Title Page

  • Date

  • Prepared by

  • Job Number

  • Location
  • Weather


  • Task and Safe Work Procedure as detailed on JHRA located in the SSSP

  • If there is an Extraordinary Condition?

  • Identify and Explain

  • Task and Safe Work Procedure as detailed on JHRA located in the SSSP

  • If there is an Extraordinary Condition?

  • Identify and Explain

  • Task and Safe Work Procedure as detailed on JHRA located in the SSSP

  • If there is an Extraordinary Condition?

  • Identify and Explain

  • Task and Safe Work Procedure as detailed on JHRA located in the SSSP

  • If there is an Extraordinary Condition?

  • Identify and Explain

  • Task and Safe Work Procedure as detailed on JHRA located in the SSSP

  • If there is an Extraordinary Condition?

  • Identify and Explain

  • Task and Safe Work Procedure as detailed on JHRA located in the SSSP

  • If there is an Extraordinary Condition?

  • Identify and Explain

Toolbox Talk

  • Was toolbox talk completed today?

  • What was the talk about?

Sign In and Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

  • Name:

  • Signature

Pre-Task Elevated Work Checklist for Perimeter Walls (Shotcrete & Pour in Place)

  • Is Elevated Work for Perimeter Walls being conducted?

  • Describe work to be done:

  • Estimate date range required of work to be done:

  • Are Mirror Drain/Waterproofing completed?

  • Is dowel protection in place?

  • Holes covered, secured and covered?

  • Type of ladder, scaffolding or man lift are they in compliance with known regulations?

  • Have you spoken with the formwork foreman or GC to ensure the deck is ready for access by our manpower and preloading of our reinforcing materials?

  • Name of the Foreman that you spoke with?

  • Have you walked the perimeter area before accessing with the manpower or preloading materials in the area?

  • Were all questions or concerns addressed by GC & forming contractor?

  • Rescue plan reviewed with the GC? (man basket & crane, man lift, ramps or other)

  • Is climbing rebar curtains with fall protection required?

  • Are vertical work bracing plans required? review plan if required.

  • If form work is provided, have you reviewed with GC or form work if it has been braced to handle rebar and manpower loads?

  • Do you have your vertical work plans completed, approved and signed off?

  • If engineered tie-off points are requested and supplied, are they inspected and signed off?

  • Project Name

  • Begin Date

  • End Date

  • Location (Building, Floor, Grid)

  • Description

  • List Authorized Workers

  • How high is the work surface and how will access be achieved?

  • How will equipment and tools be conveyed to the work location?

  • Describe any environmental factors to consider, such as heat, cold, slippery, wet, wind, glare?

  • Will work activities create a hazard for persons below?

  • Is barricading required to keep non-essential personnel away?

  • List equipment to be used, such as full body harness, minimum length lanyard, shock absorber, connecting hardware, I-beam strap, self-retracting lifeline, etc.)

  • Describe protection method

  • Are there any approved anchorage points I can use? Where?

  • Are these points labeled as approved anchorage points(s) or obviously capable of holding 5,000 lbs or 2 times the anticipated load as determined by a designated qualified person?

  • If not, can approved pre-manufactured or engineered anchorages be installed?

  • Have the anchor point(s) been inspected?

  • What is the clearance or how far is the distance that I may fall?

  • For the next question, calculate fall distance to include lanyard length, deceleration distance of 3.5 feet, your height, and the safety factor - generally 3 feet

  • Is there at least 15-18 feet of clear space from the anchorage point before the next level down?

  • For the next question, consider plumbing lines, electrical exposures, protruding or impalement hazards, etc?

  • Are there any hazards nearby or underneath that are exposed or could become exposed in an impact?

  • What kind of hazard?

  • How will rescue be ensured within 15 minutes should a fall occur? (If no rescue equipment is available locally, contact the fall protection competent person)

  • List rescue equipment immediately available for this location and describe how it can be staged quickly should it be needed. Include whatever might be needed such as a ladder, aerial device elevating work platform, tripod, additional harness, controlled descent device, winch, pulley, etc.

  • What obstructions are in the way of reaching the suspended worker?

  • How will the safety of rescuers be ensured?

