Title Page

  • Location

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Directions to camp easy to follow and accurate

Traffic Flow Management

  • Traffic Flow and Direction signs easily identified

  • Speed Restriction signs in place

  • Parking Requirement Signs in place

  • Parking allocated for Trucks and Large Machinery

  • External lighting located in Parking Area

  • Emergency Vehicle access available

External Camp Observations

  • Buildings Aligned and evenly spaced

  • Visible damage to Buildings or equipment identified

  • Walkways and/or Pathways stable and even - spaced evenly under steps and between buildings

  • Walkways and/or Pathways no less than 1.5 metres

  • Walkways covered to provide protection from climate conditions - Sun and Rain

  • External Lighting available and in place through out the Camp

  • All external and emergency lighting have fixed covers with no signs of damage

  • Building Footings - Set in Concrete or Gravel

  • Building Base - no less then 150mm above ground level

  • Effective Drainage on site - No visible water pooling identified on site

  • Run Off from Air Conditioning Units is being managed on site

Utility Area

  • Barriers in place around Utility Area

  • Access and Warning signs in place

  • External lighting available in Utility Area

  • Ground - Level and even around Utilities

  • First Response equipment available in close proximity

  • Hearing Protection available - mandatory signage in place

  • Spill Kit available to control Spills

  • Emergency Eye Wash available in close proximity

  • Emergency Wash Down available in close proximity

  • Fuel Tanks are in good condition with no Visible signs of damage or leaks

  • Fuel Tanks are Bunded

  • Generators are Working with no signs of visible damage.

  • Cables from Generator in Good condition with no visible damage, or excessive wear to insulation

  • Test and Tag within required Test date

Site transportation

  • Site vehicle fit for purpose relative to site location

  • Vehicle checks are being completed weekly and/or prior to staff change overs

  • Vehicle within exceptable service period

  • Visual damage or identified issues reported to ECM

Potable Water

  • Water tanks are in good condition with no Visible signs of damage or leaks

  • Water Filters Functioning and within required change over date

  • Potable water leaks identified between Tanks and Buildings

  • Potable Water supply certified as potable

  • Water Truck certified as Portable Water Vehicle

Ice Room - Filtered Water

  • Ice Machine available and easily accessed - Room Clean and free of dust and dirt build up - Clear air flow available around unit - Ice scoops or Tools available to source ice.

  • Ice Room Flooring slip resistant or alternative controls in place

  • Drinking Fountains/Water Coolers available on Site.

  • Water Equipment fitted with Filters - Filters within Change out range

Testing and Registers

  • Potable Water testing is being completed on site as per Contract requirements

  • Potable water test results - available on <br>Site.

  • Fire Extinguisher Register available on Site

  • Test and Tag for RCD and Electrical Equipment within Test dates

  • Noise testing has been completed for high noise areas on site.

Waste Water and STP

  • Exclusion Zone set up around STP

  • Warning signs in place

  • STP Functioning with no noticeable odours

  • Identified leaks from connections to STP

  • Identified Leaks on connections from STP to Discharge Area

  • Discharge area fenced and easily identified

  • Waste Water Warning signs in place

  • Sprinklers working and evenly spaced

  • Signs of pooling or Waste water build up

  • All Macerators are working on site

  • Identified leaks from waste water -connections from buildings

  • Visible signs of spills or overflows through out the Camp

  • STP readings are being completed each day

Waste Storage And Disposal - Recycling

  • Bulk waste storage bins on site

  • Waste Bins and Bulk Storage have fitted lids in place to prevent access to vermin and wild life

  • Bulk recycling storage bins on site

  • Wheelie Bin or Rubbish Bins available through out Camp

  • Recycling Bins available for Plastic bottles and Aluminium Cans

  • Storage Area available for bottle and can recycling

  • Waste Cooking Oil is bunded on site and stored effectively for transfer from site

Emergency and First Response

  • Muster Point - Emergency Assembly area sign posted and easily identified

  • Alarm system and/or Alert devices available on site - Easily Identified by location and in working order

  • Smoke Alarms are fitted and in working order. When practical units are function tested by Camp Staff

  • First response equipment easily identified and accessable

  • Fire Extinguishers within Test date range

  • Placard and Signage in place for Fire Extinguishers

  • Camp Set up as per Emergency Evacuation Diagram

  • Emergency Evacuation Diagrams located through out Camp

  • Emergency Exit doors are unobstructed and operational - lever handle -outward opening

  • First Aiders are identified on site - First Aid Providers Covered at Induction

  • First Aid Room available for use on site

  • Fixed first aid kits available on site

  • Emergency Grab Bag available on site and location readily identified

  • Defibrillator available on site and easily identified

  • Additional Emergency Response equipment on site is managed and stored for use on site

  • Signs for First response and First Aid equipment are in good condition and easily identified

  • First Aid checks are being completed in line with Contract requirements

  • External Eye Wash or Portable Eye Wash available on site

  • External emergency shower available on site

Emergency Response Planning

  • Site Specific emergency response plan on site

  • Emergency Response Numbers are current for Camp Location

  • Directions to Camp site are accurate with instructions that are easy to follow and communicate

  • Communications are set up on site with 2 communication sources available for contacting Emergency Services

  • Emergency Control Organisation - Staff members on site are aware of Emergency response roles and responsibilities.

