
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Document No.

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Final Finish, Pad, Shipping Yard


  • Are walkways free of debris and obstructions?

  • Is General Housekeeping neat and orderly, Items picked up off the floor?

  • Are work surfaces clear of clutter?

  • Are Dumpsters and Bins segregated (Cardboard, Plastic, Industrial Trash, Household Trash, Aluminum Cans, Plastic Bottles)

Fall Protection

  • Harnesses worn on roof and tied off or scaffolds 12" from house?

  • Mezzanine gates closed unless material is being loaded?


  • Ladders are well maintained and in satisfactory condition?

  • Are team members standing below the first two steps?

  • Ladders are being used properly and with 3 point contact?

Line Roll Procedures

  • Line Roll Policy being followed (spotters, working on houses,exiting and entering houses)?

  • Roof access ladders being used properly with handrails in place on the front mezzanine?

  • Yellow safety steps are being pulled back in place after line roll?

  • End scaffolds returned to proper position after line roll and wheels scotched?

  • Are catwalks and chain hoist being raised and lowered within safety guidelines and operated by designated personnel?

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Bump caps worn properly and in safe condition?

  • Safety glasses (standard, prescription or overview) with side shields by team members and in safe condition?

  • Hearing protection properly worn by team members and in safe condition?

  • Foot protection is being worn (Full toed, full heeled with a good sole)?

Electrical Safety

  • Extension cords in good condition (No cuts, exposed wires, sheathing pulled from cord plug)?

  • Extension cords removed from the walking area to prevent tripping hazards?

  • Power cords on tools are in good condition, no wire exposure?

  • Cut resistant gloves are being worn when working with sharp objects or utility knives?

  • Panel box knock outs are covered and box is labeled on door?

  • Battery chargers stored properly (non-combustible surfaces)?

  • Is the panel box in the house energized and covered?

Hazard Communication

  • Containers legibly labeled

  • Flammables stored properly in flammable cabinet (limited to one day usage in work area)

Tools and Equipment

  • General tools condition safe?

  • All large guns set to sequential fire (No bump fire or modified guns)?

  • Team members are trained to be competent in tools appropriate for their work tasks?

  • Air hose in good condition? (No hissing, bumps)

  • Hands are outside the "No Hands Zone" while operating a saw?

  • Team member using the saw without wearing gloves?

  • Guards are on all saws, in place and functioning?

  • Push sticks are available and being used?

  • Compressed air is being used properly? No blowing off with hose or blowing off area without a regulator <15psi.

  • Team members are cutting away from themselves when using a utility knife?

Training and Authorization

  • Hoist are being used by authorized team member?

  • Forklifts being operated by authorized team members?

  • LOTO Procedures being followed correctly?

  • Are Hitch locks in place in Station #Test, 25A&B, 24A&B, 23A&B?

Body Mechanics and Material Handling

  • Team Members using the proper carrying techniques (not carrying material on head or shoulders)?

  • Team Members using carts and other material moving equipment?

  • Proper lifting techniques are being used. (using legs, straight back, chin up, feet, shoulder width apart)?

  • Using Team Lift for material over fifty pounds?

Emergency Preparedness

  • Exit Doors cleared, accessible and unlocked?

  • Fire Extinguishers identified?

  • Extinguishers accessible?

  • Extinguishers adequately charged (needle in the green)?

  • Eyewash station clean and available within work area?

Team Member Assessment

  • Approach at least one team member and record their responses to the following. Make clear this is not an assessment of the team member themselves, but rather the safety procedures in the department?

  • Does the team member know what the hazard/safety topic that was discussed in the tail gate meeting or plant meeting this week? What was it?

  • Can the team member describe the correct process to follow an emergency situation? (Zones 1,2,3 for evacuation)

  • Can the team member name a hazard that he/she encounters daily? If they can, then what is the hazard?

  • Team Member's Name

General Comments

  • Add any additional relevant photos

  • Have all required corrective actions been added as Actions to this inspection?

  • EHS Manager or Area Coordinator Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.