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Food Safety Audit
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Are the required supplies at all hand washing sinks and has warm running water?
Are hands properly washed and is there a system in place to ensure hourly hand washing by all employees preparing food?
Are blue or colored disposable<br>glove used to prevent cross-contamination and that there are dedicated utensils for each raw product.
Are clear/white disposable worn for food preparation of ready to eat foods at the sandwich prep<br>table, salad prep table, for<br>iced/sweet tea preparation<br>and in all other areas?
Do sanitized towel buckets<br>contain a sufficient number<br>of towels, clean towels, and sanitizer<br>solution at 50 ppm or above?
Are all UHC trays, grill utensils,<br>prep table utensils and<br>utensil holders are clean<br>(no build up) and are<br>washed and sanitized at<br>least every 4 hours? And is the Back<br>sink and soap/sanitizer<br>dispensers or dishwashers<br>must function (hot water<br>110˚ F or higher) and all supplies must be available.<br>Check that sanitizer<br>solution has the right<br>concentration with an<br>appropriate test strip.
Check if sanitizer soaked towels and<br>grill cloths used at food or<br>beverage preparation areas<br>are placed into the<br>soiled towel bucket after<br>using and should not be<br>left sitting out on kitchen<br>surfaces.
Is the pyrometer with needle<br>probe is calibrated and<br>working correctly? Ask the manager to show you how they check the<br>pyrometer to make sure it is calibrated, working<br>properly and reads 32˚ F when placed in ice water<br>bath. (plus or minus 2˚ F)?
Are refrigerated products<br>inside all refrigerated units<br>are at or below 40° F (4°C)<br>(including shake/sundae<br>reservoir)? Use a pyrometer to check the temperature of<br>randomly selected products (check products in the<br>walk-in, grill area and front counter/drive-thru refrigeration units.
Is the walk-in freezer and any<br>other primary storage<br>freezers at 0° F (-18° C) or<br>below and secondary storage<br>freezers are keeping all<br>products solidly frozen?
Check the internal temperature<br>of Filet-O-Fish portions<br>after cooking are at or<br>above 150° F (66° C).
Check the internal temperatures of<br>beef patties after cooking are<br>at or above 155°F (69°C). If no, the restaurant is considered unacceptable on food safety.
Check the internal temperatures of<br>breakfast sausage after<br>cooking are at or above 155° F<br>(69° C) for sausage made from<br>beef or pork and 165° F (74° C)<br>for sausage made from<br>poultry. If no, the restaurant is considered unacceptable on food safety.
Check the cooked McMuffin round eggs<br>have gelled yolks (are not<br>runny). Internal temperatures<br>are at or above 155° F (69° C). If no, the restaurant is considered unacceptable on food safety.
Check if the managers (or staff assigned to<br>complete the checklist) have<br>been trained on and can<br>demonstrate how to properly<br>complete the procedures on<br>the Daily Food Safety<br>Checklist. Also randomly select a couple of other items on<br>the Daily Food Safety Checklist and ask the<br>manager to explain the process for completing<br>those items.
Check if the managers (or staff assigned to<br>complete the checklist) have<br>been trained on and can<br>demonstrate how to properly<br>complete the procedures on<br>the Daily Food Safety<br>Checklist. Also randomly select a couple of other items on<br>the Daily Food Safety Checklist and ask the<br>manager to explain the process for completing<br>those items.
All managers (including shift<br>managers) are trained and<br>certified in food safety<br>through ServSafe (or an<br>equivalent accredited food<br>safety training course).
Check if at least the last 60 days of<br>correctly completed Food<br>Safety Daily Checklist are<br>available.
Check if at least the last two correctly<br>completed Monthly Food<br>Safety Procedures<br>Verifications are available.
Check if opened packages of food in<br>storage, (refrigerators and<br>freezers) are<br>covered/wrapped and stored<br>according to proper<br>procedures
Are all refrigerated products are in<br>code (within primary shelf<br>life)?
Check if secondary shelf lives of<br>refrigerated foods held at<br>room temperature and in<br>refrigerators are marked and<br>the products are being used<br>within their secondary shelf<br>lives.
Are leftover heated foods are<br>discarded (including any<br>shake/sundae mix removed<br>from heat treatment<br>shake/sundae machines)?
Crew training and verification<br>on food safety/sanitation<br>(Cleanliness, Sanitation and<br>Food Safety training<br>equivalent) is being done in accordance with local<br>regulations or McDonald’s<br>minimum Food Safety training<br>requirements in absence of<br>more stringent local<br>regulations.
The restaurant building, corral<br>and any area within 10 feet<br>(3m) from the building (e.g.<br>inside the drive thru lane) is<br>clear from infestation by rats,<br>mice, insects, and birds. Check<br>these areas for any sign of<br>pests. If the restaurant has<br>signs of pest infestation, this<br>question is considered fail.
Are pest management programs<br>and pest prevention steps and<br>behaviors are in place and are<br>being managed effectively.<br>The restaurant is properly pest<br>proofed to prevent entry of<br>pests (e.g. gaps under doors<br>are sealed). Review the most<br>recent pest control report,<br>ensuring all recommendations<br>have been corrected.
Review the most recent health<br>department inspection form<br>ensuring all food safety<br>violations noted by the health<br>department have been<br>corrected.
Are all food, food packaging and<br>cleaning chemicals are from<br>approved sources?
Chemicals are stored away<br>from food.