Title Page
Site conducted
Conducted on
conducted by
- Aidan
- Cliff
- Dave
- Keith
- Mike
- Other/Contractor
Name of Contractor & Company.
Door number
Door location
Door and Frame Inspection
Does the door close correctly?
Are there any signs of damage to the door?
Are there any signs of damage to the door frame?
Are any fire doors being left open or obstructed?
Are the handles secure and functioning correctly?
Does the door have an equal gap around the edge? (MAX 4mm MIN 2mm)
Are the intumescent strips and smoke seals in good condition? (IE not painted, missing or damaged)
Does the door have a retainer Magnet?
Does the Magnetic Retainer function correctly?
Does door release when button is pressed?
Does the Door retainer plate show signs of Damage?
Does the Door have a 606 key switch?
Does the 606 key switch operate correctly?
Does the self closing mechanism show signs of damage or fluid leakage?
Are the Glazing beads missing or loose?
Is the glass broken or cracked?
Is the glass fire rated?
Do the hinges appear loose or damaged?
Does the door have a minimum of 3 hinges?
Worked completed by:-
sign here when inspection is complete