  • List the communication system(s) will be used between the suspended worker and rescue team

  • Foreman

  • Foreman Cell Number

  • Foreman Signature

  • Signature Date

  • Superintendent

  • Superintendent Cell Number

  • Superintendent Signature

  • Signature Date

  • Does work described above require a Fall Protection Plan?

  • Please review.

  • Harness and Lanyard selection and inspection?

  • Lifeline or horizontal retractable line plan complete, retractables selected and inspected?

  • Rated for one person 5,000 lbs and two person 10,000 lbs

Pre-Task Elevated Work Checklist Deck (Vertical and Flat work)

  • Is Elevated work being conducted on the Deck?

  • Describe work to be done:

  • How much of the pour is ready for placement?

  • Estimated date range of work to be done:

  • Formed deck completed?

  • Handrails completed?

  • Holes covered, secured and covered?

  • Type of ladders, scaffold stairs access, man lift or ramp are in compliance with known regulations?

  • Have you spoken with formwork foreman or GC to ensure the deck is ready for access by our manpower and preloading our reinforcing materials?

  • Name of foreman's that you spoke with?

  • Have you walked the deck above and below accessing with manpower or preloading materials in the area?

  • Were all questions or concerns addressed by the GC & forming contractor?

  • Rescue plan reviewed with GC? (man basket & crane, man lift, ramps or other)

  • Is climbing rebar elements with fall protection required?

  • Is vertical work near perimeter i.e. within 10' of deck edge- 100% tie-off required

  • Are vertical work bracing plans required?

  • Review plan with team

  • If formwork is provided, have you reviewed with GC or formwork that it's been braced to handle rebar and manpower loads?

  • Bracing and anchor points been inspected?

  • Do you have vertical work plans completed, approved and signed off?

  • If engineered tie-off points are requested and supplied have they been inspected and signed off?

  • Does work described above require a Fall Protection Plan?

  • Please review with team

  • Harness and lanyard selection and inspections completed?

  • Lifeline or horizontal retractable line plan complete, retractable selected and inspected?

  • Anchor points planned, selected and inspected?

  • Rated for one person 5,000 lbs and two person 10,000 lbs?

Pre-Task Elevated Work Checklist for Core and Shear Wall Area

  • Is Elevated Work being conducted in Core and Shear Wall Area?

  • Describe work to be done:

  • How much of the pour is ready for placement?

  • Estimated date range of work to be done:

  • Are vertical forms complete and Halo in place?

  • Handrails completed?

  • Holes covered, secured and covered?

  • Type of ladders, scaffold stairs access, man lift or ramp are in compliance with known regulations?

  • Have you spoken with formwork foreman or GC to ensure the deck is ready for access by our manpower and preloading our reinforcing materials?

  • Name of foreman's that you spoke with?

  • Have you walked the core area before accessing with manpower or preloading materials in the area?

  • Were all questions or concerns addressed by the GC & forming contractor?

  • Rescue plan reviewed with GC? (man basket & crane, man lift, ramps or other)

  • Is climbing rebar elements with fall protection required?

  • Is vertical work near perimeter i.e. within 10' of deck edge- 100% tie-off required

  • Are vertical work bracing plans required?

  • Review plan with team

  • If formwork is provided, have you reviewed with GC or formwork that it's been braced to handle rebar and manpower loads?

  • Bracing and anchor points been inspected?

  • Do you have vertical work plans completed, approved and signed off?

  • If engineered tie-off points are requested and supplied have they been inspected and signed off?

  • Does work described above require a Fall Protection Plan?

  • Please review with team

  • Harness and lanyard selection and inspections completed?

  • Lifeline or horizontal retractable line plan complete, retractable selected and inspected?

  • Anchor points planned, selected and inspected?

  • Rated for one person 5,000 lbs and two person 10,000 lbs?

Supervisor Accident Report

  • Has an Accident occured?

  • Job Name and Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Name of Injured Teammate:

  • Date of Birth:

  • Date and Time of Incident

  • Type of Injury:

  • Body Part: (Arm, Hand, etc)

  • Side of body?

  • What was the Teammate doing when injured?

  • Describe:

  • Travel Distance?

  • Weight?

  • Describe Terrain Conditions? (Muddy, level, un-level, etc.)

  • Was teammate using PPE?

  • Type of equipment used (Hickey bar, Chokers, etc.)

