Title Page

  • Date/Time Of Accident

  • Workers Comp Claim Number (If Available)

  • Person Reporting

  • Is This Accident Recordable

  • Project

  • Location
  • Weather Conditions

  • Was This An Auto Accident

  • Was Law Enforcement Called

  • Case Number (If Available)

  • Was This Caused By A Third Party

  • Describe

  • Employee Injured
  • Employee Job Description

  • Witnesses

  • Was The Injured Employee Competent/Qualified To Perform The Task Assigned

  • Incident Description

Untitled Page

Employees Injuries

  • Did The Employee Suffer From Any Of The Following Illness/Injury

  • Description Of Poison Ingested

  • Description Of Insect/animal

  • Description Of Animal

  • Body Part The Employee Was Injured

  • Describe Injury

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Was The SDS Available for the employee

  • Were The Instructions for Care Provided by the SDS Followed by the employee

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Was The SDS Available for the employee

  • Were The Instructions for Care Provided By the SDS Followed by the employee

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • Did Injury Require Hospitalization

  • Was L&I Notified

  • What Caused This Injury

  • Photos Of Employees Injuries


  • Were Employee(s) Taken For Drug/Alcohal Testing

  • Lab/Location

  • Were Emergancy Service Required

  • First Aid Only

  • CPR Performed

  • AED Used

  • Where Was Treatment Obtained

  • Was Employees Emergancy Contact Notified Of The Accident

  • How Was The Employee Transported

  • Was Employees Emergancy Contact Notified Of The Accident

  • How Was The Employee Transported

  • Was Employees Emergancy Contact Notified Of The Accident

  • How Was The Employee Transported

  • Was Employees Emergancy Contact Notified Of The Accident

  • How Was The Employee Transported

Equipment/Tools Involved

  • Equipment/Tools Used During Accident/Incident

  • Tools/Equipment Used Improperly

  • Were Tools/Equipment Inspected Prior To Use

  • Was Employee Proerly Trained/Qualifed To Use Tools/Equipment

  • Photos Of Equipment/Tools If Damaged

  • How Could This Incident/Accident Have Been Prevented

  • How Could This Accident Hven Been Prevented

  • PPE Available For The Tasks Being Performed

  • PPE Worn During The Task Being Performed

  • Was Work Plan In Place And Followed

  • Describe How It Was Not Followed/In Place

  • Is Area Safe For Return To Work

  • Was A Return To Work Meeting Held

  • Describe Why Return To Work Unsafe

  • Supervisor Signature

  • Involded Personals Reports

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.