
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Security Management


  • Locking system ?

  • Are internal office doors secured after hours?

  • Are all doors operational?

  • Are pharmacy rooms controlled by Swipe Access

  • Are staff belongings secured safely away from the public view?

  • Patient Valuables<br>Are adequate lockable storage facilities provided to patients?

  • Departmental Valuables<br>Is lockable storage available for petty cash, cab vouchers etc?

  • Are all staff wearing the appropriate identification badge?

  • Is there a health & safety law poster in the workplace?

  • Are the correct details filled in on the health & safety law poster?

  • Is there a copy of the current employers liability certificate available for inspection?

  • Do arrangements exist to ensure that contractors/sub contractors are competent to undertake the work required?

  • Do arrangements exist to ensure that contractors are aware of the company&apos;s health & safety policy and safe systems of work relevant to the performance of their work?

  • Do arrangements exist to ensure that contractors possess adequate liability insurance prior to work commencing?

  • How are visitors to the building controlled?

  • Are visitors inducted into the building?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Asbestos Management

  • Principal Legislation The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012

  • Has the building got an asbestos register?

  • Is the register up to date?

  • Is the management plan up to date?

  • Have all operatives who need asbestos awareness training had the training?

  • Other observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Risk Assessments/Training

  • Principal Legislation The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (MHSWR) The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (amended 2002) The Work at Height Regulations 2005

  • Has a suitable & sufficient general workplace risk assessment been undertaken for the premises?

  • Is the risk assessment regularly reviewed to take into account changes in working practice?

  • Does the risk assessment take special account of vulnerable workers such as young persons, pregnant women and any lone workers?

  • Are employees consulted in the risk assessment process?

  • Are the results of the risk assessments recorded and jointly discussed?

  • Are all operations which involve significant health & safety implications the subject of a defined safe system of work?

  • Have all employees received induction training and is this documented?

  • Has a training needs analysis been carried out for all employees?

  • Is all health & safety training provided by fully competent personnel?

  • Are training records up to date?

  • Are recorded risk assessments completed for manual handling tasks?

  • Where practicable have efforts been made to eliminate the need for manual handling?

  • Has appropriate employee training in manual handling techniques been provided?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Electrical Safety

  • Principal Legislation The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

  • Are there any broken plugs or outlets?

  • Are there any frayed or damaged leads?

  • Are all fixed wiring installations inspected on a regular basis by a qualified and competent person?

  • Is there evidence of up to date PAT on electrical items?

  • Are there any extension leads across the floor?

  • Are there multiple double adaptors in a series?

  • Are there signs of overloading of power boards, power points?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Fire Control

  • Principal Legislation Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

  • Are fire extinguishers in place & signed?

  • Are fire extinguishers within service dates?

  • Are all fire/emergency exit signs in place?

  • Has there been a full fire evacuation in the last 12 months?

  • Has a fire risk assessment been carried out?

  • Is the fire risk assessment up to date all actions carried out?

  • Are exits clear of obstructions?

  • Are all fire doors shut but not locked?

  • Is emergency lighting operable?

  • Are staff fire training records up to date?

  • Does fire equipment appear to be in good condition?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Walkways, Stairs and Ladders

  • Principal Legislation The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992

  • Are floor areas clean, dry and free from slip/trip hazards?

  • Are walkways kept clear?

  • Are stairs in good condition?

  • Are handrails in place, where required?

  • Are portable ladders in good condition?

  • Are there work areas where fall protection is required?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Chemicals (Hazardous/Dangerous Substances)

  • Principal Legislation The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

  • Is there a Hazardous Substance register?

  • Is there access to MSDS for all chemical products used?

  • Have risk assessments been completed for hazardous substances?

  • Do arrangements exist to review COSHH implications of new products prior to purchase?

  • Are flammable substances stored in small quantities in a fire proof cabinet?

  • Have all employees that are using COSHH products had adequate training to use them?

  • Are arrangements in operation for the provision of health surveillance in appropriate cases?

  • Are there any cooling towers in the building requiring Legionella checks?

  • Does the building have any showers?

  • Are there records of checks on Sentinel Taps?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

First Aid/Accident Reporting & Investigations

  • Principal Legislation Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, Reporting of Diseases & Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995

  • Has an assessment been made to establish the first aid requirements for the company?

  • Is there a list of first aider&apos;s and emergency contact numbers displayed?

  • Is there a first aid kit/cabinet available and accessible?

  • Are employees aware of location of first aid kit?

  • Is the first aid kit adequately stocked?

  • Are first aid records kept?

  • Are detailed accident investigation records kept?

  • Have there been any reportable accidents recently?

  • Are there accident/incident/near miss reports?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Plant/Work Equipment

  • Principal Legislation Provision & Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

  • Is all lifting equipment (e.g. Lift trucks, hoists lifts etc) subject to regular testing by a competent person?

  • Are current inspection certificates available for all lifting devices?

  • Is all work equipment identified and in good condition and suitable for use?

  • Have employees had suitable & sufficient training in the use of their work equipment?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

General Housekeeping

  • Principal Legislation The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992

  • Are work areas clear of rubbish?

  • Are items not in use stored appropriately?

  • Are bins full & overflowing?

  • Is there evidence of general clutter?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Office Safety

  • Principal Legislation The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992 The Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992

  • Are recorded risk assessments completed for workstations of display screen users?

  • Are users offered free eye tests?

  • Is there glare or reflections on computer screens?

  • Are work station layouts suitable?

  • Is lighting adequate for work tasks?

  • Are light fittings clean and in good condition?

  • Are diffuser covers in place and securely fixed where required?

  • Is furniture appropriate and sound?

  • Is air conditioning maintained?

  • Is the office clean and tidy?

  • Are floor coverings sound?

  • Is there adequate ventilation around photocopiers?

  • Are fling cabinets drawers kept closed when not in use?

  • Other Obsevations?

  • Actions required to rectify


  • Principal Legislation The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992

  • Are materials stored so they will not fall?

  • Are materials stored so that good manual handling practices can be applied, therefore safe retrieval?

  • Are storage racks/cupboards in sound condition, not overloaded?

  • Are racks free from projection, sharp edges?

  • Are incompatible hazard substances segregated?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Welfare Matters

  • Principal Legislation The Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992

  • Are toilets clean?

  • Are kitchen facilities/lunchrooms clean?

  • Is drinking water available?

  • Are there washing facilities?

  • Other Observations?

  • Actions required to rectify

Opportunity for Improvement

  • Corrective Actions

  • Signature of client

  • Signature of auditor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.