Class and teachers
Conducted on
Prepared by
General observations
Does the work show general adherence to the Presentation Policy?
Samples of literacy and topic
Samples of numeracy and science
Is there evidence of a general pride in the work in terms of presentation and condition?
Is the handwriting appropriate for the age group:<br>KS1 Correctly formed letters, consistent sizes<br>Lower KS2 As above, with some evidence of correct joining<br>Upper KS2 As above, with consistent correct joining and developing a flowing style
Close up photos of typical words/sentences
Is the teacher's own handwriting cursive and of a model standard for children?
Add media
Is there a generally clear Learning Objective?
Literacy/Extended Writing
Are the literacy/extended writing books up to date in terms of marking?
Is the literacy marking in line with the Marking and FeedbackPolicies?
Is the written feedback generally accurate, positive and developmental?
Sample of literacy marking
Is there evidence of effective Assessment for Learning conventions?
Examples of effective assessment for learning
Is there evidence of progress?
Is there evidence of age appropriate written dialogue between the teacher and child, with older children using the green pen method?
Sample of written dialogue
Is there evidence of differentiation of work?
Is there evidence of targets being actively used and addressed?
Is work generally finished?
General comments:
Are the numeracy books up to date in terms of marking?
Is the written feedback generally accurate, positive and developmental?
Is the numeracy marking in line with the policy?
Sample of numeracy feedback
Is there evidence of effective Assessment for Learning conventions?
Is there evidence of age appropriate written dialogue between the teacher and child, with older children using the green pen method?
Is there evidence of differentiation of work?
Is there evidence of targets being actively used and addressed?
Is work generally finished?
Does the work appear to be pitched correctly for these children?
Do the tasks appear to be varied, imaginative and engaging?
Does there appear to be appropriate and broad curriculum coverage?
Is there clear evidence of progress?
General comments:
Key strengths:
Even better if....
Comments from staff:
Comments in response to observations:
Monitored by
Sample of written dialogue
Examples of effective assessment for learning