
  • Project Name

  • AFE

  • Inspector

  • Contractor

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel Present

Erosion Control Inspection Checklist

Site Access

  • Rock Construction Entrance(s)/Stabilized Construction Entrance

  • Cross-drain Culverts

  • Off-Site Vehicle Tracking?

  • Dust Control

  • Check Dams<br> Overflow point installed?<br> Are they spaced properly?

  • Road Surface Slope

  • Drainage Dips

  • Road-Side Ditches

  • Wing Ditches/Turnouts

Vegetation/Soil Management

  • Topsoiling<br> Segregated from substrate? <br> Protected from runoff?<br>

  • Seedbed Preparation<br> Was seedbed properly prepared with harrow or disk?

  • Vegetated Buffer Zones?

  • Silt Fencing?

  • Hydro-Seeding?

  • Re-vegetation Percentage

Slope Stabilization

  • Diversions Berms/Water Bars<br> Are water bars compacted?<br> Are they properly spaced/angled?<br> Discharged into vegetation? If not, are controls present at end of water bar?

  • Earthen or Timber

  • Soil Roughening or Tracking<br> Tracked perpendicular to slope?

  • Brush Piles<br> Windrowed to down hill side of ROW if possible? <br> Is there space to allow water to leave ROW?

  • Mulching<br> (Looks 100% covered from distance but can see the soil through mulch while standing over it)

  • ECB's, ECRM's, TRMs

  • Compost Sock/ Fiber Rolls

  • Off-Site/Up Drainage Diverted?

  • Trench Breakers (Ditch Plugs)

  • On-Site Erosion?

Creek/Stream Crossing

  • Stream Bank Stabilization <br> Stream restored as close to original condition as possible? <br> Has all disturbed soil been stabilized?

  • ECB's, ECRM's, TRMs

  • Rip-Rap Installation

  • Straw/Hay Bales

  • Compost Sock/ Fiber Rolls

  • Silt Fencing?

  • Active Stream Crossing being conducted according to RAPPS spec<br> Stream dammed? Water rerouted and discharged to stable area? Native rock segregated? Trench water pumped into filter bag greater than 100ft from stream? Trench spoil contained greater than 10ft from top of bank?

  • Upstream Water Quality?

  • Downstream Water Quality?

  • Instream Sedimentation Accumulation?

  • Mat Bridges<br> Above flow of stream?<br> Geo underpayment with side boards?

  • Flume Pipe<br> ( Must not be secured with erodible material)

  • Mulching<br> Mulched from top of stream banks extending back 200ft?

  • Gravel Bag Check Dams (not to be installed in wet channel) <br> Overflow point installed?<br>

  • Wetlands<br> Topsoil Stockpiled >50ft Away? <br> Trench Spoil on Geo Material?

CPF and Well Pads

  • Sediment Basins?

  • Sediment Traps?

  • Perimeter Controls

  • Choose all that apply

  • Interceptor Swales (drainage ditches and spillways)

HDD Bore

  • Bore Mud Pit? Cuttings Contained? Slurry Disposal?

  • Choose all that apply

  • Safety Fence

General Housekeeping

  • Solid Waste Handling?

  • Fuel/Chemical Handling?


  • BMP's Implemented?

  • BMP's Effective?

  • BMP's Maintained?

  • Observations/Comments:

  • E & S Inspector Signature:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.