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Policy and Management

  • Is there a documented food safety and hygiene policy in place?<br>-Minor-

  • Is there a designated person responsible for overseeing food safety compliance in the premises?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all staff members aware of the food safety policy and their roles in implementing it?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all staff members had training on basic food safety and hygiene?<br>-Minor-

  • Is there a system for receiving and acting upon customer complaint or feedbacks related to quality and food safety?<br>-Minor-

  • Are staff members trained to handle quality and food safety complaints or feedbacks?<br>-Minor-

  • Is there an Allergen Management Policy being implemented in the premises?<br>-Minor-

  • Are staff members aware of the Allergen Management Policy of the premises?<br>-Minor-

Delivery and Receiving

  • Are delivery vehicles checked clean and well maintained (inside and outside) during receiving ?<br>-Major-

  • Is there a designated person responsible for inspecting incoming deliveries?<br>-Minor-

  • Are food items checked for proper labeling, temperature, and good packaging condition?<br>-Critical-

  • Are delivery personnel trained in proper food handling and hygiene practices during receiving?<br>-Minor-

  • Is there a process for rejecting and returning deliveries that do not meet acceptance quality standards?<br>-Minor-

  • Are temperature control measures maintained during transportation?<br>-Critical-

  • Are there food pallets (non-wood) where food items are placed and prevents from direct contact with the vehicle's floor?<br>-Major-

  • Are food items secured within the delivery truck to avoid tumbling, spilling, or damage?<br>-Major-


  • Is food storage organized to prevent cross-contamination?<br>-Major-

  • Are TCS food items stored at appropriate temperatures (refrigerated or frozen)?<br>-Critical-

  • Are food items covered and labeled with production date and expiry date (or open date and use-by date) in their storage locations?<br>-Minor-

  • Are F.I.F.O. / F.E.F.O followed for stock rotation?<br>-Minor-

  • Are chemical agents labeled and cleaning tools stored away from food storage and preparation area?<br>-Minor-

  • Are storage shelves, cabinets, racks, and containers kept clean and sanitized?<br>-Major-

  • Are storage areas regularly inspected for signs of pest infestation?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all stocked goods regularly checked for damage and quality degradation (like rotting, mold-growth, and worms)?<br>-Minor-

  • Are bulk ingredients stored in airtight food container with opening and use-by dates?<br>-Minor-

  • Are food items stored at appropriate height or distance to prevent from contamination from ceiling, floor, and walls?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all goods (food, packagings, chemicals and other non-food stuffs) store off the floor with pallets or shelves from the wall?<br>-Minor-

  • Are storage area or unit free from clutter and obstruction that could hinder inspection or safety?<br>-Minor-

Hygiene and Sanitation (Cleaning)

  • Is there a Cleaning Schedule Plan / Program in place?<br>-Critical/Major-

  • Is there adequate equipment and facilities to undertake cleaning effectively?<br>-Minor-

  • Is the cleaning equipment and tools clean, in good repair, and stored appropriately in the designated area after use? <br>-Minor-

  • Are high-touch surfaces (food equipment doorknobs, handles, etc.) are cleaned and sanitized frequently?<br>-Critical-

  • Are floors, walls, and ceilings cleaned regularly using appropriate methods?<br>-Minor

  • Are sinks regularly cleaned and sanitized?<br>-Major-

  • Are grease traps and drain lines maintained?<br>-Minor-

  • Are ventilation hoods and exhaust systems regularly cleaned?<br>-Minor-

  • Are food preparation areas and equipment surfaces cleaned before and after use?<br>-Major-

  • Are cutting boards, crockeries, utensils, and service-wares cleaned and sanitized after each use?<br>-Critical-

  • Are all customer and employee CR cleaned, stocked regularly, and free from unpleasant smell?<br>-Major-

  • Are handwashing areas maintained clean and sanitized?<br>-Major-

  • In manual washing; 3-compartment sink standard is followed?<br>-Major-

  • The dishwashing machine is operating correctly and maintained in good hygiene and order. i.e. Wash tanks are emptied and refilled with clean water and machine is cleaned regularly.<br>-Major-

  • Only approved cleaning and dishwashing tools are used (no metal pads or scourers)?

