Class and teachers
Conducted on
Prepared by
General observations
Does the work show general adherence to the Presentation Policy?
Is there evidence of a general pride in the work in terms of presentation and condition?
Typical maths presentation
Is there a generally clear Learning Objective?
Is there clear, daily planning pitched appropriately for the class?
Is there evidence of work being differentiated, or individual/ group targets being addressed through planning?
Does the work in the book clearly tally with the planning?
Is there evidence of evaluation of lessons and adapting plans?
General observations of planning
Photos of key elements of planning if appropriate
Work in books or folders
Is there written or other clear evidence of maths work at least four times a week?
Are the books marked in line with the feedback policy: up to date, developmental, generally positive with reference to effort?
Do the children engage in age-appropriate AfL including 'green pen' work?
Examples of green pen dialogue
Is there clear evidence of progress in the work?
Evidence of progress in books
Key strengths:
Even better if....
Comments from staff:
Comments in response to observations:
Monitored by