Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
First Bus DSDB Audit Record
Location of DSDB Audit
Date and Time of Audit
Do you use DSDB to manage your drivers/incidents?
Is Power BI used? Describe who uses it and what is done with the information it provides
Are very low and low performing drivers managed in order of score?
Is the touchpoint generator on DSDB used by all key staff? How many have been undertaken in past 3 months?
Do you know how many very low and low performing drivers have you got at present?
Is DSDB being used to manage incidents and if so evidence it.
Do you have any open incidents older than 28 days? How many?
How many incidents with CCTV findings open over 28 days and oldest one? Give reason if so?
How many DQMs completed in last 3 months as % of all drivers? What is the process for DQM's? (Follow up actions)
Have all fault incident drivers been interviewed within your local disciplinary guide lines?
Have you got any collision incident decisions outstanding? (How many)
Have you got any customer contact interview decisions outstanding? (How many)
Is lost property and the correct disposal of it done using DSDB?
Have you got any unmatched driver incidents outstanding? (How many)
How many drivers are without CPC end date?
How many return to work appraisals are outstanding?
How many Drivers are not on DriveGreen?
How many overdue interviews are there and how do you manage this?
How are you planning to complete the incomplete driver training?
How do you mange medicals on DSDB?
How are you dealing with Incident with Unmatched Driver and Vehicles?
How are you planning to arrange the outstanding training requirements?
How do you mange red braking?
How many red drivers do you have?
How many drivers are not on Drive Green this week?
Do you know who your DSDB Superuser is?
Additional Comments
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