Risk Assessment No
Name of Expectant mother
Position Held by Expectant Mother
Expected Birth Date
Risk Assessment Conducted on
Name of the Person creating this Risk Assessment
1 - JOB DESCRIPTION (any additional tasks undertaken)
Brief Description of the work undertaken
Are you a first aider:-
If YES, to reduce the risk they must stand down and withdraw first aid support until their return after the birth.
Are you a Fire Warden:-
If YES, to reduce the risk they must stand down and withdraw from the role of fire warden until their return after the birth.
2 - PHYSICAL JOB DEMANDS - Does the work involve?
Do you Lift, Carry, or Push heavy objects as part of your role here ?:-
If YES to the above, to reduce the risk advise employee to avoid manual handling activities were the load is over 5kg, also to avoid lifting above shoulder or below knee height
Does the role require you to Stand for long periods? :-
If YES to the above, to reduce the risk advise employee to take regular breaks and sit when ever possible
Does your role require you to sit for long periods? :-
If YES to the above, to reduce the risk advise employee to take regular breaks and stand / move around when ever possible
Is shift / lone working required? :-
If YES to the above, advise her / her manager to change her role until after the birth
Do you drive or fly for the business? :-
If YES to the above, advise her to seek advice from her doctor/midwife and to discuss this advice with her manager so appropriate changes can be made to her work and further travel until after the birth.
Do you work from home as part of your job role? :-
If YES to the above, Ask her to describe her work area, it location, its safety and the equipment she has at home.
Are toilet facilities easily accessible to the expectant mother?
If no to above please note - advise them to allow extra time to get to the toilet
Breaks:- Do you have access to make a hot drink and consume food?
If no assess the number of hours worked and if required arrange for a suitable staff room to be used
4 - SPECIFIC HAZARDS - Will the expectant mother be exposed to?
Are the floors generally dry and in good condition in the area of work?
If NO to the above advise them to wear suitable/sensible shoes and take extra care at all times
Are you continually exposed to high noise levels in her place of work? Possibly
Are you exposed to vibration, shock or movement?
If YES to the above, the employee may need to be redesigned to another area/department
If YES to the above, the employee is to be supplied with suitable hearing protection
Are you exposed to Harmful Substances?
If YES to the above, advise her not to use or be exposed to the hazardous substances until after the birth
Are they exposed to violence?
If YES to the above, advise her to stay behind her counter/desk or walk away and seek safety with her manager, team, stewards and not to put herself in danger at any time.
Is Access to or from the location of work at AVFC an issue?
If YES to the above advise them on the safest / best routes
Are the floor coverings or the condition of the floors, steps, stairs etc a safety concern?
If YES to the above advise them on the safest / best routes to avoid hazardous areas
From the information so far should she see her Doctor or Midwife to ascertain information required in connection with the details within the risk assessment? If YES then list the issue and the owner.
***Please schedule next review date with Expectant Mother (approx 12 weeks from today's date)***
Select date
Recommendations & Comments
7. Risk Rating
What is the risk rating prior to this assessment?
What is the risk rating following this assessment?
***I can confirm I have read and understood the above document. I can also confirm that if I experience any issues at all such as discomfort, pain etc. I will inform my Line Manager immediately.***
Expectant Mother Signature
Person carrying out this assessment's Signature