Document No.
Conducted on
Employee Name (optional):
1. Required to be completed when you experience a Safety Near Miss in the workplace
2. To be completed in full and emailed to Chris Reynolds, Health & Safety Manager and/or Dee Schlaudraff, Claims Manager -
Choose one:
- Fort Myers
- Gainesville
- Jacksonville
- Lake Wales
- Ocala
- Orlando
- Port St. Lucie
- Tallahassee
- Tampa
- Tampa Corp.
Date & Time of Near Miss:
Company Cell:
Vehicle #:
Location of Near Miss. If customers site, please provide address
Describe how the Near Miss occurred (include the body part and type of pain):
Describe what lead up to and caused the Near Miss:
What was learned and changed due to the Near Miss?
If a photo will help explain the what, where, why, or the injury upload the picture here:
By my signature below I attest that the information I have provided is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge: