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Does the hold open device release the door when required?
Are all seals in place and in good condition?
Does the door have correct signage in good condition?
Does the door leaf sit against the door stop and is it free of distortion?
Is the Door free from damage, including dents and holes?
Is the door frame firmly attached to the wall?
Is the door easy to open and free from obstruction?
Are all fire extinguishers present in their correct location?
Are all fire extinguishers hung or stand-mounted and free from obstruction?
Do all fire extinguishers with pressure gauges show correct pressure within operational and safety limits??
Are all of the seals or tamper indicators in place and free from damage?
Are all extinguishers within their annual inspection date?
Fire Blanket
Is the fire blanket hand hold device and container free from any wear or damage?
Is the fire blanket within date?
Fire Signage
Are all fire escape route signs clearly visible and legible?
Do signs indicate the nearest escape route from all areas of the workplace?
Do external fire doors have opening instructions shown?
Are all fire escape routes and exits unobstructed?
Are fire assembly points clearly marked?
Are all manual fire alarm call points clear and obvious?
Are luminaries and illuminated exit signs (if present) in good condition and undamaged?
Are fire evacuation notices displayed and up to date?
Emergency Grab bag
Is the emergency grab bag in place?
Is there a contents list and is everything present and correct?