Approval Number(s)
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Water contamination and or environmental harm.
Water contamination and or environmental harm has been caused, is occurring or is likely to occur from this site <br><br>If "no" the site is deemed substantially compliant.
2. Minimise erosion
Clearing has been minimised
Duration of soil exposure has been minimised such as through staging, progressive revegetation, steep areas stabilised
Overall rating for minimising erosion
3. Managing Stormwater flows
Drainage controls implemented within active earthworks areas to minimise rill and gully erosion
Clean Stormwater is diverted around or through the site without causing erosion or increasing turbidity. If clean stormwater is not diverted around or through the site, it is diverted to an appropriately sized sediment basin
Overall rating for managing stormwater flows
4. Sediment capture
Runoff from all areas flows to an appropriately sized and constructed sediment basin, or compensatory ESC measures are installed
Sediment basin is empty if rainfall has not occurred within the last 2 days
Site entrance adequate (ie rumble pad or wheel wash installed and maintained)
Overall rating for sediment capture
Overall ESC compliance
ESC compliance rating