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Assessment Ratings

Curb Appeal

  • Building Visibility Rating 5: Building/Signage easily visible from 2 directions from 1/2 mile away and identifiable as Storage as you pass the property. 4. Adequate building or road signage to see/find property entrance when approaching, but not pristine condition or lacking some element. 3: Building/Signage partially visible - but somewhat blocked by landscaping or other buildings/structures. 2. Building is visible, but signage is lacking so it is hard to identify as Storage. 1: Properties that have virtually no visibility to passing traffic because the line of sight is blocked by buildings, trees and/or other physical obstructions.

  • Road Access Rating 5: Three lanes of traffic in either direction with a center turning lane and a straight shot onto the property with controlled stop light. 4: Two lanes of traffic in either direction with a center turning lane and a straight shot onto the property and thru the gate. 3: Two or more lanes in either direction with one direction of cars needing to make a U-turn to get to the property. 2: One lane of traffic going in each direction and access is partially blocked or not easy to identify. 1: Driveway difficult to find or access because of shared access with neighbors and/or other obstructions.

  • Signage Rating 5: Signage is current branding generation in pristine condition and includes pole/monument, channel letters and office. 4: Signage is current generation of branding but takes some effort to notice or is in less than pristine condition. Includes all types. 3: Signage is older generation of branding but in good condition, yet missing some element(s), pole/monument, or channel letters. 2: Signage is older but too small compared to neighbors, missing some type(s) pole/monument, channel letter or office or is in fair to poor condition. 1: Signage is older, ineffective or in poor condition and needs immediate upgrade.

  • Customer Parking Rating 5: Adequate customer parking for location and at least 1 ADA parking spot. Parking is properly located adjacent to office. 4: Adequate number of spaces for location. But no ADA parking spot. 3. Adequate customer parking but needs repairs, sealing or painting. Or parking is mis-placed in comparison to office. 2. Not enough customer parking spots. 1. No customer parking

  • Landscape Rating 5: Landscape aspects (trees, grass, rocks, mulch, flowers, shrubs etc.) are in pristine condition, are properly and professionally maintained throughout the property, especially in front of the office, surrounding the customer parking areas and around pole signs and monument signs. 4: Landscaping in good condition, with regular maintenance, but may have some areas overgrown or needing attention. 3: Landscaping fair condition but not professionally maintained (flower beds without enough mulch or rock, trees and shrubs not trimmed). 2: Landscaping in poor condition, dead or dying grass, neglected tree trimming, gopher mounds, missing landscape element. 1: Landscaping in poor condition, showing clear neglect for the property.

  • Office Rating 5: Fully remodeled office with latest branding standards in pristine condition with appropriate # of work stations. 4: Newer remodeled office in good condition, but lacking some element or with incorrect # of kiosks. 3: Second generation office in reasonable condition, with appropriate work stations, but not to current brand standard. 2: Second or early generation, partial office branding in fair condition, ineffective work stations plan for remodel next year. 1: Office has inappropriate work stations or is in poor condition and should be remodeled asap.

  • Security Rating 5: Property has new state-of-the-art security systems with excellent camera coverage. 4: Some non-standard or older equipment. All systems working as designed. 3: All systems working as designed. Coverage not appropriate and more equipment needed. 2: Systems working but not effective. Poor coverage, cameras have poor quality, monitors broken, camera(s) or DVR broken. 1: No system in place.


  • Gate Rating 5: Newer gate and operator with full UL325 (3 safety features) 4: Older gate and operator is in good working order with full UL325 (3 safety features) 3: Any age gate in good working order with less than three UL325 (3 safety features). 2: Older gate without full UL325 (3 safety features) and possibly a history of recent repairs. 1: Damaged or not operable gate (any style) with less than two (2) UL325 safety features.

  • Fence Rating 5: New fence in pristine condition, over 6' high, wrought iron with shepard's hooks or solid wall. 4: Newer Fence over 6' high, in very good condition, chain link, wrought iron or solid wall. 3: Fence 6' or less in good condition any type, but with no issues. 2: Fence with minor damage or rust, need to plan project for next year. 1: Fence with major damage or rust, need to address asap through OBR.

  • Drive Aisles 5: All concrete drives with no cracks.. 4: All asphalt drives with no sign of cracks or alligatoring. 3: Concrete or asphalt drives with minor signs of cracking or alligatoring. 2: Concrete or asphalt drives with major signs of cracking or alligatoring in up to half of the drive aisles. 1: Concrete or asphalt drives with major signs of cracking or alligatoring in more than half of the drive aisles.

  • Gutters 5: All gutters are in good condition and drain as designed. Drainage systems working and clear of debris. 4: Minor issues with seams or downspouts but all in working condition. Drainage system clean and working but overgrown vegetation. 3: Missing downspouts and or damage to gutters that need repairs. Drainage- water ponding on site, system clean and free from debris. 2: Areas of gutters leaking or missing downspouts. Drainage system has water backing up in rain events. System has debris and some blockage. 1: Roofs without gutters or downspouts that allow water to drain off roofs against buildings. Site drainage in effective and in need of attention.

  • Exterior Paint 5: New paint and finishes. No cracks or damage. 4: Newer paint and finishes, some minor cracks or damage. 3: Older paint and finishes with minimal cracks or damage. 2: Older paint and finishes with significant cracks or damage. 1: Major structural issues or damage.

  • Exterior Unit Doors 5: All newer branded (Wasabi Green) roll up doors in great condition. 4: Older roll up doors painted with newer branding (Green), in very good condition. 3: Roll up doors that are in good condition but beginning to show signs of wear and possibly in other colors. 2: Doors that have obvious signs of paint fading or chipping or are heavy and hard to open on part of the property. Plan for future upgrade in 1-3 years. 1: Any style door that has several examples around the property of paint peeling, heavy and hard to open, need to consider replacement right away.

