Environmental Audit

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Items are clean, intact and in good state of repair

  • Treatment chairs

  • Trollys

  • Laser machine

  • Hydrafacial machine

The following areas are clean clutter free and in good repair, check: fittings and flooring, ceiling and walls/tiles, vents, lights and radiators, clutter (i.e. no items stored on the floor)

  • Upstairs toilet

  • Downstairs toilet

  • Reception

  • Hall way

  • Upstairs Kitchen

  • Downstairs kitchen

  • Treatment room 1

  • Treatment room 2

  • Treatment room 3

  • Treatment room 4

  • Treatment room 5

Does the clinic conforms with current guidance

  • Are there designated clinical hand wash sinks within all appropriate areas?

  • There is an equipment wash sink which has a plug and a draining board.

  • There is a separate dish wash sink or dishwasher

  • Toilets / sinks /showers out of use or infrequently used are regularly flushed and a signed record is maintained for 3 months. *Twice weekly

  • There are no dead legs within the area (a dead leg is a water supply which is infrequently or not used)

Measures are in place to provide a safe environment within the kitchen area

  • Disposable paper roll is available and is wall mounted

  • Bactericidal detergent is available for dish washing

  • In areas where self catering is permitted microwaves must have a rating of 1000w

  • If present microwave interior clean and in good state of repair

  • Food for staff that requires refrigeration is stored separately from clinic supplies

  • Refrigerators are maintained at a temperature between 0-5oC

  • There is a signed daily record of fridge temperature

  • Interior of fridge is clean, dry and in good repair

  • Food is covered properly stored and marked with use by date

  • Clients’ tea and coffee is adequately covered

  • Shelves, cupboards and drawers are clean inside and out

Measures are in place to provide a safe environment within clinical preparation room and treatment room areas

  • Shelves and cupboards are clean inside/out and free of dust/spillage

  • Sterile packs are suitably stored

  • Items stored are appropriate to clean area

  • Equipment is stored clean

  • Trolleys are clean

  • Drug fridge is clean and free of extraneous items

  • Drug fridge is within safe zone 2-8oC

  • There is a signed daily record of drug fridge temperature (kept for 3 months)

  • Items stored are appropriate to treatment room

  • Client associated equipment is clean

  • All appropriate items are adequately stored and not exposed to environmental contamination, off floor.

Staff are knowledgeable of the appropriate methods of decontamination.

  • Staff member answered correctly when asked: How is equipment/environment cleaned between use (not contaminated with blood or body fluids)?

  • Staff member answered correctly when asked: How is equipment/environment decontaminated when contaminated with blood? Are staff aware of proper concentrations?

  • General purpose neutral detergent is available e.g. Hospec

  • Chlorine releasing agents are available e.g. Actichlor Plus and are not past use by date

Safe Disposal of Waste (including Sharps)

  • Approved sharps containers are in use

  • Containers are properly assembled

  • Containers are in the temporary locked position when not in use

  • Signed record of assembly and final closure (if sealed) on container

  • Containers are safely positioned and do not present a risk to patients, staff or public

  • Containers are not filled beyond the ‘fill line’

  • No evidence of inappropriate items disposed in sharps containers

  • Containers are externally clean

  • Sharps are disposed of at the point of use

Waste Disposal

  • Waste is segregated according to policy i.e. domestic waste in black bags and clinical waste in orange bags

  • Pedal bins are clean and functioning

  • Bags are sealed effectively

  • Bags are no more than three quarters full

  • Identification tape is available and in use

  • Waste is stored in designated area prior to uplift

Staff are aware of the actions to be taken following occupational exposure

  • Staff answered correctly when asked: Describe the correct procedure following an occupational exposure

  • Staff answered correctly when asked: Who should be contacted following an occupational exposure?

  • Staff answered correctly when asked: How would you report an exposure incident?

  • Staff answered correctly when asked: Where would you access information on what to do following an occupational exposure?

Hand hygiene and PPE products are available for staff to carryout patient care safely

  • Alcohol hand rub is easily accessible

  • Hand cream is readily available and suitably situated for use

  • Hand hygiene products are not past their expiry date

  • Skin cleansing wipes are available for client use

  • Clinical hand wash sinks are easily accessible and not blocked by furniture/equipment

  • Clinical hand wash sinks are free of extraneous items

  • Disposable non-sterile examination gloves are available for use

  • Eye protection is available for use

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.