TCG Site Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Survey Details
Store Name:
Store Location:
Installation Start Date:
Installation Start Time:
Second Fix Date (where applicable):
Practical Completion / Handover Date:
Store Launch / Re-Launch Date:
Refrigeration Contractor (where applicable):
Refrigeration Project Manager and Contact Telephone Details (where applicable):
Building Contractor:
Building Site Manager and Contact Telephone Details:
Delivery Information
Can delivery be undertaken with a 45ft articulated vehicle?
If 'No' provide details of alternative solution:
Can delivery be offloaded by Moffett?
If 'No' provide details of alternative solution:
Is 'off street' offloading of delivery possible at site?
If 'No' provide details of alternative solution:
What restrictions (i.e. noise, traffic or other location specific enforcements), if any, are in place at site?
Installation / Site Access
When and where will site induction be undertaken?
Is nearby parking available for the installation team?
If 'No' provide details of nearest location or alternative solution:
Will delivery of cabinets / ancillaries be undertaken via the main entrance to the store?
If 'No' provide details of access route?
Are there any specific traffic management issues that need to be addressed for the delivery / removal of cabinets?
If 'Yes' provide specifics:
Provide WxH (mm) measurements, where available, of opening:
Provide photograph of entrance into store (including threshold):
Are there any access issues (i.e. ramps, steps, street furniture or turning circles) that need to be taken into consideration?
If 'Yes' provide details:
Will enabling works be required of others (i.e. kerb protection, ramps or staging) to facilitate delivery / removal of cabinets?
If 'Yes' provide details of what it required and by whom?
Are relevant parties aware of requirement(s) and timescales?
If 'Yes' provide details of what it required and by whom?
Are there any obstacles (i.e. columns, ambient, or overhead height restrictions) en-route to any of the set-out positions within the store
If 'Yes' provide details:
If 'Yes' provide photographs:
What is the finished floor surface and will it be protected at the time of 1st fix?
Will there be clear and level access to the set-out positions?
If 'No' provide information:
Are there any additional site specific issues or requirements?
If 'Yes' provide details:
If 'Yes' provide photographs: