Title Page
Company name
Prepared by
Prepared on
Potential emergency situations (based on the conducted hazard and risk assessment)
List and Location of Emergency Equipment and Facilities
- Emergency Equipment
Operating Procedures
First Aid
First aid kit and location
First aid supplies and location
Name/s of first aider/s in the morning, afternoon, and night shifts
Transportation plan
Emergency Facilities
Facility Name
Contact Person and Number
Alarm and emergency communication requirements
Rescue and evacuation procedures
Emergency response procedures
Emergency Response Training and Requirements
List the names and job titles of employees trained to use each emergency equipment and perform emergency response procedures including rescue and evacuation.
Employee Name and Title
Shift (Morning, Afternoon, or Night)
Training Received
Training Frequency
Planning Team List
- Representatives and Teams Responsible for Creating the ERP
Employee Name and Job Title
Property management company contact name and number
Emergency Response Plan Checklist
Is there a written emergency response plan for each work site that aligns with the hazards at the site?
Does this plan include a list of potential emergencies?
Does this plan include emergency response procedures?
Does this plan include a list of workers trained to provide emergency response procedures?
Does this plan include rescue and evacuation procedures?
Does this plan include a list of workers trained to provide rescue and evacuation procedures?
Does this plan include emergency response training requirements?
Does this plan include alarm and emergency communication requirements?
Does this plan include a list and the locations of emergency equipment and facilities?
Does this plan include emergency contact information?
Do your first aid suppliers comply with legal requirements?
Is the number of your first aid responders enough?
Are workers informed of their responsibilities stated in the plan?
Are emergency response drills conducted on a regular basis?
Is the plan current and/or updated?
Comments and recommendations