  • Exterior Hall/Man Doors 5: Newer Branded (Green) entry doors in great condition. 4: Newer doors with older branded green or other color doors in good working condition. 3: Branded or Non-Branded entry doors in fair condition. 2: Doors in fair to poor condition that have obvious signs of paint fading on part of the property or repairs needed. 1: Any style doors in poor condition that have several examples around the property of paint peeling, needed repairs or degrading structure.

  • Exterior Lighting 5: All new LED fixtures throughout. High visibility and no dark areas. 4: Mixed LED and other fixtures with good visibility. 3: Older light fixtures in good condition, but upgrade to LED in the next 1-3 years. 2: Poor lighting with old fixtures and many dark areas. 1: Poor lighting with old fixtures and many dark areas. Major electrical wiring needed to correct.

Interior Ratings

  • Interior Building 5: New, pristine condition, likely 1-5 years old, metal walls, fresh paint. 4: Very good condition, 5-20 years old, metal walls, fresh paint, no immediate work needed. 3: Decent construction, drywall or metal, fair condition with some cracks and or damage, in need of paint soon. 2: Older construction, less than desirable condition with significant cracks or damage and in need of paint. 1: Older construction, poor condition with significant cracks or damage, needs full face lift or has possible structural issues.

  • Interior Floors 5: Concrete floors that are sealed and have a very bright sheen to them with no blemishes. Likely newer condition. 4: Concrete floors that are sealed and have a good sheen and/or some blemishes or recently carpeted floors in very good condition. 3: Painted floors that are in good condition with some blemishes or carpeted floors that are in decent condition. 2: Wooden floors that painted, but have soft spots and/or chipping, Concrete that has been painted and needs a grind & seal or carpet that needs some repair. 1: Any type of floors that are badly in need of repair due to excessive chipping, stains, carpet runs or other forms of disrepair.

  • Interior Doors 5: All white metal roll up or swing doors with cylinder hasps that are new or pristine condition. 4: Other color doors that are metal roll up or swing. May need paint or hasp upgrade as a want not a need, but otherwise in very good condition. 3: Any type of door in reasonable condition, paint quality and hasps are fair to good condition. Will need upgrading in the next 5 years. 2: Wooden swing doors or metal doors with low quality, chipping paint, some damage, and out-dated hasps. 1: Any style doors that have several examples of obvious wear and tear and immediate need of repair or replacement.

  • Interior Lighting 5: New LED fixtures throughout, spaced 40’ apart or staggered at 80’. High visibility and in pristine condition. 4: Mixed LED and other fixtures with good visibility and spaced appropriately. 3: Older fixtures in good condition, may not be spaced appropriately, have minor dark areas or need to be upgraded in the next few years. 2: Poor lighting with older fixtures and many dark areas, may also be space inappropriately. 1: Poor lighting, old fixtures, many dark areas and may have serious electrical issues to fix.

  • Exit/Emergency Lighting 5: New fixtures throughout, high visibility & in pristine condition. Remainder to remain the same. 4: All fixtures good condition, no dead batteries & little to no work anticipated in next 1-3 years 3: Overall condition is pretty good, but may have some fixtures in need of repair/replacement or need to add additional, a couple of dead back-up batteries. 2: Poor condition, several exit signs or emergency lights out or with dead back-up batteries, immediate work need to rectify. 1: Poor condition, significant work needed to bring emergency lighting up to an acceptable level to limit liability.

Other Ratings

  • HVAC 5: New system with less than 1 year of service. No issues. 4: Newer system with under 5 years of service. No current issues. 3: System with under 10 years of service, signs of wear and tear and possibly some repairs done recently. 2: System over 10 years old or showing definitive signs of wear and tear, should consider replacement soon. 1: System not working properly. Replacement needed now. N/A - No climate-controlled storage units.

  • Roof Rating 5: New roof in pristine condition. 4: Newer roof in very good condition. 3: Some signs of wear and tear, no active leaks or issues, but need to consider a professional roof evaluation. 2: Significant signs of wear and tear, possibly with minor leaks or issues recently, or consider replacement in 2-4 years. 1: Major leaks or issues, need to consider replacement in 0-1 year. N/A - Unable to access roof due to no hatch or ladder system.

  • Elevator/Lift 5: New elevators in pristine condition. 4: Elevators in very good condition, operational with no repair needs on the horizon. Remainder to remain the same. 3: Elevators in reasonably good condition, minor upgrades or improvements needed to maintain. 2: Elevators need some significant mechanical update or MOD, but currently operational. Work can be planned for next budget cycle. 1: Old elevator, in poor condition, needs immediate attention or currently not operational. N/A - Site has not elevators or lifts.

  • Loading Dock 5: Dock in great condition, pretty new with no issues. 4: Dock that is not new, but in overall good condition with no repairs needed. 3: Fair to Good condition, may need some minor repairs or upgrades, but overall, in good working condition. 2: Needs some updating. Fair to Poor condition, be sure to plan projects for next budget cycle. 1: Poor condition, significant repairs needed now. N/A - No loading dock at this site.

  • Fire Suppression 5: Brand new or in pristine condition. 4: Newer system with no current issues. 3: System with some signs of wear and tear and possibly some repairs done recently. 2: System showing significant signs of wear and tear, should consider replacement soon. 1: System not working properly, major repairs or replacement needed now. N/A – No Fire Suppression System


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