Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Conducted by

  • Site Contact:

  • Company working for?

  • Location
  • Document Number:

RCD Compliance AUDIT

  • A Qualified Electrician must conduct the hazard inspection as follows: 1. For EVERY inspection requirement, indicate the item as Compliant (C), Non-Compliant (NC) or Not Applicable (N/A) 2. For every non-compliance identified, provide the location and a description in the comments section. 3. Enter defects or non-compliances in the applicable site registers, i.e. electrical equipment defects must be entered into the Electrical Register 4. At inspection completion, discuss the non-conformances with the Site/Department Manager and determine an action, completion date and responsible person 5. Forward the completed inspection to the WHS Department

Asset/Panel Particulars

  • Asset/Panel ID number?

  • Asset/Panel Description?

  • Take a photo of the Asset/Panel

  • Complete Residual Current Device Compliance Section for each individual circuit or equipment

  • Residual Current Device Compliance
  • Are subcircuits or electrical equipment fitted with residual current devices?

  • Does the sub circuit/electrical equipment require RCD protection? Refer to AS3000 section Requirements for additional Protection

  • State Reason for not requiring RCD protection

  • Requirements for additional protection
    Additional protection by RCDs with a maximum rated residual current of 30 mA shall be provided for final subcircuits with a rating not exceeding
    32 A supplying—
    (a) socket-outlets; or
    (b) lighting; or
    (c) direct connected hand-held electrical equipment, e.g. directly connected tools; or
    (d) direct connected electrical equipment that represents an increased risk of electric shock.
    Factors that may represent an increased risk of electric shock include but are not limited to—
    (i) external influences (refer Clause 1.5.14); and
    (ii) type of electrical installation and processes being conducted
    (e.g. workshops and particular industrial activities).
    NOTE: For all other final subcircuits with a rating not exceeding 32 A for direct connected equipment, additional protection by RCDs with a maximum rated residual current of 30 mA should be considered.

  • Please provide details of RCD requirements? Style,Type, Amp Rating, Circuit ID

  • Location of RCD protection
    Where protection of final subcircuits is required, RCDs shall be installed at the switchboard at which the final subcircuit originates.
    Exception: Where the wiring system is installed with additional mechanical protection against mechanical damage, complying with the requirements of Clause or Clause, the RCD protection specifically intended for the protection of that socket-outlet or direct connected electrical equipment can be installed at, or adjacent to the socket-outlet or direct connected electrical equipment (e.g. factory).

  • RCD Circuit Description

  • Are the RCD's in the switchboards clearly labelled with identification numbers?

  • RCD Type 1 (10mA) or Type II RCD (>30mA)Type

  • Has a RCD test tag been applied to Panel?

  • Does the tag identify the date and the person’s name that carried out the testing?

  • Take a photo of the RCD Test Tag

  • Is the test tag in date?

  • Push Button Test completed?.

  • Overall Condition Rating

  • Take Additional Photo's of Installation or details as needed

  • Add any Additional comments as needed

Inspectors Details

  • Have all sections been completed?

  • Why haven't all sections been completed?

  • Auditors name & Signature:

  • By signing this document, you acknowledge that the verification has been conducted in accordance with the following standards:
    Electrical Installations
    AS/NZS 3000:2018, Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules)
    AS/NZS 3017:2007, Electrical installations - Verification guidelines
    AS/NZS 3012:2010, Electrical installations - Construction and demolition sites
    AS/NZS 3019:2007, Electrical installations - Periodic verification
    AS/NZS 4836:2011, Safe working on or near low-voltage electrical installations and equipment


  • Only the circuits or part of the circuits described in this report have been verified. This report does not provide assurance that all electrical equipment in the installation has been verified.

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