Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 - General
Has the equipment been brought in by yourself / your company prior to 5th Dec 1998?
Does the equipment come under the interpretation of work equipment (PUWER98)?
Is the equipment suitable for the task in which it is undertaking?
Are specific risks identified and are safe systems of work established (information, instruction, training and records)?
Are the equipment controls clearly visible and identifiable?
Is it possible materials or substance to be ejected from the equipment?
Is it possible for material / equipment to rupture or disintegrate?
Is there any possibility of fire or over heating?
Are there any touchable hot or cold surfaces? Are they guarded or warning signs posted if necessary?
Is there any possibility of discharge of hazardous substances?
Is there any possibility of explosion?
2.0 - Safety / System Controls
Are interlocks fitted where required and are they positively acting?
Are interlocks correctly positioned?
Do interlocks function correctly?
After the activation of a safety device, does the machine require a reset before restart?
Does the operation of the stop controls bring the equipment to a safe condition in a safe manner?
Is all stored energy removed where necessary, before access guarding is opened / removed?
Is there an emergency stop provided at the operator control panel(s)?
Do the emergency stop(s) function correctly?
Are the emergency stops of the correct type (red mushroom headed buttons, bars, levers, kick-plates or pressure sensitive cables)?
Is there a delayed start on the equipment with appropriate warning system?
Is the warning system working?
Are two-hand controls provided where necessary?
Do the two handed controls comply with BS EN 574 - Two-handed control devices, functional aspects, principles for design?
Are safety light curtains / scanners fitted, and do they conform with the relevant Standards (BS EN ISO 13855: 2010 & BS EN 60825-4: 2006)?
If mode selection affects equipment safety, is there restricted access?
Are the controls positioned correctly to prevent inadvertent or accidental operation?
Can the equipment be started from one position only?
Is the equipment stable under its own weight or bolted securely to the floor?
Are the control functions user friendly, has training been provided?
3.0 - Guarding
Is there any access to dangerous parts of machinery?
Are all guards securely held in place with the correct fixings?
Are there any sharp edges?
Does the guarding restrict the operators view during operation?
Is the guarding suitable positioned from the danger zone(s)?
Is the guarding suitable to carry out necessary maintenance activities?
Can settings / adjustments be carried out safely?
Can the guarding be easily defeated with out the use of tools?
Does the fitted guarding conform to standards - BS EN ISO 13857: 2008 Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper & lower limbs, BS EN 953: 1997 Guards - General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards, BS EN 349: 1993 Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body?
Are there sufficient viewing panels fitted?
Are the viewing panels appropriately positioned and of the correct standard (weld immune, shatter proof, etc.)?
Is the guarding correctly coloured?
4.0 - Electrical System
Is there an electrical isolator fitted to the equipment? Are the mains supply terminated at the isolator?
Is the highest voltage, current & frequency clearly identified on the control panel?
Is lockable isolation provided for all sources of energy?
Are all terminals above 50VAC and 75VDC protected to IP2X?
Are permanently live circuits marked?
Are electrical enclosures adequately secured and electrical warnings fitted?
Are all electrical connection correctly terminated and identified in corrospondance with the electrical diagrams?
Does each earth wire have its own dedicated terminal?
Is the primary earth identified with PE?
Is overload or short circuit protection fitted?
Are the control panel(s) clearly identified and in good condition?
Are speed levels and direction of motion clearly identified?
Are control panels adequately accessible and ventilated / temperature controlled?
Are the control panel voltages segregated and clearly identified?
Is there a circuit diagram available in each corresponding control panel?
Are fluid and air controls segregated from all electrical panels?
Are all cables protected or securely fastened?
5.0 - Pneumatic System
Is there an pneumatic lockable isolator fitted to the equipment?
Can the isolator be accessed from outside of the equipment?
Are all sources of energy clearly identified?
Are all sources of energy exhausted whilst in an emergency stop state?
Are all pneumatic pipes & ports clearly identified in accordance to BS 2917-1: 1993 & ISO 1219-1: 1991?
Are all pneumatic valves / solenoids clearly identified, accessible and secure?
Does the circuit prevent movement, whilst in an emergency stop condition?
Are working pressures clearly identified with min & max limits?
Is there a circuit diagram available in each corresponding control panel?
6.0 - Hydraulic System
Is there an hydraulic lockable isolator fitted to the equipment?
Can the isolator be accessed from outside of the equipment?
Are all sources of energy clearly identified?
Are working pressures clearly identified with min & max limits?
Are all sources of energy exhausted whilst in an emergency stop state?
Does the circuit prevent movement, whilst in an emergency stop condition?
Is there a circuit diagram available in each corresponding control panel?
7.0 - Documentation, Instruction & Identification
Is the machine technical file available?
Is a Certificate of Conformity present?<br>Are the relevant BS/EN Standards listed?
Is there any substances which require COSHH documentation / assessment?
Are equipment settings documented and program's backed up?
Are the technical file(s) in the language of the end user (English)?
Is there a paper and electronic copy of all documentation provided?
Is there a "as built" electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic (where applicable) circuit diagram available?
Is there contact details of all component suppliers?
8.0 - Training
Has the correct training been identified for operator, technician and maintenance?
Has the necessary training been agreed and carried out?
Is the necessary training documented, implemented and recorded?
Is there evidence of trained personnel?
9.0 - Maintenance
Is there a maintenance schedule available?
Does the schedule identify the task, method, material and any associated hazards?
Is equipment maintenance reasonable accessible?
Is there a recommended spares list for the equipment including - supplier, description, part number & specification?