Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
Emergency Arrangements
Fire Arrangements
Can fire doors be opened easily?
Are fire routes and doors free from internal obstructions?
Are fire routes and doors free from external obstructions?
Are all fire extinguishers wall mounted in their marked locations?
Are the fire extinguishers accessible and free from obstructions?
Are all fire extinguishers serviceable and in date certification for testing?
First Aid Arrangements
How many first aid kits on site?
Are all FAK fully stocked and in date?
How many defibrillators are on site?
Locations of defibs?
Are all defibs servicable and in date? (carry out physical test)
How many first aiders on site?
Contents of the PPE locker
Are emergency hoods readily available?
How many emergency hood are there? Add locations in notes
Are there any emergency breathing apparatus equipment available?
Locations of breathing aparatus
Make and model of breathing aparatus
Is the breathing apparatus servicable and in date?
Name of Auditor
Date and Time