Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Location

  • Supervisor/Facility Manager

  • Prepared by


  • Does this Facility Have Mandatory Postings?

  • CT Haz. Mat. Communications? Safety Order #5194

  • Emergency Action Plan/Prevention Safety Order #3220 & 3221

  • Cal OSHA poster? Safety Order #340

  • Discrimination in employment?

  • EDD Notice, Payday Notice?

  • Listing - Doctor's & Clinics? Safety Order #1512 & 3400

  • Cal OSHA 300 (February 1 - April 30)? Safety Order #14305

  • Employee Assistance Program Notice?

  • Safety and health in the workplace? CT Safety Manual

  • Emergency telephone numbers? Safety Order #1512 & 3400

  • Forklift operating rules? Safety Order #3664

  • Exposure and medical records available? Safety Order #3204


  • Does This Facility Store Records?

  • Hazardous materials inventory? Safety Order #5194e.1.A.

  • MSDS's (available on site)? Safety Order #5194

  • Facility inspection checklist on file? Safety Manual Chapter 3

  • IIPP available? Safety Order #1509 & 3203

  • Code of Safe Practices available? Safety Order #1509 & 3203

  • Appropriate manuals available (i.e. Safety)? Safety Order #1509 & 3203

  • Cal OSHA Permits available for Air & LPG? Safety Order #461 & 470

  • Safety Meeting reports on file? Safety Order #1509 & 3203

  • Training records maintained? Safety Order #1509 & 3203


  • Does This Facility Have Medical Supplies

  • First Aid Kit accessible and complete? Safety Order #1512 & 3400

  • Qualified person available? Safety Order #1512 & 3400

  • Field staff trained? Safety Order #1512 & 3400


  • Does This Facility Have Fixed Fire Suppression Systems?

  • Fixed extinguishing systems checked semi-annually, inspected annually? Safety Order #6175

  • Employee Alarm Systems tested every two months? Safety Order #6184

  • Automatic fire sprinkler systems maintenance inspection quarterly? Uniform Fire Code T19, Sec. 904

  • Automatic sprinkler systems serviced every five years? Uniform Fire Code T19, Sec. 904

  • Standpipe systems serviced every five years? Safety ORder #6165

  • Fire hoses and hose cabinets inspected? Safety Order #6165

  • Halon and CO2 systems serviced? Safety Order #6181

  • Automatic system main drain flow tested annually? Safety Order #6170

  • Smoke detectors and smoke activated door closures tested annually? Safety Order #6183, Uniform Fire Code 4-1, T19, Sec. 904

  • Fire hydrants inspected and serviced? Uniform Fire Code T19, Sec. 901.6

  • Halon Systems - employees trained? Safety Order #6175

  • Halon and CO2 systems serviced? Safety Order #6181


  • Does This Facility Have Portable Extinguishers, Evacuation Plans, Etc?

  • Portable extinguishers - accessible, location marked, checked monthly, maintained annually? Safety Order #6151

  • Employees trained in Emergency Action Plan/Fire Prevention Plan? Safety Order #3220 & 3221

  • Evacuation drills held periodically? Emerg. Sec. Plan

  • Evacuation plans posted? Safety Order #3220

  • Emergency plan kept at the workplace? Safety Order #3220


  • Does This Facility Contain General Work Areas?

  • Work sites, passageways, etc., are clean & orderly? Safety Order #3362 & 3273

  • Work surfaces are dry or slip resistant, and no tripping hazards? Safety Order #3273 Safety Manual Chapter 5

  • Exterior walkways are in good condition? Safety Order #3273

  • Walkways are free of tripping and slipping hazards? Safety Order #3273

  • Spills cleaned up immediately? Safety Order #3362

  • All toilets and washing facilities are clean & sanitary (lockable or separate if used by men and women)? Water closet equipped with door & latch? Safety Order #3364 & 3365

