Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Document No.
Prepared by
Weekly Walk Thru
Housekeeping/Walking Working Surfaces/General Safety
Work areas and floors clean and orderly?
Raw materials, work products, and waste containers stored in appropriate/designated locations?
Spilled materials cleaned up immediately and work surfaces kept dry, or appropriate means taken to ensure the surfaces are slip resistant?
Saw dust collection systems emptied and cleaned daily, Vinyl Weekly?
No evidence of eating , drinking (cups, mugs, papers, etc.) anywhere except designated locations such as break rooms/cafeteria?
Hazard Communication
All containers (bottles, cans drums, etc...) in the department labeled with product identity and HMIS rating?
All totes, containers and chemical equipment properly sealed, stored or turned off at the end of the day?
All labels legible? <br>
Team members know where the SDS Book is located?
Bump caps, safety glasses & ear plugs being worn properly by everyone?
Team members wearing department specific PPE IE: Cut resistant gloves, siding, floors, installation of furnaces, roof jacks and working with a utility knife, fall protection harnesses, knee pads in roofing, cut resistant gloves and sleeves while carrying mirrors, face shield and gloves top build.
No loose clothing which may become caught.
Fire Protection
Is there at least 18" from all material and the sprinkler heads?
Are battery chargers on metal and away from al combustibles?<br>
Is smoking only in designated areas away from flammable materials?
Machine Guarding
Machine guard(s) in place to prevent hand, arms, body, clothing from contacting rotating parts, chains, gears, etc.?
Associates can't reach around, under, through , over (AUTO) guards at work station and/or from back or sides of machine into point of operation?
Fixed machine guards secure and properly maintained?
Machines anchored to floor properly (e.g. drill presses, etc.)
Portable power tools (e.g. saws, grinders, etc.)?
Materials Handling
Aisle kept clear to allow unobstructed passage of motorized vehicles?<br>
Pallets not leaned on materials or walls?
where needed, are mechanical equipment/devices (i.e. Fork Trucks, drum hoist, etc.) used to move material.
Hoists, chains, slings used for material handling in good condition with no visible damage and property inspected?
Forklift operation observed as being safe (loads carried low, secured, and not obstructing view)?
Forklift Operators wearing seatbelt?
All recyclables put in designated areas?
Damaged/Cull areas clean and organized
Fall Protection/Ladders
Fixed ladders in good condition with no visible slick surfaces?
Portable ladders maintained in good condition. (Inspected Daily)
Are scaffolds erected, guarded, and tagged properly? Within 1 foot of the home?
Associates use fall protection if working >4 feet above floor on equipment or platform not protected by a standard handrail.
Lockout/Tagout (LOTO
Associates understand when LOTO is required?
Cones positioned on the hitch of the house when a team member is under the home?
Tools and Equipment
Tools and equipment in good condition, and used as designed?
All guns set to sequential fire (No bump guns)
Cord-connected, electrically operated tools and equipment effectively grounded (i.e. third prong in place) or constructed of approved double insulated type?
Tools and equipment safety's in place and operational? (Not by passed)
Required equipment inspections (i.e. hoist/cranes) completed (tool inspections)?
Floor/portable fans are provided with full guards or screens having openings 1/2" or less
Power tools used/provided with the correct shield, guard, or attachment recommended by manufacturer?
Pneumatic (air) hoses are in good working condition with no leaks?
Air cleaning nozzles set to less than 30 psi pressure?
Workstation design reduce or eliminates: Bending, twisting at the wrist; Reaching above the shoulder; Lifting off the floor or inside totes, Fixed posture for prolonged periods; Raised elbows?
Hand tool design appropriate? (Not too heavy or awkward)
Are rubber stress relief mats used and maintained in good condition at operator work stations?
Extension cords unplugged at the end of the day?
Sufficient exits to permit prompt escape in case of an emergency?
Exits marked with an exit sign and illuminated by a reliable light source?
Doors, passageways or stairways, that are neither exits or access to exits, and which could be mistaken for exits , appropriately marked "NOT AN EXIT"?
Associate aware of emergency evacuation/headcount procedures?<br>
General Comments
Add any additional relevant photos
Have all required corrective actions been added as Actions to this inspection?
EHS Manager or Area Coordinator Signature