
  • Document No.



  • Conducted on

  • Inspected by:

  • The U.S. Capitol Dome Project Washington, DC
  • FDT Project Leader:

Instructions: Anything that is marked with a "NO" shall be addressed in the "Recommended Action" section of this firm. If there is a situation which requires immediate attention, please contact the Safety Department immediately at (541) 664-3010.


  • Federal and state postings in place?

  • OSHA 300 Log posted? (During the month of February 1 - April 30)

  • Emergency Response Plan posted?

  • HazCom Binder, MSDS and Safety Manual available on site?

  • Are site specific plans up to date and readily available for viewing?

  • JSA/PPE Hazard Assessment review Daily and signed by all employees?

  • Are time, quality control, inspection reports, daily reports filed?

  • Are new employees aware of all safety/injury policies, site specific plans and all forms completed?


  • Is a spill kit on site for spill response?

  • Is a mix station in place with secondary containment?

  • All materials labeled and identified?

  • HMIS labels on all cans?

  • Are Conditionally Exempt Generator rules being followed?

  • NFPA Diamonds on Flammable Connex?

  • Are fuel solvent, abrasive, and coatings out of the weather and in proper containment?

  • Is secondary containment in place for hazardous materials?


  • Is all equipment on site in working order?

  • Is equipment being maintained: fluids checked, filters cleaned, hoses inspected?

  • Is inspection equipment and devices in good order and calibrated if necessary?

  • Backup alarms operable?

  • No engines near fresh-air intake?

  • Retainer cables at air connections in place? (Whip checks)

  • Pot tender trained in safety and emergency procedures?

  • Breathing air monitors calibrated monthly and checked daily?

  • Visual inspection of all pressure lines?

  • Are tools and equipment stored properly?

  • Is all damaged and malfunctioning equipment red tagged?


  • Are extension cords inspected and color-taped to correct month?

  • Are ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI's) being used?

  • Are all electric tools and devices inspected and in working order?

  • Are any lockouts required? If so, Remove all lockouts daily at end of shift!

  • Cords strung out of water?


  • Are permits required for fire, fire watch, and confined spaces? Reviewed and closed daily?

  • Are flammable/combustibles liquids stored and labeled?

  • Solvent rags/refuse in metal cans?

  • Are NO SMOKING & FLAMMABLE signs in use and posted?

  • Are fire extinguishers nearby, tagged, checked daily and marked off for each month's inspection tag?

  • A. Name of person conducting monthly inspection:

  • B. Number of extinguishers and date of monthly inspection:

  • Is each employee on site trained in the proper use of fire extinguishers?

  • Smoking areas designated and enforced?


  • Are First-Aid kits, eyewash, and fire extinguisher locations stocked and visible?

  • Is there an adequate supply of necessary safety equipment and first-aid kits?

  • Good Housekeeping on site, work areas and exits clear of debris?

  • PPE in use? (Hard hats, eye protection, hearing protection, respirators, etc.)

  • Is overspray awareness and notification being implemented?

  • Is there adequate security for tools, equipment, vehicles and property?

  • Are manpower, material and equipment needs being met?

  • Are all subcontractor and owner personnel informed daily of all FDT activities?

  • Hygiene facilities provided and maintained?

  • Are adequate toilet(s) provided on the job-site?

  • Adequate drinking water and cups?


  • Comments


  • Comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.