Title Page
Company Name
Employee Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Drivers Agreement
I can confirm that I have read and understood Wilson Washroom Service's Drivers Policy
I can confirm that I have taken and understood the company's Safe Driving Training Online
I will adhere to the above policy and training at all times when driving for Wilson Washroom Services
I hereby agree to abide by the following driving guidelines also:
I will use the seat belt whenever operating a company vehicle, or whenever driving for company business
I will operate only those vehicles which I am trained and licenced to operate. I will operate only vehicles which I am approved to use by my manager
I will always check the vehicle for defaults daily and will adjust the seat and mirrors before operating
I will never operate any vehicle when impared by fatigue/alcohol/ medication or drugs or vehicles which I do not feel comfortable about operating both in a normal or emergency situation
I will abide by all laws, regulations, rules and company policies. I will use common sense and adjust speed and operation to conditions or possible hazards or danger
I will operate vehicles in a courteous manner, irrespective of the behaviour of others. I will drive defensively anticipating possible dangers or hazards.
I will report any defects to my line manager and will not drive any vehicle if I feel it unsafe to do so
All accidents and/or breakdowns will be reported to my manager as soon as it is safe to do so and the correct procedures will be followed according to the drivers policy
Signed By:
Employee Name
Select date