Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location


  • Is Unuthorised Access in place

  • Is the Manager Qualified

  • Is Mgr or deputy present at the facility at all times of operating

  • Are all employees competent - show evidence of training

  • Has the Mgr completed the training course in Waste Mgt?

  • Where and when was the training completed?

  • Is a procedure in place to establish training needs?

  • All staff are aware of the provisions and conditions of the permit

  • Is a copy of the permit maintained at the facility and a copy supplied to any staff member whos duties relate to the activity in the permit

  • Are tyres stored in a manner that minimises the risk of fire?

  • Is the Facility noticeboard in place and displayed at the entrance of the site - name, telephone number, operating hours, name of permit holder, permit/licence number, emergency contact, where environmental information can be obtained.

  • Is the facility plan up to date and displayed at the entrance?


  • Is a procedure for waste acceptance documented?

  • Is a procedure documented for Waste inspection?

  • Is a procedure documented for Waste Quarantine?

  • Is a procedure documented for waste rejection & notification?

  • Is a procedure documented for corrective actions?

  • Is the Emergency Response Procedure documented?

  • Have staff been trained on the Emergency Response Procedure?

  • is the Procedure for invasive plant species control documented?

  • Is the Procedure for quarantine of waste documented?


  • Is - Date & Time of each waste delivered to the facility at the material enters the site?

  • Is - Name of the carrier, vehicle reg and WCP # recorded upon entry?

  • Is the origin of the waste recorded?

  • Is the Quantity in tonnes, Low code and description recorded?

  • Is the name of the person who inspected and checked in the load recorded?

  • If material is being received from ATF or other Authorised Facility is their site permit / EPA licence number recorded?


  • Is Proof ID obtained, recorded and retained?

  • Is the name of the person disposing of the vehicle recorded?

  • Is proof of address provided and recorded?

  • Is the name of the person who received the ELV recorded?

  • Is the Reg and Chassis of the ELV recorded?

  • Is the Vehicle Make and Brand Recorded?

  • Is the Vehicle Class & COD Recorded?


  • Is Date and time of incident recorded?

  • Are Details of the incident / causes recorded?

  • Is the Evaluation of Environmental Pollution caused recorded?

  • Are steps that are being taken to avoid a recoccurence recorded?

  • Is any other remedial action recorded?

  • Is the name of the person who is investigating the incident recorded?

  • Are witness statements taken and retained?

  • Is the accident / incident reporting procedure documented and version controlled?

  • Have all staff been trained on the accident / incident reporting procedure?

  • Is date and time of complaint recorded?

  • Are details of the complaint recorded?

  • Is the name of the complainant recorded?

  • Is action taken to deal with the complaint recorded?

  • Is the response to each complaint recorded?

  • is the complaint procedure documented and version controlled?


  • Containers & Drums Bunded (EPA Guidelines)

  • Screen walls between tanks and the building and any adjoining site within 6 metres should have a 2 hour standard of fire resistance and extend not less than 900mm beyond the ends and uppermost parts of the tank.

  • Bunded to 110% of capacity or largest tank or drum (The exception to this being double walled tanks equipped with leak detection, which do not require additional retention) or

  • Bunded to 25% of the total volume of substance (height no less than 300mm) (The exception to this being double walled tanks equipped with leak detection, which do not require additional retention)

  • Bunded areas securely covered

  • Bund testing every 3 years and records kept

  • Inlets, Outlets, vents, pipes and valves shall be within the bund

  • Bunds Clearly Labelled

  • RE-Fueling at designated points only - concreted, with interceptor run off (oil interceptor)

  • Ensure all batteries, oil filters, PCB/PCT containing condensers are stored in appropriate containers on impervious bunded storage areas, in designated labelled areas.

  • All haz fluids including fuel, motor oil, transmission oil, gearbox oil, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids, anti-freeze, brake fluids, air conditioning system fluids shall be segregated and stored in bunded containers on an impervious concrete base, in designated labelled areas.


