Title Page

  • Road Name

  • Road Chainage Location (Single Point CH or From CH / To CH)

  • Inspection Location (Drop Pin)
  • Inspection Date

  • Inspected By


  • Road surfacing type

  • Trafficable Road width (m)

  • Road shoulder width (m)

  • Road cross-fall type

  • Road formation type

  • Road Terrain Location

  • Road Terrain Type

  • General Comments

  • Photos

ROAD PAVEMENT - General Condition Assessment - Severity Level Descriptions

  • ROAD PAVEMENT - GENERAL Condition States - Severity Level Rating Descriptions

  • 1= The ROAD PAVEMENT is in EXCELLENT CONDITION with near-perfect condition with no visible signs of distress or deterioration. The surface is smooth and free of defects.

    - No potholes, cracks, or surface wear.
    - No deformation or rutting.
    - Good drainage with no water pooling.

  • 2= The ROAD PAVEMENT is in GOOD CONDITION with minor signs of wear and tear that do not affect the overall functionality or safety.

    - Minor cracks (hairline or slightly wider) that do not form a network.
    - Small potholes that are infrequent and easily avoidable.
    - Slight surface wear or loss of aggregate.
    - Adequate drainage with minimal water pooling.

  • 3= The ROAD PAVEMENT is in Fair Condition. The ROAD PAVEMENT shows moderate signs of deterioration that may begin to affect the functionality but is still serviceable.

    - Moderate cracks, some of which may form a network (crocodile cracking).
    - Potholes of moderate size and frequency.
    - Noticeable surface wear or roughness.
    - Signs of minor rutting or deformation.
    - Drainage issues leading to occasional water pooling.

  • 4= The ROAD PAVEMENT is in Poor Condition with significant signs of distress that affect the ride quality and may pose safety concerns.

    - Extensive cracking, including large interconnected cracks.
    - Numerous and larger potholes.
    - Severe surface wear, roughness, or loss of aggregate.
    - Noticeable and frequent rutting or deformation.
    - Poor drainage with frequent water pooling, potential for localized flooding.

  • 5= The ROAD PAVEMENT is in Critical with severe distress that poses safety hazards and requires immediate repair or reconstruction.

    - Extensive and severe cracking, including widespread crocodile cracking.
    - Large and numerous potholes that are unavoidable.
    - Extreme surface wear or disintegration.
    - Severe rutting, deformation, or subsidence.
    - Failed or non-existent drainage, leading to constant water pooling and flooding.

ROAD PAVEMENT - Condition Assessment

  • For the ROAD PAVEMENT section inspected, what is the main failure mechanisms identified?

  • What is the LOCALISED SURFACE DEFECT Description (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the LOCALISED SURFACE DEFECT (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the LOCALISED SURFACE DEFECT (m)


  • What is the Condition Rating of the LOCALISED SURFACE DEFECT (Refer Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the LOCALISED SURFACE DEFECT

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the LOCALISED SURFACE DEFECT

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH caused by the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the PAVEMENT UNDULATIONS

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the PATCHING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the PATCHING

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the PATCHING (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the PATCHING (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH caused by the PATCHING (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the PATCHING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the PATCHING

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the PATCHING

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the POTHOLING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the POTHOLING

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the POTHOLING (mm)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the POTHOLING (mm)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH caused by the POTHOLING (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the POTHOLING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the POTHOLING

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the POTHOLING

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the RUTTING Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the RUTTING

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the RUTTING(m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the RUTTING (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH caused by the RUTTING (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the RUTTING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the RUTTING

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the RUTTING

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the CRACKING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the CRACKING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the CRACKING (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the CRACKING (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE WIDTH of the CRACKING (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the CRACKING (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the CRACKING

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the CRACKING

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT(Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT (m)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the SEAL SURFACE DEFECT

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the EDGE BREAK (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the EDGE BREAK

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the EDGE BREAK (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the EDGE BREAK (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH caused by the EDGE BREAK (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the EDGE BREAK (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the EDGE BREAK

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the EDGE BREAK

  • Photos

  • What is the description of the EDGE DROP OFF (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What is the most likely cause of the EDGE DROP OFF