  • Is combustible dust cleaned up with a vacuum? Safety Order #5174

  • Work area adequately illuminated? Safety Order #3317

  • Aisles & passageways kept clear & proper width, corridor 44", adequate headroom (6'8", & marked as needed)? Safety Order #3372 Safety Manual Chapter 5.12

  • Does facility have cracks in walls and/or support structure? Pits & floor openings are covered or guarded? Safety Order #3213

  • Combustible debris & waste stored safely and removed promptly? Safety Order #3221

  • Dip tanks, etc., cleaned regularly, inspected? Safety Order #5433

  • Are accumulations of combustible dust routinely removed from enclosed areas? Safety Order #5174

  • Is metallic or conductive dust prevented from entering or accumulating on or around electrical enclosures or equipment? <br>Safety Order #5174

  • Are covered metal waste cans used for oily and paint soaked waste? Safety Order #5433 & 5551

  • Are all oil and gas fired devices equipped with flame failure controls that will prevent flow of fuel if pilots and main burners are not working? Safety Order #781

  • Aisles & passageways free from obstruction? Safety Order #3273 Safety Manual Chapter 5

  • Material piled, racked, stacked, or stored properly? Storage racks & shelves properly attached to building? Safety Order #3241 Safety Manual Chapter 5.15

  • No toxic or hazardous material in lunchroom? Safety Order #3368

  • No eating near toxic or hazardous materials? Safety Order #3368

  • Are cabinets >5' secured to walls, floors, and each other? Safety Manual Chapter 5.14


  • Does This Facility Require The Use Of PPE?

  • Proper equipment provided? Safety Order #3380

  • Kept clean & in good repair? Safety Order #3387

  • Inspected regularly & before use? Safety Order #3380

  • Employees trained in use? Safety Order #3203 & 3380

  • Approved shower and/or eyewash? Safety Order #5162 & 3400d

  • Inspected monthly and noted on tag? Safety Order #5162 Safety Manual Chapter 12.16


  • Does This Facility Require The Use Of Respirators?

  • Annual medical exam, training, and Fit Test record? Safety Order #5144(e)(f) Safety Manual Chapter 15

  • Proper type for exposure? Safety Order #5144(d)

  • Use record properly maintained & stored? (Cartridges match brand of respirators.) Safety Order #5144(h)(2)


  • Does This Facility Have Emergency Exits?

  • Exits properly marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source? Safety Order #3216, Safety Manual Chapter 5

  • Are exit signs provided with the word "EXIT" in lettering at least 5" high and the stroke of the lettering at least 1/2" wide? Safety Order #3216

  • Are the exit doors side hinged? Safety Order #3235

  • Are the directions to exits, when not immediately apparent, marked with visible signs? Safety Order #3216 Safety Manual Chapter 5

  • Are doors, passageways, or stairways, that are neither exits nor access to exits and which could be mistaken for exits, appropriately marked "NOT AN EXIT," "TO BASEMENT," or "STOREROOM?" Safety Order #3216 & 3340

  • Escalator inspection current? Safety Order #3000 & 3001

  • Elevator inspection current? Safety Order #3000 & 3001

  • Service contract in place? Safety Order #3001

  • Are at least two means of egress provided from elevated platforms, pits, or rooms where the absence of a second exit would increase the risk of injury from hot, poisonous, corrosive, suffocating, flammable, or explosive substances? Safety Order #3228

  • Are there sufficient exits to permit prompt escape in case of emergency? Safety Order #3228

  • Emergency lighting functional?

  • Is there a floor or landing on each side of the door (<than or = to 1" lower than the threshold)? Safety Order #2571.16

  • Is the number of exits from each floor of building and the number of exits from the building itself appropriate for the building occupancy load? Safety Order #3228

  • Are exit stairways that are required to be separated from other parts of a building enclosed by not less than one hour fire resistive construction? Safety Order #3231

  • When ramps are used as part of required exiting from a building, is the ramp slope limited to 1 foot rise in 12 feet of horizontal run? Safety Order #3232

  • Are doors that are required to serve as exits designed and constructed so that the way of travel is obvious and direct? Safety Order #3235

  • Are exit doors openable from the direction of exit travel without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort when building is occupied?

