Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location



  • The purpose of this form is for the participant to have their competence in the operation of specific plant or in performing specific work activities verified and recorded by a Sun Engineering authorised assessor; and to have their respective licensing or qualifications recorded.

  • Guidance and Instruction: The assessor may at any time during the VOC, at their own discretion, provide guidance and / or instruction to the participant for the purpose of teaching them how to perform any aspect of the activity that the participant may not as of yet be reasonably expected to know or fully understand.
    • The assessor may provide information and guidance on how to operate a specific item of plant or equipment and its controls.
    • The assessor may provide information and guidance to an apprentice or a new or existing employee on a task or activity that
    they may not be familiar with.

  • Knowledge Questionnaire (if applicable): The participant must successfully answer knowledge questions which are based around the work activity. All questions answered incorrectly shall be discussed / demonstrated to the participant to ensure participant understanding.

  • Practical Demonstration: To verify practical skills, participants are required to perform a practical demonstration of the activity to demonstrate their competence.

  • Outcome: The assessor will at all times during the VOC be gauging the participants understanding of the activity and will observe the participants ability to perform the activity in a safe and competent manner. Therefore, the participant will be deemed competent or not yet competent by the assessor at the assessor's discretion.

Participant's Detail

  • Participant's Name:

  • Employer:

  • undefined

  • Duration of employment: Years and months

  • EWP Type being VOC’d:

  • undefined

  • Experience operating EWP’s: Years and months


  • Does the participant hold a State Based Licence, or High Risk Work Licence, or Statement of Attainment?

  • RTO Number:

  • License Number:

  • Statement Number:

  • State of issue:

  • Participant conducted EWP pre-start inspection correctly?

  • Participant observed operating the EWP in a safe and competent manner?

  • Participant shut down EWP correctly and left in a safe condition?

  • Participant assessed as competent in the safe operation of the nominated EWP type/s?

  • Comments:


  • Participant Name

  • Signature:

  • Date:

  • Assessor Name

  • Signature:

  • Date:



  • a) Correct PPE being worn correctly (i.e. has the operator been formally trained in use of fall arrest/restraint <br>equipment?)

  • b) Correct planning observed (JSEA / SWMS / discussion with team)

  • c) Take Five completed

  • d) Passenger safety/communications discussed (included in JSEA/ SWMS / Take 5 if applicable)

  • e) Conducts inspection & describes maintenance requirements

  • f) Inspects EWP including boom for structural damage, tyre condition etc.

  • g) Service logbook located and completed and functions explained

  • h) Checks area for hazards


  • a) Controls clearly identified / explained

  • b) Brakes, Rotating beacon, horns and limiting devices are checked

  • c) Automatic levelling device on the basket has been checked

  • d) Travel requirements and the safe operation understood

  • e) Operator has clear vision from the basket

  • f) Explains limit devices/alarms checked and functioning (including basket 'dead man' foot switch)

  • g) Explains emergency descent procedure and ground control panel

  • h) Displays safe operation of ground controls and emergency descent


  • a) Barricading is used to warn personnel and to restrict access to the work area

  • b) Items placed inside of EWP are adequately secured

  • c) Demonstrates ability to drive EWP correctly (to site conditions)

  • d) Demonstrates ability to maneuver EWP basket around structures without endangering the machine, operator, or passengers

  • e) The position of the EWP is satisfactory in relation to the task being undertaken

  • f) Demonstrates an understanding of EWP capabilities in various configurations

  • g) Discusses awareness of the function and requirements for locking pin use


  • a) Lowers / retracts boom in accordance with manufacturer's specifications

  • b) EWP basket is cleared of any materials

  • c) Cover placed over controls to protect labels and switches from dust etc.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.