Title Page

  • Road Name

  • Road Chainage Location (CHAINAGE)

  • Road Section Location (Intersection to Intersection)

  • Side of Road (In reference to Running Chainage)

  • Inspection Location (Drop Pin)
  • Inspection Date

  • Inspected By


  • FOOTPATH width (m)

  • FOOTPATH cross-fall (%)

  • FOOTPATH surfacing type

  • FOOTPATH Terrain Location

  • FOOTPATH Terrain Type

  • General Comments

  • Photos

FOOTPATH - Condition Assessment - Severity Level Descriptions

  • FOOTPATH - Condition State - Severity Level Rating Descriptions

  • Refer to Condition Assessment Table Attached below for Various FOOTPATH Surfacing's:

FOOTPATH - Condition Assessment

  • For the FOOTPATH section inspected, what is the main failure mechanisms identified?

  • What is the Length of FOOTPATH Affected by SURFACE BREAKS OR CRACKS (m)

  • What is the Width of FOOTPATH Affected by SURFACE BREAKS OR CRACKS (m)


  • What is the Condition Rating of the Affected FOOTPATH Area for SURFACE BREAKS OR CRACKS (Refer Inspection Manual Severity Description Above for PAVEMENT SURFACING MATERIAL TYPE)

  • What rectification is required for the FOOTPATH SURFACE BREAKS OR CRACKS?

  • What is the Length of FOOTPATH Affected by JOINTING FAILURES (m)

  • What is the Width of FOOTPATH Affected by JOINTING FAUILURES (m)


  • What is the Condition Rating of the Affected FOOTPATH Area for JOINTING FAILURE (Refer Inspection Manual Severity Description Above for PAVEMENT SURFACING MATERIAL TYPE)

  • What rectification is required for the FOOTPATH JOINTING FAILURE?

  • What is the Length of FOOTPATH Affected by PATH DISPLACEMENT (m)

  • What is the Width of FOOTPATH Affected by PATH DISPLACEMENT (m)


  • What is the Condition Rating of the Affected FOOTPATH Area for PATH DISPLACMENT (Refer Inspection Manual Severity Description Above for PAVEMENT SURFACING MATERIAL TYPE)

  • What rectification is required for the FOOTPATH PATH DISPLACEMENT?

  • What is the Length of FOOTPATH Affected by PATH EDGE DROP OFF (m)

  • What is the Width of FOOTPATH Affected by PATH EDGE DROP OFF(m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH of the PATH EDGE DROP OFF (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the Affected FOOTPATH Area for PATH EDGE DROP OFF (Refer Inspection Manual Severity Description Above for PAVEMENT SURFACING MATERIAL TYPE)

  • What rectification is required for the FOOTPATH EDGE DROP OFF?

  • What is the Length of FOOTPATH Affected by TRIP HAZARDS (m)

  • What is the Width of FOOTPATH Affected by TRIP HAZARDS (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH of the TRIP HAZARDS (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the Affected FOOTPATH Area for PATH TRIP HAZARDS (Refer Inspection Manual Severity Description Above for PAVEMENT SURFACING MATERIAL TYPE)

  • What rectification is required for the FOOTPATH TRIP HAZARDS?

FOOTPATH - Vulnerability Assessment - Severity Level Descriptions

  • FOOTPATH - Vulnerability State - Rating Descriptions

  • 1= NOT VULNERABLE - Description: The footpath is in excellent condition, showing strong resilience to climatic impacts. It remains safe and accessible with minimal maintenance required.

    - Footpaths accessible during extreme weather.
    - Minimal wear or damage.
    - No significant safety concerns or incidents.
    - Robust materials and construction requiring minimal maintenance.

  • 2=SLIGHTLY VULNERABLE - Description: Minor vulnerabilities exist but are managed effectively, causing minimal long-term impact.

    - Rare inaccessibility during extreme weather, quickly resolved.
    - Minor cracks or surface wear.
    - Few safety concerns with occasional minor incidents.
    - Functional with regular maintenance.

  • 3= MODERATLEY VULNERABLE - Description: Moderate impacts with regular disruptions affecting accessibility and safety.

    - Periodic inaccessibility during extreme weather.
    - Noticeable surface damage such as cracks or minor erosion.
    - Some safety concerns with moderate incidents.
    - Requires frequent maintenance and repairs.

  • 4= VULNERABLE - Description: Significant impacts with frequent and severe disruptions affecting accessibility and safety.

    - Regular inaccessibility during extreme weather.
    - Significant surface damage and erosion.
    - Frequent safety concerns and incidents.
    - Requires extensive and ongoing repairs.

  • 5 = VERY VULNERABLE - Description: Highly vulnerable with constant and severe disruptions critically affecting daily use and safety.

    - Chronic inaccessibility, long-term use issues.
    - Major and continuous surface damage.
    - Persistent safety hazards with high rates of incidents.
    - Poor condition requiring immediate and extensive repairs.

FOOTPATH - Vulnerability Assessment

FOOTPATH - Vulnerability Assessment

  • A footpath vulnerability assessment evaluates the resilience and condition of footpaths, focusing on factors like structural integrity, accessibility, safety, and environmental impacts. In Samoa, this assessment is crucial due to the increasing frequency and intensity of climate change-related events such as heavy rainfall, cyclones, and sea-level rise.

  • How frequently is the footpath used by the local community?

  • Are materials used in the FOOTPATH construction suitable for the local climate and conditions exposed to?

  • Are there any obstacles or hazards (e.g., debris, overgrown vegetation) that impede accessibility to the FOOTPATH?

  • How does heavy rainfall affect the FOOTPATH's general condition and usability?

  • Is there a history of flooding or coastal tidal or storm surge impacts affecting the FOOTPATH?

  • Is the FOOTPATH accessible during extreme weather events?

  • How often do FOOTPATH closures occur due to weather conditions?

  • If the FOOTPATH was required to be closed for an extended period would it cause significant effect to the road network, communities, businesses and emergency services (i.e. Are alternative routes available)

  • Is there an adequate drainage system in place to manage storm water runoff?

  • Have there been any reported accidents related to FOOTPATH conditions?

  • Vulnerability Assessment of FOOTPATH

  • General Comments

  • Photos

Inspection Completion

  • Have Issues been identified that require Immediate Emergency Rectification (i.e. An Immediate Public Safety Issue)

  • Details of Emergency Rectification Required

  • Overall Assessment of the roadside FOOTPATH - Condition State - Severity Level - (In accordance with Road Inspection Manual Calculation for Affected Length Vs Total Road Length)

  • Monitoring Required

  • General Comments

  • Completed Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.