  • Where panic hardware is installed on a required exit door, will it allow the door to open by applying a force of 15 lbs. or less in the direction of the exit traffic? Safety Order #3235

  • Are there viewing panels in doors that swing in both directions and are located between rooms where there is frequent traffic? Safety Order #3235

  • Stairways at least 36" wide with handrail 34-38" above leading edge of tread? Uniform risers, 4" minimum, maximum 7 1/2", 10" minimum run, slip resistant steps? 3/8" riser max variance? Safety Order #3231 & 3214

  • Fixed industrial stairs >22" wide with rise tread in compliance to Table IS-1? Safety Order #3234

  • Tread nose 1/2" to 1" beyond lower riser? Safety Order #3234

  • Uniform leading edge? Safety Order #3134

  • Where exit doors open directly onto any street, alley or other area where vehicles may be operated, are adequate barriers and warnings provided to prevent employees from stepping into the path of traffic? Safety Order #3227

  • Are exits kept clear? Safety Order #3219


  • Does This Facility Have Elevated Work/Storage Areas?

  • Standard guardrails (top rail at 42-45" plus midrail) installed at all locations over 30" above ground (48" for installations built before 1/1/67)? Safety Order #3209 & 3210

  • Toe boards (4") installed if needed? Safety Order #3210

  • Load capacity marked on elevated storage areas? Safety Order #3241

  • Permanent ladder or stairs to frequently used elevated locations? Safety Order #3270


  • Does This Facility Have Electricity, Electrical Panel(s), Extension Cords, Etc.

  • Are energized parts of electrical circuits and equipment guarded against accidental contact? Safety Order #2340.17

  • Are disconnecting switches & circuit breakers labeled? Safety Order #2340.22

  • Are holes and openings in electrical boxes covered or plugged? Safety Order #2473.10 & 2340.24

  • Are abandoned circuits removed or treated as live?

  • Are all electrical receptacles of grounded type (no two pole to three pole adapters)? Safety Order #2510.7 & 2510.58

  • Are all plugs insulated or dead front type? Safety Order #2510.56

  • Do portable electric heaters shut off when tilted or turned over? California Fire Code 605.10.4, Title 19 3.14

  • Extension cords are not to be used as a substitute for fixed wiring. Are flexible cords being used in continuous lengths without a splice or tap? Safety Order #2500.8

  • Are hard service flexible cords No 12 or larger being repaired with a splice which retains the insulation or outer sheathing? Safety Order #2500.9

  • Are extension cords in good condition?

  • Is electrical equipment protected from physical damage? Safety Order #2340.56

  • Is there clear space around electrical equipment (30"W x 36"D panel clearance)? Safety Order #2340.16

  • Is electrical equipment approved for all locations (incl. wet/damp locations)? Safety Order #2510.5 & 2540.3

  • Do portable handlamps have molded handle and substantial guard? Safety Order #2510.6

  • Portable handlamps - repair garages - handle, lampholder hook & guard. Are all exterior surfaces non-conductive or insulated? No switch or receptacle plugs, unless arranged so lamp cannot reach within 18" of floor. They must be approved for Class 1, Div. 1 or 2. Safety Order #2540.5

  • Do cords, etc., create a tripping hazard? Safety Manual Chapters 3, 5.13


  • Does This Facility Store Flammable Liquids?


