  • Select from range

  • d.​What is the oldest open action in the system?<br>

  • Select from range

  • e.​What is the constraint in closing this action?

  • Select from range

Follow up / Actions / Recommendations

Sign Off

  • Site Manager signature

  • Inspecting Manager signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.