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FORS Bronze, Silver and Gold Accreditation Audit

3 Bronze accreditation

3.1 Management

M1 FORS documentation Requirement - To manage, review, revise and retain all documentation relevant to the FORS Standard. Purpose - To ensure that the policies, procedures, risk assessments and method statements required by the FORS Standard are properly documented, approved by senior management, regularly reviewed and accessible.

  • M1 FORS operators shall have written documentation covering the policy areas as set out in Annex 3.

  • M1 Policy document(s) shall be approved and signed by senior manager as a visible and active commitment to running a quality fleet operation. They shall be readily accessible to staff and, where they are held centrally, they shall be available and accessible to all operating centres.

  • M1 FORS documentation may be written into one or more documents. Where policies and procedures are held within other documents, they shall be appropriately referenced and easily accessible to staff.

  • M1 Other supporting documents shall be provided according to the type of operations being undertaken and include, but are not limited to, risk assessments, safe systems of work and method statements.

  • M1 FORS documentation shall be reviewed:<br>• At least every 12 months<br>• More frequently if needed (for example, changes to legislation, incidents and accidents, or changes to working practices)

  • M1 To ensure the most current document versions are used, a version control method shall be used so that each document shows:<br>• The version number<br>• The review date<br>• The reviewer’s name<br>• The approver’s name

  • M1 FORS documentation reviews shall be recorded in the minutes of senior management meetings.

  • M1 FORS documentation held centrally may be made available in hard copy or electronically.

  • M1 Operators may demonstrate this requirement using documentation attributed to other regulatory or accreditation schemes, where relevant.

  • M1 Small operators may demonstrate this requirement verbally.

NOTE: FORS documentation shall be:

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Aligned to the risk assessments listed in requirement M8

M2 Records Requirement - To manage and retain all records relevant to the FORS Standard. Purpose - To ensure that fleet management records are available to provide evidence of fleet management activities and that all information is current and accessible.

  • M2 FORS operators shall have and maintain a procedure that retains all documents, records and data relevant to the FORS Standard. Information shall be in an accessible format, legible, easily retrieved and retained for the required duration.

  • M2 Records shall be available for inspection or audit and retained in a legible condition for the relevant time period. The time period for retaining records are:<br>• 12 months for drivers’ hours records<br>• 24 months for working time records<br>• 15 months for statutory annual vehicle tests (after their expiry date)<br>• 14 weeks for vehicle nil defects records or until the next vehicle safety inspection<br>• 15 months for records relating to vehicle safety inspections, defects and maintenance

  • M2 All other records relevant to the FORS Standard shall be retained until the next FORS audit.

M3 Responsible person Requirement - To appoint a trained, experienced and (where necessary) qualified person responsible to run the fleet operation. Purpose - To ensure that a person with direct accountability for the fleet operation is appointed to maintain continuous and effective management of fleet activities. The responsible person may be an owner, director, manager or supervisor, depending on the business sector, fleet size and the vehicle type.

  • M3 FORS operators shall appoint a responsible person with direct accountability for the fleet operation. Evidence of the responsible person’s appointment shall include:<br>• Formal appointment through job title, letter of appointment and naming on the organisational chart<br>• Responsibilities through a job description

  • M3 The responsible person shall demonstrate:<br>• Competence through relevant qualifications and FORS Professional Development<br>• Continuous and effective control of all aspects of the fleet operation<br>• Responsibility to decide the use of the vehicles, trailers and relevant staff to ensure a safe, legal and efficient fleet operation

  • M3 Organisations that operate:<br>• HGVs or PCVs under a standard national or international operator licence shall present the relevant qualifications and FORS Professional Development for their nominated transport manager<br>• HGVs or PCVs under a restricted operator licence shall demonstrate the responsible person’s knowledge, skills and experience to run the fleet through FORS Professional Development<br>• Non-operator licensed fleets, such as vans, minibuses, cars and motorcycles shall demonstrate the responsible person’s knowledge, skills and experience to run the fleet through FORS Professional Development

  • M3 Where the organisation operates two or more operating centres, the appointment of assistants reporting to the responsible person should be considered.

NOTE: The responsible person’s training and qualifications shall be:

  • Recorded in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

M4 Staff resources Requirement - To provide adequate staff resources to run the fleet operation. Purpose - To ensure there is sufficient competent staff to run the fleet operation legally, safely and efficiently.

  • M4 FORS operators shall have documentation in place that describes how the organisation is resourced and demonstrates the communication links between management and staff. Documentation shall include:<br>• The nature of the business and the specifics of the fleet operation<br>• An organisation chart of all staff involved in the fleet operation<br>• Job descriptions describing individual responsibilities, accountabilities of the role, and the knowledge, skills and experience required to conduct the role<br>• The recruitment and selection procedure for new drivers and fleet related staff

  • M4 The organisation chart shall include:<br>• The relevant people in the fleet operation, listing total number of drivers<br>• Their job title or role<br>• How the roles are linked and which appointment the role reports to

  • M4 Prior to appointment to the role, drivers shall be checked to validate their:<br>• Employment history<br>• Qualifications and licensing<br>• Fitness to drive<br>• Ability or eligibility to work

  • M4 Checks should include requiring drivers to make a declaration of any collisions, both at work and off-duty, which involve<br>engagement with an insurance company and/or the police.

