
  • Client Name

  • Audit Frequency

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Site Address
  • Special Notes


  • Are current employees personal details up to date and recorded with AC admin.

  • Is there lone working at the contracted premises.

  • Has a lone working RAMS been completed for the contracted site.

  • Have appropriate RAMS been conducted for the contracted site and are they accessible to AC and client employees.

  • Are there any new or expectant mothers working at the contracted site.<br>

  • Has a new and expectant mothers Risk Assessment been completed and issued to the employee.

  • Are COSHH data sheets up to date and accessible to AC and client employees

  • Are cleaning chemical training sheets visible to AC employees and displayed within the cleaners store.

  • Does the site cleaners cupboard meet with current H&S criteria.<br>1. Lockable cupboard<br>2. Well lit<br>3. Well ventilated<br>4. Shelved<br>5. Running water supply<br>6. NO electrical service supplies<br>


  • Have all employees received fire evacuation training and are aware of the fire assembly point.

  • Has the employee/employees received training on the Alliance Cleaning Health & Safety policy.

  • Has the employees/employees completed cleaning chemical product training.<br>

  • Has the employee/employees received Manual Handling training.

  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate cross contamination training.

  • Does the employee/employees understand the Tri-colour cleaning product system.

  • Does the employee/employees understand the correct chemical dilution ratios and application process for the applicable cleaning products for the contracted site.


  • Has the employee/employees been provided with appropriate PPE for the nature of work undertaken.


  • Has the employee/employees received full training in the appropriate use of the vacuum cleaner.

  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate training in the correct use of rotary buffing/burnishing equipment.<br>

  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate training in the correct use of mechanical scrubber/dryer equipment.<br>

  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate training in the correct use of electrical extension leads.<br>


  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate training in the correct use of all wet mopping equipment and systems.<br>

  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate training in the correct use of litter picker, brooms, dust pan/brushes.<br>

  • Has the employee/employees received appropriate training in the correct use of wet floor signs and their appropriate siting.<br>


  • Have any non compliance issue been reported to admin for resolution.

  • Does the site meet all standard Health & Safety compliance regulations, if NO please document your action plan below.

  • Has the contract operated without accident or incident in the last 3 months. If NO please document below.





The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.