What type of inspection is this?
Remember to attach photos of any negative responses below.
Is this a FOH or BOH inspection
Dirty dishes are cleared?
How was this issue resolved?
Are tables and stations reset?
How was this issue resolved?
All furniture is clean and in good condition?
How was this issue resolved?
Cash drawer has been counted and settled?
How was this issue resolved?
Floor has been swept?
How was this issue resolved?
Lights are all functional? Switched off at end of the day?
How was this issue resolved?
Entrances are closed and secured?
How was this issue resolved?
Are the walls clean?
How was this issue resolved?
Are the ceilings clean?
How was this issue resolved?
Are all lights clean and working
How was this issue resolved?
Is the dish area clean?
How was this issue resolved?
Are fridges and freezers clean and free from ice build up?
How was this issue resolved?
Is all food covered, labelled and in date?
How was this issue resolved?
Bins are empty and clean
How was this issue resolved?
Hand washing areas are full stocked and clean?
How was this issue resolved?
Canopy and filters are free from grease and stains
How was this issue resolved?
Work surfaces are clean and sanitised?
How was this issue resolved?
Dishwasher is clean and running at 64° c
How was this issue resolved?
Ovens are clean and turned off?
How was this issue resolved?
Gas stoves are clean and off?
How was this issue resolved?
Hibachi is clean and free of coal?
How was this issue resolved?
Dry store is clean and nothing is on the floor?
How was this issue resolved?
All bench-top equipment is put away neatly and clear of clutter?
How was this issue resolved?
All PPE is stored properly and cleaning products have been stored correctly?
How was this issue resolved?
Sign Off
Auditors full name and signature
Date of inspection