  • Sump between Oil Seperator and discharge point

  • Fit pumps with high liquid level alarms

  • Certification for Silt traps and Oil Seperators

  • Signed Annual Maintenance Contract for oil seperators

  • Records of collections for empying silt traps, oil seperators, pumps sumps, storage tanks and other treatment plant chambers


  • Security Gates installed and maintained

  • Facility locked when no mgr or deputy mgr on site

  • Repair any damage temporarily by end of day / properly by three days


  • Concrete Surface at entrance and in yard

  • Defects in road surface remedy within 5 days

  • Ensure impermeable surfaces shall be provided with spillage collection facilities, decanters and cleanser-degreaers

  • Ensure site is provided with appropriate storage for dismantled spare parts, including impermeable storage for oil-contaminated spare parts


  • Waste Inspection & Quarantined areas to be maintained and labelled clearly?

  • WI & WQ Areas to be appropriately signed and segrgated from each other

  • WQ areas to include a skip for the storage or rejected waste

  • Drainage from WI and WQ areas deemed as haz and shall be divered to a sump, or where appropriate, to silt trap and oil seperators, for collection and safe disposal


  • Provide and maintain a weighbridge as detailed in submission

  • Wheel Wash to be in place (Clondalkin only)

  • Wheel wash water to be recycled for further use (Clondalkin only)


  • No storm water flowing out to public road

  • Storm drains to be maintained


  • Install and maintain screening embankment and barriers to minimise nosie


  • Submission for location, design and depth of groundwater monitoring boreholes to LA. Inspection and reassessment every 5 years (Cork, Ringsend, Westmeath)

  • Groundwater monitoring boreholes shall be constructed having regard to the guidance in the EPA Landfill Monitoring manual (Cork, Ringsend, Westmeath)

  • Boreholes to be protected and sealed to prevent contamination or physical damage. Decomisioned in accordanc with UK EA Guidelines (Cork, Ringsend, Westmeath)


  • Plant must oeprate at 100% duty capactiy, 20% standby capacity and contingency arrangements and/or backup and spares incase of breakdown. Document process

  • Capacity report to be given to LA

  • Waste accepted daily cannot exceed the capacity of the equipment / exceedance will be treated as an incident

  • Maintenance schedule to be maintained and records of all maintenance undertaken to be recorded


  • All vehicles entering and exiting the facility are adequately covered

  • Inspection of material upon arrival and upon tipping

  • Waste not suitable must exit the facility immediately or placed into the designated quarantine area

  • Only permitted wastes shall be accepted

  • Maximum amount of waste accepted at the facility is as per licence / permit

  • Written procedures for the acceptance of waste to be maintained

  • A signed statement by the person supplying the material that they are the lawful owner of the material or have the consent of the lawful owner to sell the material

  • Batteries, Tyres and unpermitted discrete waste streams not to be accepted unless attached to an end of life vehicle.

  • Area for undepolluted end of life vehicles, waste vehicles and waste metals shall have a maximum storage as permit permit/ licence

  • Depollution area and storage bays to be cleaned down weekly

  • All containers and tanks to be labelled as per their contents

  • Waste in advacne of transfer to someone else shall be packaged and labelled in acordance National, European and other standards

  • End of life vehicles only to be accepted from the registered owner of an ELV, an authorised person of a local authority, a AGS or a person authorsied to collect under the WCP regs and only from a 3rd party where a signed letter by the owner authorising the distruction of the ELV is available

  • WEEE shall only be transported for submission to recovery at an authorised facility.


  • Label all onsite monitoring and sampling points

  • Containment booms / absorbent material on site

  • Checks of Silt traps, Oil Seperators and Surface Water Monthly - keep record

  • Environmental Liabilities Risk Assessment

  • Environmental Liabilities Risk Assessment - Annual Review

  • Adhere to EPA Guidance on Noise

  • Dust control measures during dry weather

  • Pest Control in place and records kept of same

  • Removal of Japanese Knotweed and records kept of same


  • Containment booms / absorbent material on site

  • Containment booms / absorbent disposal records on site

  • Fire Extinguishers and emergency response equipment

  • ERP in place and record on site to include: a) Actions to be taken in the event of an incident; b) fire fighting and water retention facilities; c) warning systems; d) assembly points; e) responsible persons, trainig and equipment requirements and relevant bodies to be contacted following an incident.

  • Fire Risk Assessment every 3 years


  • Scope statement of Plan

  • Define successful decommissionig and aftercare - ensuring minimum impact on the environment

  • Program to achieve the criteria

  • A test program

  • Costing for the plan and financial provisions

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.