  • Was any hazardous material involved?

  • What was the material involved?

  • How did the injury happen?

  • Was the hazard covered during Pre-task review?

  • What specific unsafe act or condition was responsible for this accident?

  • Why was this specific act or condition responsible for this accident?

  • How long has employee been performing this task?

  • How often is this tasked performed? (daily, monthly)

  • How could this injury been prevented?

  • Number of teammates involed?

  • Was injury caused by another person

  • Name of person that caused the injury?

  • Were there witnesses?

  • Has the witness completed the "witness accident report" form?

  • Is this injury an original injury or a reinjury of a preexisting condition?

Off-Site Treatment

  • Did the teammate see a doctor?

  • Doctor:

  • Facility:

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

Supervisor Signature

  • Sign

Employee Accident Report

  • Has an accident occured?

  • Job Name and Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Name of Injured Teammate:

  • Date of Birth:

  • Date and Time of Incident

  • What were you doing before the injury?

  • Type of Injury:

  • Body Part: (Arm, Hand, etc)

  • Side of body?

  • What were you doing?

  • Describe:

  • Travel Distance?

  • Weight?

  • Describe Terrain Conditions? (Muddy, level, un-level, etc.)

  • Was teammate using PPE?

  • Type of equipment used (Hickey bar, Chokers, etc.)

  • Was any hazardous material involved?

  • What was the material involved?

  • How did the injury happen?

  • Was the hazard covered during Pre-task review?

  • What specific unsafe act or condition was responsible for this accident?

  • Why was this specific act or condition responsible for this accident?

  • How long has employee been performing this task?

  • How often is this tasked performed? (daily, monthly)

  • How could this injury been prevented?

  • Number of teammates involed?

  • Was injury caused by another person

  • Name of person that caused the injury?

  • Were there witnesses?

  • Has the witness completed the "witness accident report" form?

  • Is this injury an original injury or a reinjury of a preexisting condition?

  • Was site first aid adiminstered?

  • Name of Foreman

  • Name of Superintendent

Off-Site Treatment

  • Did you see a doctor?

  • Doctor:

  • Facility:

  • Address:

  • Telephone:

Employee Signature

  • Sign

Witness Accident Report

  • Has an Accident occured?

  • Job Name and Number

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Name of Witness

  • Contact Number:

  • Name of Injured Teammate

  • Time and Date of Statement

  • Time and Date of Accident

  • Type of Injury:

  • Part of body injured (Arm, Hand, Finger, etc.)

  • What were you doing at the time of the incident?

  • Please explain:

  • What was the injured teammate doing?

  • Please explain:

  • Were you using PPE?

  • Type of equipment being used (Hickey Bar, Choker, etc.)

  • How did this injury happen?

  • Was this hazard covered during the pre-task review?

  • How could this accident have been prevented?

  • Name of immediate foreman:

  • Name of project Superintendent:

  • Please sign

End of Day Foreman Report

A. Work in Progress

  • 1a. Primary area worked today and brief detailed description of the work performed today.

  • 2a. Multiple areas worked today?

  • List all areas worked today and brief description of work completed?

  • 3a. Picture(s) of work at end of day

  • 4a. Number of teammates onsite for Nucor Harris Rebar

  • 5a. Total number of hours worked on todays shift (Example 4,8,10 etc. OT included)

B. Project Interruptions/Challenges

  • 1b. Issues/Concerns that happened today

  • 2b. Photograph(s) of identified issue/concern (if applicable)

  • 3b. Contractor reasons/statement for delays, interruptions, change orders, etc.

  • 4b. Will additional work be needed to mitigate these issues?

  • Has supporting documentation for delays or/and interruptions been completed?

  • When will documentation be completed?

C. Safety

  • 1c. Were there any incidents onsite today requiring first aid, OSHS or medical treatment?

  • Provide description of what occurred

  • 2c. Were any safety concerns identified onsite?

  • Provide description of concerns

D. Extended Site Leave Report

  • 1d. Will the team be offsite, or jobsite closed for an extended period?

  • How many days will the Nucor Harris Rebar team be offsite?

  • Describe controls in place to protect work areas, mitigate hazards, securing equipment, etc.

E. Any Additional Information

  • 1e. Any additional information not addressed above?

  • 2e. Any additional photographs?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.