Title Page

  • Address

General Details

General Details

  • Survey Completed By

  • Name

  • Has a COVID-19 Risk Assessment been conducted ?

  • Client

  • Resident Name

  • Contact Details

  • Site Address
  • Photo of property

  • Date of Survey

  • Is the Boiler a Modern condensing Boiler

  • Make and Model of Boiler

  • Image of Boiler

  • Image of Model Identification

  • Proceed with Survey

  • Make and Model of Boiler

  • Photo of Boiler

  • Photo of Model identification

Property Details

  • Property Type

  • Comments

  • Property Attachment

  • Description of Other

  • What is the Overall wall thickness (mm) ?

  • Number of Bedrooms

  • Select Occupancy Levels

  • Quantity 17y and over

  • Comments

  • Quantity 16y and under

  • Comments

  • Quantity of pets

  • Comments

  • Age Banding Of Property

  • Current SAP Rating and Band

  • Image of EPC

  • Year EPC Undertaken

  • Fuel Type

  • Comments

Information From The Resident

  • Is Resident Information required for this project ?

  • Does the Property have wi-fi enabled and suitable for monitoring/management system to be connected

  • Would the resident give permission to install the monitoring equipment ?

  • What is your opinion regarding your current fuel bills

  • Comments

  • Has there been any recent works carried out to your property, which may effect you fuel bills ?

  • Details

  • When is your Property occupied ?

  • How do you currently pay your fuel bills ?

  • Details

  • Are There Any Specific Circumstances That Affect Your Fuel Bills ?

  • Comments


  • How much do you currently pay for Electric ?

  • What Is The Annual Electric Usage?

  • Payment Evidence

  • Add media


  • Does The Property Have A Gas Supply ?

  • How much do you currently paid for Gas ?

  • What Is The Annual Gas Usage?

  • Payment Evidence

  • Add media

Other Fuel Types

  • Does The Property Have An Alternative Fuel Supply ?

  • What Alternative Fuel is Present ?

  • How much do you currently pay ?

  • What Is The Annual Usage?

  • Payment Evidence

  • Add media


Wall Insulation

  • Is wall Insulation recommended ?

  • What wall insulation measures are recommended

  • Comments


  • Is Ventilation Recommended?

  • Comments

Loft Insulation

  • Is a Loft Survey Recommended ?

  • Comments


  • Is The Property Suitable For a Heating Upgrade

  • What Heating System Is Recommended ?

  • Comments

  • Do The Heating Controls Require Upgrading ?

  • What Heating Controls Are Recommended ?

  • Comments

  • Does The Cylinder Insulation Require Upgrading ?

  • Comments

Solar PV

  • Is The Property Suitable For PV

  • Comments

Fuel Switching

  • Is The Property Suitable For Fuel Switching

  • Comments

Quick wins

  • Low energy lighting

  • Comments

  • Other Quick wins

  • Comments

Survey Sign Off

Survey Sign off

  • Low Carbon Exchange

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.