Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Facility entrance and safety first impression:

  • Appropriate safety protective equipment is provided to visitors

  • Appropriate site information and safety rules are provided to visitors

  • Smoking is strictly prohibited except in the specified areas

  • The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited on warehouse during operations

  • Work areas are generally safe and free from hazards and other obstructions

  • Safety rules are being enforced visually throughout the whole facility

  • Employees are using PPEs correctly and at all time (hearing protection and safety footwear)

  • PPEs are being used as per the requirement (helmets, face shields, goggles, safety glasses, masks and respirators, safety gloves, safety harnesses)

Fire and emergency:

  • The general condition of fire extinguishers is satisfactory (cleanliness, labeling, visibility, seal)

  • Fire extinguishers are tagged with the last date of inspection (no more than 12 months)

  • The firefighting equipment cabinet is in good condition and has a checklist of its content

  • The fire protection system (detection, alarm, sprinkler, pump) is tested periodically

  • Emergency drills are conducted on a regular basis and for all shifts

  • Evacuation procedures and routs are posted at appropriate places

  • Emergency lighting is in good condition and exit doors are operating properly

  • Emergency services numbers are posted at appropriate places

  • At least one member in every work area is trained on fire fighting

First aid and accident reporting:

  • First aid stations are in good condition and accessible during all work shifts

  • First aid stations are regularly inspected for content** and items are within use-by dates

  • Items in each first aid station are of sufficient quantities and adequately stocked

  • At least one first aider is present at all times during working hours for every 50 workers

  • Specific procedures are in place in the event of accidents, incidents and near misses

  • Accident and incident investigations are conducted to determine causes & avoid recurrence

  • Investigation results of accidents and incidents are communicated to all internal teams

Safety systems:

  • Safety measures are in place (e.g. recordable cases, near miss cases, lost work days)

  • A workplace inspection system is in place to report unsafe conditions

  • A safety observation and communication system is in place to report unsafe acts

  • Hazard identification and risk assessments are performed reactively and proactively

  • Safety training programs are delivered by qualified personnel & included in the training plan

  • Skills matrices are utilized to manage and track safety skills of all work teams

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.