  • Distinctive colors or labeled? Safety Order #5417

  • Approved type only (safety can or original container)? Safety Order #5532

  • Bonded during filling (metal containers)? Safety Order #5549

  • Closed when not in use? Safety Order #5417 & 5545


  • (maximum capacity 120 gal., 60 gal. Category I - III). No more than three in an area labeled "FLAMMABLE - KEEP FIRE AWAY." Safety Order #5533


  • Office - No container of Category I - III over one gallon except in safety cans where <2 gal is allowed? Safety Order #5538

  • <10 gal of Category I - III in safety cans? Safety Order #5538

  • <25 gals outside of storage room or cabinet? Safety Order #5538

  • <60 gal of Combustible liquids outside of a storage cabinet? Safety Order #5538

  • Shop - in one area outside storage cabinet cannot exceed: Category I = 25 gal. Category II - 4 = 120 gal. Category II - 4 Portable tank < 660 gal. Safety Order #5545


  • Category I <25 gals in container. Safety Order #5568

  • Category II - 4 Tanks <120 gal each. Safety Order #5568


  • 10:B rating, outside within 10 feet of door to storage area? Safety Order #5543

  • 10:B rating, 10-25 feet from Category I or II storage area that is outside of storage room but inside building? Safety Order #5543

  • No smoking or open flame within storage area? Safety Order #5543

  • Are self closing valves or top mounted pumps on containers of Class I or II liquids? Use of air pressure is prohibited. Safety Order #5545

  • Are liquid handling areas separated from other operations, spill control, & ventilation provided? Safety Order #5545


  • Does This Facility Have Ladders?


  • Good condition? Safety Order #3277

  • Securely attached? Safety Order #3277

  • 16 inch between rails? Safety Order #3277

  • 12 inch between rungs? Safety Order #3277

  • 7 inch back clearance? Safety Order #3277

  • Extends at least 3'6" above top landing? Safety Order #3277

  • Has cage or climbing device if over 20' high or landing at 20' intervals? Safety Order #3277


  • No cracks, breaks, loose rungs? Safety Order #3276

  • Metal ladders not used around electrical equipment? Safety Order #3276

  • Wooden ladders not painted? Safety Order #3276

  • Equipped with non slip safety feet? Safety Order #3276

  • Extend three feet above upper landing? Safety Order #3276

  • No grease/oil on rungs & steps? Safety Order #3276

  • Used safely? Safety Order #3276

  • Approved stickers affixed? Safety Order #3276


  • Does This Facility Contain These Tools?

  • SAWS

  • Skill saw - lower guard works auto, no wedge? Safety Order #4307

  • Table saw - guard installed, anti-kickback? Safety Order #4300

  • Radial arm - upper half & arbor end of blade covered? Cannot pull out past end of table, automatic return to rear of table, anti-kickback when ripping? Safety Order #4309

  • Band saw - upper and lower wheels covered, unused portion of blade guarded? Safety Order #4310

  • Chain saw - good condition, at least two antikickback devices? ANSI B175.1-1985,


  • RPM rating of grinder motor does not exceed RPM rating of abrasive wheel? Safety Order #3583

  • Portable right angle; maximum wheel exposure 180 degrees, guard between wheel and operator? Safety Order #3583

  • Stationary grinders securely mounted? Safety Order #3576

  • Pedestal or bench mounted; spindle end & nut covered, wheel enclosed (75% of wheel diameter) except grinding opening; tool rest adjusted within 1/8", tongue guard adjusted within 1/4", securely mounted? Safety Order #3577 & 3576

  • Buffers & wire wheels; acorn nut on spindle? Safety Order #4237


  • Operator trained and has valid card? Safety Order #1685 & 1687

  • Tools stored in locked box when not in use? Safety Order #1689


  • Does This Facility Have Power Tools?

  • Grounded or double insulated? Safety Order #2395.45

  • Good condition, operable switch?

  • Secured against movement? Safety Order #3328

  • Power Transmission components (gear sprockets, belts, shafts, clutches, pulleys, etc.) & moving parts guarded against contact? Safety Order #3995 & 4075 (Guards see 3944)

  • Point of operation (punching, shearing, squeezing, cutting, mixing, etc.) guarded against contact? (For specific equipment see GISO #4187-4647) Safety Order #4184


  • Does This Facility Use Hand Tools?

