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Erosion Control Inspection Checklist
Is a erosion control plan required and verified?
Is the erosion control plan available on sites?
Is the Erosion and sediment plan designed?
Is the erosion and sediment control plan Implemented?
Are the erosion and sediment devices maintained?
Is the erosion and sediment control Effective - no sediment discharge outside of site?
Are there any surface water inspection reports to verify water quality is maintained?
Is there a completed Site Inspection Report?
Is temporary Seed & Mulch being used?
Are there any stream crossings?
Is the project phase to minimise disturbed areas?
Is there Silt Fencing used?
Is Hydro-Seeding used?
Is there an On-Site Rain Gauge?
Are there Sediment Traps onsite and are they maintained?
Are there Sediment Basins?
Are Straw/Hay Bales in use?
Is there Inlet Protection for stormwater drains?
Is Rip-Rap Installation required?
Are there Diversions Berms on the site?
Are there Diversion Ditches on site?
Check Dams?
Culvert Installation?
Slope Stabilization?
Topsoil Management?
Fuel/Chemical Handling?
Fuel/Chemical Sills?
Vegetated Buffer Zones?
Streambank Protection?
Solid Waste Handling?
Contaminated Soil?
Discharge Water Quality?
Instream Water Quality?
Instream Turbidity?
Off-Site Erosion
Off-Site Sedimentation?
Off-Site Vehicle Tracking?
General Housekeeping?
On-Site Sedimentation?
On-Site Erosion?
Unpermitted Discharges?
Instream Sedimentation Accumulation?
Off-Site/Up Drainage Diverted?
PFM Signature:
Supervisor Signature: