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Is the island sanitized and wiped down?
Is the sink sanitized and wiped down?
Is the mop sink organized and free from residue build up?
Is the mixer area clean?
Are the conduction cookers wiped down? including the wall
Are the rice cookers wiped down?
Is the cutting counter organized and wiped down?
Is the microwave wiped down?
Is there minimum 20 to go silverware set up?
Are there sufficient to go boxes and sauce containers stacked up?
Is the self serve station cleaned and refilled?
Is there enough water?
Drinking Water quality
Is everything Dated?
If not, which ones were critical?
Is everything wrapped in the fridge?
Cashier floor
Bar floor
Back kitchen floor
Under the sink floor
Is the griddle and side table clean?
Is the fryer cleaned?
Is the closet organized?
Is everything off from the floor?
Are the containers clean and free from debris/stickers?
Are the knives all hung up on the wall?
Is the fridge bottom clean and free from debris?
Are there 3 bottles of each sauce backed up?
Are the handwash sink clean with soap and napkins?
Is the outback area free from debris?
Is the ice cream fridge defrosted and cleaned?
Is the topping fridge cleaned?
Are the fridge handles cleaned?
Is the front customer counter cleaned?
Is the lightbulbs wiped down?
Are the menu set up correctly?
Is everything out of stock reported?
Is pork belly backed up? Thawed?
Is chicken backed up? Thawed?
Is there any back up shrimp?
FIFO practiced? (first in first out)
Are there any significant waste?
Are the staff wearing a hat, black shirt, and slip resistance shoes?
Who were the closers
Who were the openers
Auditor signature