  • What is the Length of Road Affected by the EDGE DROP OFF (m)

  • What is the Width of Road Affected by the EDGE DROP OFF (m)

  • What is the APPROXIMATE DEPTH caused by the EDGE DROP OFF (mm)

  • What is the Condition Rating of the EDGE DROP OFF (Refer Road Inspection Manual)

  • What rectification is required for the EDGE DROP OFF

  • If the repair is not immediate, What is the required monitoring period for the EDGE DROP OFF

  • Photos

ROAD PAVEMENT - Vulnerability Assessment - Severity Level Descriptions

  • ROAD PAVEMENT - Vulnerability State - Rating Descriptions

  • 1= NOT VULNERABLE - Description: The gravel road shows strong resilience to climatic impacts. It remains accessible and safe with minimal maintenance, supporting economic activities without significant issues.

    - Roads accessible during extreme weather.
    - Minimal impact on local businesses.
    - No significant safety concerns or accidents.
    - Robust infrastructure requiring minimal maintenance.

  • 2=SLIGHTLY VULNERABLE - Description: Minor vulnerabilities exist but are effectively managed, causing minimal long-term impact.

    - Rare road inaccessibility, quickly resolved.
    - Minor disruptions to businesses and transport.
    - Few safety concerns with occasional accidents.
    - Infrastructure shows minor wear, remains functional with regular maintenance.

  • 3= MODERATLEY VULNERABLE - Description: Moderate impacts with regular disruptions affecting accessibility and economic activities.

    - Periodic road inaccessibility affecting access to essential services.
    - Noticeable impact on businesses and tourism, increased costs for goods transportation.
    - Some safety concerns and moderate accidents.
    - Infrastructure shows stress, requiring frequent maintenance.

  • 4= VULNERABLE - Description: Significant impacts with frequent and severe disruptions affecting communities and economic activities.

    - Regular road inaccessibility isolating communities during extreme weather.
    - Significant disruptions to businesses, tourism, and agricultural transport.
    - Frequent safety concerns and higher accident rates.
    - Damaged infrastructure requiring extensive and ongoing repairs.

  • 5 = VERY VULNERABLE - Description: Highly vulnerable with constant and severe disruptions critically affecting daily life and economic stability.

    - Chronic road inaccessibility leading to long-term community isolation.
    - Major and continuous business disruptions with severe economic losses.
    - Persistent safety hazards with a high rate of accidents and injuries.
    - Poor infrastructure condition with widespread severe damage requiring immediate attention.

ROAD PAVEMENT - Vulnerability Assessment

ROAD PAVEMENT - Vulnerability Assessment

  • Increased Flooding and Rainfall Intensity: Samoa's location in the Pacific exposes it to frequent tropical storms and cyclones, which are expected to increase in intensity due to climate change. The increased rainfall can lead to higher water volumes that ROAD PAVEMENT might not be designed to handle, potentially causing overtopping or structural failure.

  • How heavily trafficked is the roadway in terms of AADT?

  • Is the road prone to extensive pavement maintenance activities?

  • Is the road accessible during extreme weather events?

  • How does heavy rainfall affect the road's general condition and usability?

  • Is there a history of flooding or coastal tidal or storm surge impacts affecting the road?

  • How often do road closures occur due to weather conditions?

  • Is there an adequate drainage system in place to manage storm water runoff?

  • If the road was required to be closed for an extended period would it cause significant effect to the road network, communities, businesses and emergency services (i.e. Are alternative routes available)

  • Have there been any reported accidents related to road conditions?

  • Vulnerability Assessment of ROAD PAVEMENT

  • General Comments

  • Photos

Inspection Completion

  • Have Issues been identified that require Immediate Emergency Rectification (i.e. An Immediate Public Safety Issue)

  • Details of Emergency Rectification Required

  • Overall Assessment of the roadside ROAD PAVEMENT - Condition State - Severity Level - (In accordance with Road Inspection Manual Calculation for Affected Length Vs Total Road Length)

  • Monitoring Required

  • General Comments

  • Completed Signature

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