  • Maintained in good condition, handle tight not mushroomed, and sharp? Safety Order #3556

  • Proper tool used for job? Safety Order #3556


  • Does This Facility Have Hoist/Lifts


  • Regularly inspected, annually certified if capacity over 3 tons? Document available on site? Safety Order #5021 & 5031

  • Operators trained? Safety Order #5006

  • Rated capacity plainly marked? Safety Order #4907

  • Operating controls labeled? Safety Order #4896

  • Equipped with safety latch hook? Safety Order #5002

  • Load slings & chains labeled with capacity? Safety Order #5044

  • Cable clamps applied properly: at least 3 clamps spaced 6 rope diameters apart, with the saddle on the load side? Larger cables require more clamps. Safety Order #4981


  • Legible label with: manufacturers name, capacity, date of installation, Cal OSHA - approval or ANZI B153.1 compliance? Safety Order #3543

  • Controls nearby, automatically return to off? Safety Order #3544

  • Floor surface under lift clear of oil/grease? Safety Order #3547

  • Chassis & axle support designed for lift, no makeshift devices? Safety Order #3548


  • Rated load permanently marked? Safety Order #3562

  • No one allowed under load unless also blocked or cribbed?


  • Does This Facility Use An Air Compressor?

  • Cal OSHA "permit to operate" for air tank up to date, labeled "WARNING-COULD START AT ANY TIME" if automatically controlled? Safety Order #461 & 3320

  • Are drive belts fully enclosed? Safety Order #4070

  • No PVC pipe for air lines? Safety Order #462

  • Do safety air nozzles generate < 10 PSI? Safety Order #3301

  • Are air hose connections secure? Safety Order #3300


  • Does This Facility Have A Forklift?

  • Are operators trained? Safety Order #3664

  • Are operating rules posted? Safety Order #3664

  • Equipment maintained in safe condition, brakes, parking brake, horn, seatbelts? Safety Order #3661, 3663 & 3653

  • Capacity visible to operator? Safety Order #3660

  • Equipped with overhead guard? Safety Order #3655


  • Does This Facility Use Compressed Gas, Welding, or Tire Repair?


  • Stored with protective cap installed? Safety Order #1740 & 4650

  • Secured against tipping or falling? Safety Order #4650

  • Labeled as to contents? Safety Order #4649

  • Stored >20 feet from highly combustible material? Safety Order #4650

  • Cylinder valves closed when not in use and before moving? Safety Order #4650

  • Cylinders in use secured in racks or carts? Safety Order #4650

  • LP gas tanks inspected? Safety Order #470, CFR 173.34


  • Regulators & hose well maintained, no oil or grease? Safety Order #4839 & 4845

  • Fuel gas cylinder stored & used with valve up? Safety Order #4845

  • Anti-flashback devices on fuel & oxygen hoses? Safety Order #4845

  • Friction lighter or torches, no matches? Safety Order #4845

  • Work in firesafe areas, separate if possible? Safety Order #4848

  • Ventilation provided, local exhaust required for brazing or silver soldering? Safety Order #5150

  • Cutters or welders and supervisors suitably trained? Safety Order #4848


  • Work in shielded booth or with welding screens? Safety Order #4851

  • Other workers in area shielded or wear goggles? Safety Order #4851

  • Leads in good condition, well insulated? Safety Order #4851

  • Electrodes removed when not in use? Safety Order #4851

  • Machine off, when moved or not in use? Safety Order #4851

  • Ventilation provided, local exhaust required for MIG or wire-feed welding on stainless steel? Safety Order #5150 & 4835


  • Clip-on chuck with 24" hose, in line valve or gauge? Safety Order #3325

  • Employees thoroughly trained? Safety Order #3326

  • Restraining device available? Safety Order #3326

  • A current split & multi-piece rim or wheel, matching chart, a typical rim contours and marking location chart, and a current Rim Manual or equivalent available? Safety Order #3326


  • Employees trained in procedure? Safety Order #3314

  • Warning tags and locks provided and available? Safety Order #3314


  • Does This Facility Have Confined Spaces?

