Document No.
Audit Title
Ops room
Conducted on
Operator Name
Prepared by
Firehawk Staff Assessment
The operator started his shift on time
The operator is in full uniform and at his post
The operator COVID 19 compliant
The operator is able to understand his shift roster
The operator able to follow the call-out procedure as specified in the standby roster
The operator is able to read out all info on that specific contact correctly from the contact page on the permit site
Operators are able to find a specific contact quickly in the contact file
The operator is able to identify the health and safety officer
The operator is familiar with section 14 of the OHS act
The operator is able to identify the first aid book, the operator is also able to record info correctly into the first aid book
The operator is able to identify the first aid box
The operator is able to identify the first aider
The operator fully understands the correct procedure for a fire drill
The operator is able to identify the assembly point
The operator is able to read and explain designated area signs
The operator is able to identify and explain the fire escape route
The operator is able to assist the visitor to his satisfaction
The operator is able to a message to the correct group without spelling errors and using the correct template
The operator is able to correctly give handover of all burns, undetected fires, and technical faults
The operator is able to correctly fill in the handover sheet.
The operator is able to correctly put info into correct columns in OB book and to do so in a neat readable way
The operator signed for his shift in the OB book
The operator is able to follow the correct call-out procedure for fires as per the SOP
The operator is able to correctly read out DI
The operator is able to correctly calculate and read out the FDI
The operator is able to correctly measure and log the correct amount of rain received
The operator is able to correctly give average wind speed
The operator is able to correctly give an average wind gust speed
The operator is able to correctly give the correct wind direction
The operator is able to correctly give humidity
The operator is able to correctly give a temperature
The operator is able to correctly tick if the burn was authorized on permit site
The operator is able to correctly select contacts for the logging of permits
The operator is able to correctly open the permit site and log in
The operator is able to correctly position and log an alarm
The operator is able to correctly read relevant information eg. (compartment, area and grower plus coordinates)
The operator is able to correctly cross-reference a smoke and to identify the crossing point on the GIS
The operator is able to identify different shapefiles
The operator able to investigate and dismiss confirmed detection alarms
The operator is able to correctly priorities confirmed alarms using the colour code
Operators are able to focus on a smoke on live
The operator is able check if all cameras are updating on the server
The operator is able to activate day overlay and night mask on the panorama
The operator is able to follow the correct procedure during a power failure eg. (starting the generator switching over from Eskom to geni and back and sending messages to the relevant groups.)
The operator is able to identify and notify the correct group for faults following the correct fault reporting procedure as in the SOP.
The operator is able to check the fault by investigating as per SOP
The operator is able to correctly follow the shutdown procedure as per the lightning SOP
Other Observations?
Actions required to rectify
Opportunity for Improvement
Corrective Actions
Signature of auditor