Client / Site / Location
Scope of Work
Truck Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Document No.
1.0 - Driver
1.1 - Federal Motor Carrier Pre-Trip Inspection completed?
1.2 - Operator's Daily Log Book is current?
1.3 - Job Ticket has been signed by customer?
1.4 - Current registration card is in the driver's cab?<br>
1.5 - Current insurance card is in the cab?
1.6 - Current Interstate Federal Tax (IFTA) sticker?
1.7 - Current Federal Motor Carrier sticker?
1.8 - Operator has a valid CDL and medical card on his person?
1.9 - Road Permit (if required) is in the cab?
2.0 - Operation
2.1- Three red, reflective triangles are properly secured and easily accessible in truck?
2.2 - All exterior lights on truck and trailer are working and visible?
2.3 - A functioning ABC fire extinguisher is properly secured and easily accessible in the cab?
2.4 - The truck has a stocked first-aid kit?
2.5 - Truck mirrors are not broken and properly secured to truck?
2.6 - Truck windows are intact, free of damage, and all latches are in place?<br>
2.7- The truck has operable windshield wipers, defrosting, and defogging equipment?
2.8 - All tools and maintenance parts are stored in tool boxes and not loose in or around the cab?
2.9 - Personal items do not interfere with the access to or operation of the truck, within the cab space?
2.10 - The reverse alarm is working and effective?
2.11 - The truck air horn and/or electric horn are in working order?
2.12 - Truck mud flaps are not damaged and are securely mounted?
2.13 - All spreader bars are clearly marked with their ID#, capacity chart, current inspection, and are free of visible damage?
2.14 - All chokers are in good condition with legible manufacturer tags or labels?
2.15 - Personnel basket is clean and free of debris?
2.16 - Basket has a legible copy of the approved hand-signals posted in the basket?
2.17 - Basket has dedicated rigging approved for lifting personnel, and it is in good shape with tags and safety shackles?
2.18 - Basket has proper labels and current inspection sticker?
2.19 - Basket has a proper test weight?
3.0 - Observation
3.1 - Air brake is engaged?
3.2 - The parking area is firm, free of obstructions, and the truck is secure?
3.3 - Fuel tanks contain shipping document, NFPA diamond, Flammable label, and Diesel label?
3.4 - All truck personnel are wearing high-visibility clothing and proper PPE? (Safety vest or high-viz shirt, safety toed boots, leather work gloves, safety glasses, and hard hat)
3.5 - Trailer is clean and organized?
3.6 - Cleanliness of truck's exterior is satisfactory?
3.7 - Cleanliness of truck's interior is satisfactory?
3.8 - Driver is free from distractions and working with a focus on the job?
3.9 - Load is properly secured with appropriate chains, binders, straps, or hardware that meet or exceed the necessary load requirements?
4.0 - Customer Input
4.1 - Was the driver on time?
4.2 - Has our driver been polite and courteous?
Customer Comments
Inspector comments
Operator Signature
Inspector Signature