  • Employees trained in policy and specific hazards of location & use of instruments? Safety Order #5157 & 5158, Safety Manual 14.06,7

  • Instruments recently identified and inventoried (permit/non-permit required)? Safety Order #5157 & 5158, Safety Manual 14.06,7

  • Instruments recently calibrated? Safety Order #5157 & 5158, Safety Manual 14.06,7

  • Location signed or otherwise identified? Safety Order #5157 & 5158, Safety Manual 14.06,7

  • Rescue and communication equipment available? Safety Order #5157 & 5158, Safety Manual 14.06,7

  • Entry permit file, record keeping? Safety Order #5157 & 5158, Safety Manual 14.06,7


  • Does This Facility Collect Use Or Store Hazardous Materials?

  • Employees fully trained on material they use? Safety Order #5194

  • All hazardous material containers labeled with contents where substance has been transferred from original container for temporary use? Labeled if not used immediately or by end of work shift? Safety Order #5194, Safety Manual Chapter 16

  • Container in good condition? Safety Order #5194

  • Appropriate protective equipment available? Safety Order #5194

  • Inventory list and MSDSs on hand? Safety Order #5194

  • Employees have asbestos awareness training? Safety Order #5208

  • Employees have lead awareness training certificate? Safety Order #5216


  • Does This Facility Have Fuel Pumps?

  • "NO SMOKING" signs posted in fueling areas, motors stopped? Safety Order #5580 & 3319

  • Spills cleaned up promptly? Safety Order #3319

  • Approved self-closing nozzle, approved hose? Safety Order #3319 & 5576

  • Fire extinguisher of 5B, C rating within 100' of pumps? Safety Order #5581

  • Spilled liquid prevented from running into building? Safety Order #5579

  • Pumps Installed Inside after Jan. 1, 1976, must be separated by a one hour fire wall and have adequate ventilation? Safety Order #5571

  • Pumps Installed Outside are at least 5 feet from any building opening? Safety Order #5570

  • Pumps are anchored, protected from physical damage? Safety Order #5573 & 5574

  • Sealed electrical wiring (Class 1, Div 1)? Safety Order #5571

  • At least 20' from any fixed ignition source? Safety Order #5573

  • Emergency power shutoff; clearly identified, easily accessible, remote location?


  • Does This Facility Utilize Ventilation For Control Of Harmful Substances?

  • Is the volume of air in each exhaust system sufficient to gather the dusts, fumes, mists, vapors or gases to be controlled, and to convey them to a suitable point of disposal? Safety Order #5142 & 5143

  • Are ventilation hoods tested annually to ensure proper air flow? Safety Order #5143

  • Are HVAC systems inspected annually by a qualified person? Safety Order #5142

  • Is a log kept of inspections and maintenance? Safety Order #5142

  • Are records of HVAC system inspected, maintenance, and filter changes available? (5-year retention) Safety Order #5142

  • Are exhaust inlets, ducts and plenums designed, constructed, and supported to prevent collapse or failure of any part of the system? Safety Order #5143

  • Are clean-out ports or doors provided at intervals not to exceed 12 feet in all horizontal runs of exhaust ducts? Safety Order #5143

  • Where two or more different types of operations are being controlled through the same exhaust system, will the combination of substances being controlled constitute a fire, explosion or chemical reaction hazard in the duct? Safety Order #5143

  • Is adequate makeup air provided to areas where exhaust systems are operating? Safety Order #5143

  • Is the intake for makeup air located so that only clean, fresh air, which is free of contaminates, will enter the work environment? Safety Order #5143

  • Where two or more ventilation systems are serving a work area, is their operation such that one will not offset the functions of the other? Safety Order #5143


  • Are their additional deficiencies?



  • Does This Facility Have an Offsite Sandhouse?

  • Location

  • Are their deficiencies?


  • Deficiencies identified during this inspection will be corrected by the signee or his/her designee and reported to the D2 office of employee health and safety.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.