  • Supply and Location of ER Alert devices adequate to Alert entire Camp

  • Muster point/ Emergency Assembly Area management plan in place

  • Emergency Response Drills relevant to ER Plan are conducted every 2 months - Drills documented and uploaded to OSS

  • Emergency Response Warden -Identified on site. Covered at Induction Process (Helmet or Vest)

Site Facilities

  • External Hand Wash facilities available at Entrance to Dining Room

  • Day Toilet available on Site

  • Day Shower available on Site

  • Seperate Facilities available on site

Laundry and Laundry Storage Area

  • Storage areas - Organised with no heavy items stored above shoulder height

  • Dryers are functioning and in good working order

  • Washing Machines are functioning and in good working order

  • Laundry Area Maintained - No visible buildup behind equipment

  • External filters maintained - No visible buildup on Filters


  • Air Condition Units are functioning in all occupied rooms

  • Insect screens fitted to all windows

  • Hot water systems are working in all occupied rooms - no visible leaks or damage to units

  • Room Area no smaller then 5.6 m2

  • Stable Fittings - doorways and steps in place

  • Flooring, Walls and Ceilings - Covered with no visible gaps or damage

  • Electrical fittings in good condition with no visible cracks or damage

  • Supplied Electrical equipment within test date with no visible damage to equipment

  • Reporting system in place for Accomodation- Damages, Repairs and Maintenance

  • Repairs are carried out in line with Contract and Client requirements

Kitchen And Dining Room

  • External and Internal Kitchen filters are functioning with no visible signs of grease build up

  • Kitchen Equipment functioning and in good working order.

  • Kitchen cleaning equipment - stored when not in use - no signs of buildup in storage area

  • Dish washer fitted on site and functioning within temperature ranges

  • Fridges and freezes fully operational

  • Kitchen Hand wash basin available in food preparation area

  • Dedicated Food Wash Only Sink available in Kitchen

  • Double sink available for hand dish washing - wash/rinse

  • Fire Blanket available and within test range

  • Pest and Vermin Controls in Place

  • Fire Extinguishers suitable for Kitchen Environment in place and within test date

  • Work Areas Clear and Uncluttered

  • Flooring, steps and doorways free of slip and trip hazards

  • Storage Areas organised and not overloaded - Items stored in a secure manner - Clear access to Storage Area

  • No heavy items stored - above shoulder height - or stored as to create manual handling issues

  • Storage shelves organised to minimise bending/stretching

  • Food trolleys and Lifting equipment stored and secured when not in use.

  • Loading Dock - Set Up for Use - Manual Handling considerations in place for receival of goods

  • Knives secured when not in use - Off duty chefs knives are stored and secured.

  • Work benches at a comfortable height

  • Work space set up to enable ease of movement and to minimise work effort

  • "Authorised Entry" only area's clearly sign posted

  • Power Points, Light fittings and switches are in safe locations - No damage to fittings or switches

Chemical Management

  • Chemical Storage areas clearly signed and easily identified

  • Bulk Chemicals - Properly Stored and segregated - Bunded and correctly Labelled

  • Chemical Placarding in Place and easily identified

  • Specific PPE as outlined in SDS available and in use on site

  • Emergency Eyewash in close proximatry to Storage Area

  • Emergency Washdown in close proximatry to Storage area

  • ECM Approved Chemicals in use on Site

  • SDS Folder available on site with current Master ECM Chemical Register, Risk Assessment and SDS relevant for onsite chemicals

  • SDS location sign in place for SDS Folder location

  • Spray bottles and decanted chemicals have labels and contain the correct decanted chemical for use.

  • Dilution chart available for site chemicals and correct dilution rates are being followed

  • PPE available for use on site as per ECM PPE Checklist - Checks are being completed as required on Checklist

  • Site Specific PPE available on site

  • PPE Location sign in place

Gas Storage

  • Gas bottles stored in Cool well ventilated area

  • Gas bottles in use - fitted with safety cut off valve

Common Area Management

  • Camp Office - Check In location signed and easily identified

  • Pest and Vermin Controls in place on site

  • External Lighting available in all areas

  • Designated Smoking Area in Place - Location consistent with Legislated requirements

  • BBQ Area - Clean and Tidy. BBQ in good working order. Safety valve available

  • Stairs and Hand Rails - Evenly spaced demarcated and secure.

  • Observations and Conditions observed from Common Areas on site

Site Safety Inductions

  • Site inductions are being conducted for all site Occupants

  • Site Induction covers relevant and specific information for site.

  • Site Inductions are stored/filed as per ECM Requirements

  • Site Inductions and on boarding is being completed for ECM Staff. BUDDY system is in place for New Starters.

  • Camp Rules on Display - Covered at Induction

Hazard and Risk Management

  • Systems for identifying and recording hazards on site in place

  • Relevant open hazards and exclusion zones covered as part of site induction

  • Risk assessments completed for all Standard Work tasks onsite

  • PreTask Assessments and planning is being carried out on site

  • Job and Task assessments have been carried out on site

  • Allocated work can be completed within reasonable time frames - Work able to be completed within time frames allocated for Shifts

  • Hazards Identified during Site Verifications

Additional Comments and Observations

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.