Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Section 1. Threat Analysis
1.1 Has the operation prepared an emergency plan?
INTENT: To ensure that the management of emergencies has been prepared for.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager -
1.2 Does the emergency plan identify the types of hazards that may affect the enterprise?
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INTENT: To ensure that every possible hazard likely to cause an emergency has been identified.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager -
1.3 Are all the identified hazards risk ranked for probability and is consideration given to the potential severity?
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INTENT: To ensure that all the identified hazards have bee assessed for probability and serverity
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager -
1.4 Are the identified hazards assessed with regard to prevention?
Provide detail as to why the hazards are not assessed with regard to prevention.
INTENT: To ensure that all the identified hazards have been assessed with regard to prevention.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager -
1.5 Are the identified hazards assessed with regard to Emergency Management?
Provide additional detail as relevant.
INTENT: To ensure that all the identified hazards have been assessed with regard to emergency management.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation. Refer to MSIR 4.30 (2)(c)
Section 2. Emergency Plan Preparation
2.1 Does the Emergency Plan include an Evacuation Procedure?
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INTENT: To ensure that there are procedures to be used to evacuate the site or facility in the event of an emergency.
PERSONNEL: Employees and Contractors
METHOD: Review the plan and question personnel as to what the evacuation procedure entails. -
2.2 Does the Emergency Plan detail the method for identifying and accounting for the number of persons on site at all times?
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INTENT: To ensure the existence of a system to account for all persons on site at any one time in the event of an emergency
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation -
2.3 Does the Emergency Plan detail a means of visitor control?
INTENT: To ensure the existence of a system to control the movement and the accounting of site visitors.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation -
2.4 Does the Emergency Plan allocate responsibilities?
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INTENT: To ensure that the emergency plan allocates responsibilities to key personnel
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation -
2.5 Does the Emergency Plan specify action details?
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INTENT: To ensure that the emergency plan details the procedures to be followed and the duties of key personnel in the case of each of the identified possible emergencies.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation -
2.6 Is the Emergency Plan communicated to key personnel?
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INTENT: To ensure that key personnel are aware of their responsibilities and duties in all emergency scenarios
PERSONNEL: Managers, rescue team officials, supervisors etc.
METHOD: Question key personnel as to their responsibilities in an emergency and as to the detail of the plan -
2.7 Does the Emergency Plan provide for training of staff to manage Emergencies on site?
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INTENT: To ensure that the emergency plan provides for the training of key staff in the plan's application and implementation
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation -
2.8 Is the Emergency Plan revised and updated annually?
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INTENT: To ensure that the emergency plan is reviewed, at least annually, for its applicableness
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation. Refer to MSIR 4.30 (3) -
2.9 Following a revision of the Emergency Plan, are key personnel and employees retrained as required?
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INTENT: To ensure that a mechanism is in place to retrain personnel after any changes in the emergency plan
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation
Section 3. Emergency Plan Activation
3.1 Does the Emergency Plan include the requirement for all employees to be trained in emergency procedures and evacuation?
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3.2 Does the Emergency Plan require emergency drills be conducted on a regular basis?
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3.3 Does the Emergency Plan detail under what circumstances, by whom, and how, the plan is activated?
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3.4 Does the Emergency Plan specify a method for raising the alarm in the event of an emergency?
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3.5 Does the Emergency Plan:
a) Include a procedure for total or partial evacuation
b) Identify who initiates the evacuation?
c) Identify Evacuation muster points?
3.6 Does the Emergency Plan provide for the review for security requirements in conjunction with emergency planning?
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3.7 Does the Emergency Plan include the provision to call in external assistance at the appropriate time?
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3.8 Does the Emergency Plan detail under what authority a shut down of external activities can be made in an emergency?
3.9 Does the Emergency Plan nominate a person or position that is responsible for making media statements?
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3.10 Are nominated persons authorised to officially notify relatives as to the status of casualties?
3.11 Does the Emergency Plan make provision for when, and by whom, personnel crisis consultants are contacted?
INTENT: To ensure that there is a procedure to be used to bring in counseling services.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation
Section 4. Emergency Control Centre
4.1 Is an Emergency Control Centre available on site?
4.2 Does the ECC have copies of the most recent version of the Emergency Plan?
4.3 Does the ECC have the most recent version of the site layout and location maps/plans?
4.4 Do the site plans contain diagrams of those service facilities, communications, fire hydrants, safety refuges, building emergency exits and muster points required in an emergency?
4.5 Does the ECC have the applicable equipment for both internal and external communications?
4.6 Is a means of recording messages and communications in chronological order readily available?
4.7 Is there sufficient room to accommodate the emergency management personnel?
Section 5. Emergency Resources
5.1 Are the resources required in the event of an emergency, regularly reviewed?
INTENT: To ensure that the emergency plan requires the review of those resources required in an emergency. The review should be conducted at least annually and at any time when significant changes occur at the operation.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Review the emergency plan documentation. Refer to MSIR 4.30(3) -
5.2 Do the resource and service requirements take into account geographic factors e.g. location, access, communications etc.
INTENT: To ensure that the location of the site has been considered in respect to the availability of on-site resources such as emergency pumps, medical supplies and expertise etc.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Identify the stand along provisions in place to deal with the remoteness of the site -
5.3 Does the resource and service requirements consider the external availability of mutual aid?
INTENT: To ensure that mutual aid agreements are in place with other sites and other organisations, or that the site is able to stand alone in its emergency response.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: View any mutual aid agreements in place -
5.4 Are on-site first aid services and facilities available?
INTENT: To ensure immediate first aid is available to stabilise accident victims prior to the arrival of off-site resources
PERSONNEL: First aid personnel
METHOD: View first aid facilities and equipment. Check the training records. Refer to MSIR 4.24 and 4.25 -
5.5 Is a vehicle, suitable for the transport of casualties, available on site at all times?
5.6 Are fixed location fire fighting equipment (extinguishers, hose reels etc) located and distributed where necessary, according to a risk analysis and in accordance with AS2444?
INTENT: To ensure that the required equipment for fire fighting is readily available
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: View plans showing location of fire fighting equipment -
5.7 Is fixed location fire fighting equipment (extinguishers, hose reels etc) maintained in accordance with manufacturers instructions?
INTENT: To ensure that fire fighting equipment is ready for use at all times.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: View the equipment maintenance records -
5.8 Are site personnel trained in the use of fixed fire fighting equipment?
INTENT: To ensure that site personnel are trained in how to use the fire fighting equipment on site
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: View fire fighting equipment training records. Refer to MSIR 4.30(2)(c)(vi) -
5.9 Are on-site communication systems, including back-up, present at all times?
INTENT: To ensure the presence of fail safe communications
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: View the site communication systems available, noting location and stand alone capacity, i.e. does it rely on mains power? -
5.10 Is there an effective and utilised warning system on site that detects and identifies severe weather threats?
INTENT: To ensure the provision of advance warnings of inclement or severe weather likely to affect the site.
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: What early warning systems are in place? Is the area vulnerable to severe weather events that are remote from the site (i.e. flash floods?) -
5.11 Do essential services (power, water) have provision for emergency supply?
INTENT: To ensure that critical resources have emergency back ups available
PERSONNEL: Senior Manager
METHOD: Identify methods used for the provision of essential services