Maintenance of Equipment and Premises

  • Is there a maintenance inspection schedule in place for equipment, facilities, and plumbing?<br>-Minor-<br>

  • Are the ventilation system and exhaust hoods regularly inspected and serviced?<br>-Major-

  • Are lights and fixtures working and replaced when necessary ?<br>-Minor-

  • Are fire suppression systems and extinguishers inspected and in good working condition?<br>-Minor-

  • Are water filter systems regularly inspected and replaced when necessary for potable water?<br>-Crtical-

  • Are all equipment and devices working and in good condition; no broken or missing parts?<br>-Major-

  • Are all crockeries free from cracks, chippings, and utensils are generally in good condition? <br>-Major-

  • Are all thermometers (probe and Infrared) working and calibrated as necessary basis?<br>-Minor-

  • Are the premises in good repair inside and out with clean and covered drains, good flooring, walls without paint chipping or cracks, ceiling fitted well, and no exposed electrical wirings?<br>-Minor-

Pest Control

  • Is there a pest control program in place, conducted by a licensed pest control provider?<br>-Major-

  • Are there pest control devices and equipment to deter pest entry and activity?<br>-Major-

  • Are all pest control devices and equipment in good condition and replaced when necessary?<br>-Minor-

  • Are entry points for pests, such as gaps, open holes, cracks are sealed off?<br>-Critical-

  • Are pest sightings are reported and documented by the staff?<br>-Minor-

  • Are pest control records maintained and available for inspection?<br>-Minor-

Personal Hygiene

  • Are all food handlers adhering to personal good grooming standards (with clean fresh uniforms and appropriate kitchen shoes, facial hair trimmed or shaped, nail cut, taken shower)?<br>-Major-

  • Daily hygiene practices of food handlers are monitored and corrective actions are recorded.<br>-Minor-

  • Are there sufficient hand-washing areas installed in all food handling areas, complete with hot/cold water, soap, and drying towels or hand dryers?<br>-Minor-

  • Personal Hygiene Box is available in all entrance and preparation areas (contains hairnet, face mask, gloves, disposable aprons, and arm sleeves)<br>-Major-

  • Are food handlers knowledgeable on why and how often they should wash their hands?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all food handlers wash their hands frequently and properly?<br>-Critical-

  • Are all food handlers changing PPE after leaving kitchen premises? <br>-Major-

  • No food handlers using oral nicotine products inside the premises?<br>-Major-

Food Handling and Preparation

  • Are cutting boards and knives color-coded for different food item use and being followed?<br>-Major-

  • Are raw and cooked foods prepared using separate suitable utensils and containers?<br>-Critical-

  • Are no-cook foods monitored during preparation and checked before serving (salads, fresh juices, desserts)?<br>-Critical-

  • Is the use of gloves during food handling strictly required and monitored?<br>-Major-

  • Are cutting boards, knives, and other utensils cleaned and sanitized between different food tasks?<br>-Critical-

  • Is there a designated area for washing and storage of fresh produce?<br>-Minor-

  • Are fruits and vegetables washed and sanitized properly?<br>-Critical-

  • Are frying oils regularly checked, filtered, or replaced to maintain good quality and safety?<br>-Major-

  • Is there a policy for handling food leftovers, expired, or with signs of spoilage?<br>-Major-

  • No staff member eating or drinking in the food preparation areas?<br>-Minor-

  • Correct usage of food equiment and utensils are followed?<br>-Minor-

  • Are food holding equipment maintained and in good working condition?<br>-Major-


  • Are all staff members aware of and trained in thawing practices (Chiller Method & Running Water Method)?<br>-Minor-

  • All foods for thawed appropriately within 24-48 hours and used or consumed immediately?<br>-Critical-

  • Is there available documentation for thawing recording and monitoring?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all raw products thawed and stored separately from cooked products to prevent cross-contamination?<br>-Major-

  • Are products being thawed covered, and or wrapped and labelled correctly?<br>-Major-


  • Are all food products cooked in a timely way and at the right internal cooking temperature?<br>-Critical-

  • Cooking of food especially PHF items is monitored regularly and recorded accurately?<br>-Minor-


  • Cooked foods are cooled to 21°C in the 1st two hours and to 5°C in the remaining four hours. (2-hour/4-hour rule of cooling) using the ice bath method or using Blast Chiller equipment?<br>-Critical-

  • Is all cooked food being cooled kept in the proper container, covered, and labeled?<br>-Major-

  • Temperature of cooked foods being cooled is monitored and recorded.<br>-Minor-


  • When reheating food, standard reheating temperature is being followed?<br>-Critical-

  • Food items are reheated in an appropriate containers?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all foods reheated monitored and recorded?<br>-Minor-

Hot and Cold Holding

  • Hot and cold holding of food items are monitored and recorded.<br>-Minor-

  • Are holding temperatures being followed and met?<br>-Critical-

  • Are holding equipments maintained and good working condition?<br>-Major-

Waste Disposal and Management

  • Are waste bins covered, foot-operated, and regularly emptied?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all waste bins cleaned daily (well dried and no smell)?<br>-Major-

  • Are cleaning staff trained on proper waste disposal and handling?<br>-Minor-

  • Are all waste bins placed far enough from food storage and preparation areas to prevent cross-contamination?<br>-Minor-

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.