  • M4 The organisation chart shall also include the person with continuous and effective responsibility for:<br>• The fleet operation in accordance with requirement M3<br>• Health and safety in accordance with requirement M8<br>• Technical engineering advice in accordance with requirement V1<br>• Managing fuel and emissions (Champion) in accordance with requirement O2<br>• Managing road risk (Champion) in accordance with requirement O3<br>• Managing specialist operations in accordance with requirement O5<br>• Managing counter terrorism (Champion) in accordance with requirement O7

  • M4 The recruitment and selection procedure shall include a competence-based interview and driving assessment where relevant.

  • M4 Small operators may describe organisational structure verbally where the roles of senior management and daily operations personnel are understood by all.

  • M4 Large operators may document the organisational structure at operational team level where naming each individual is not practicable.

NOTE: Job descriptions and the organisation chart shall be:

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

M5 Communication Requirement - To communicate fleet management policies and procedures to all staff involved in the fleet operation. Purpose - To ensure that staff either directly or indirectly involved in the fleet operation are aware and have knowledge of the policies and procedures relevant to the FORS Standard.

  • M5 FORS operators shall communicate operational information and organisational policies and procedures through a staff or driver handbook and supporting documentation.

  • M5 Communications shall include the responsibilities relevant to drivers and staff involved in the fleet operation as outlined in the following documents:<br>• Policies and procedures listed at requirement M1<br>• Risk assessments listed at requirement M8

  • M5 Communications with drivers shall also include a declaration, for drivers to acknowledge they are aware of their individual responsibilities.

  • M5 Any changes in the fleet operation or its policies and procedures shall be communicated using supporting documentation such as:<br>• Method statements<br>• Safe systems of work<br>• Toolbox talks<br>• Verbal briefings<br>• Bulletins<br>• Campaigns<br>• Memos, letters and notices

  • M5 All information should be communicated in a format that is readily accessible and easily understood by drivers and operational staff.

NOTE: Staff and driver communication shall be:

  • Recorded and retained in accordance with requirement M2

M6 Vehicle fleet Requirement - To document details of the vehicle fleet and how vehicles are distributed across the organisation. Purpose - To ensure continued and effective control of the fleet operation and that resources, training and staffing are adequate for the fleet size and type.

  • M6 FORS operators shall maintain a register of the number, type and distribution of all vehicles in scope of FORS accreditation.

  • M6 The vehicle fleet register shall include:<br>• All vehicle registration marks (VRMs) or vehicle identification numbers (VINs) for trailers. This information shall be uploaded to FORS online when requesting a Bronze audit<br>• Total number and type of vehicles and trailers held and operated by the organisation<br>• Fuel type of all vehicles held and operated by the organisation<br>• Total number and type of vehicles owned by the organisation<br>• Total number and type of vehicles on lease, rent or loan<br>• Number of operating centres and their addresses<br>• Number and type of vehicles and trailers based at each operating centre<br>• The parking arrangements for vehicles and trailers<br>• Any dormant or previously used operating centres in the past two years (from July 2020)

NOTE: The vehicle fleet register shall be:

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

M7 Regulatory licensing Requirement - To hold all regulatory licences and permits relevant to the fleet operation. Purpose - To ensure that all FORS operators requiring regulatory or operational approval hold a valid licence or permit that is relevant to the operation.

  • M7 FORS operators shall have a procedure in place to ensure the organisation is correctly licensed or permitted to operate vehicles relevant to the operation.

  • M7 Licences and permits include, but are not limited to:<br>• Operator licence<br>• Waste carrier licence<br>• Passenger service permit<br>• Section 19 - not for profit passenger transport<br>• Section 22 - community bus permit<br>• Private hire licence<br>• Regional or city vehicle permits relating to safety or environmental requirements, where applicable

  • M7 The procedure shall ensure sufficient discs, plates and permits are obtained and displayed where required. The procedure should include licence or permit withdrawal and return when a vehicle is removed from service.

  • M7 Licences and permits shall be:<br>• Held in the name of the correct legal entity of the organisation<br>• Specific for the operating centre being audited<br>• Reviewed to ensure any conditions and undertakings are being met<br>• Reviewed for changes for notification to the relevant licence or permit authority within the stated timescales, such as the Traffic Commissioner within 28 days

  • M7 Any regulatory licence or permit relevant to the fleet operation that is revoked, suspended or curtailed shall be reported to FORS.

  • M7 Where an operator licence is held, the responsible person shall make a declaration of any enforcement sanctions within the past 12 months and any impending regulatory action.

  • M7 Licences and permits should have sufficient vehicle margin to allow for any flexibility required in the operation.

  • NOTE: Regulatory and operational licences and permits can differ across countries outside of Great Britain<br>and Northern Ireland.

NOTE: The procedure, records and data relevant to operational licensing shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

M8 Health and safety Requirement - To maintain safe and healthy working conditions. Purpose - To reduce the risk of work-related accidents, injuries and cases of ill health and help ensure the health, safety and welfare of anyone affected by the fleet operation.

  • M8 FORS operators shall have a policy and procedures to reduce the probability and severity of work-related accidents, injuries and cases of ill health. The policy shall be supported by risk assessments or method statements and state the organisation’s commitment to health and safety. The policy shall also:<br>• Name the person with continuous and effective responsibility for health and safety<br>• Describe how health and safety is managed, stating who does what, when and how<br>• Outline the procedure for reporting workplace accidents, occupational diseases and dangerous occurrences (near-misses)<br>• Be clearly displayed in the workplace

  • M8 Health and safety risk assessments or method statements shall, where applicable, include:<br>• Slips, trips and falls<br>• Manual handling<br>• Lone working<br>• Substances hazardous to health<br>• Access to vehicles and working at height<br>• Working around moving vehicles<br>• Reversing, manoeuvring and turning<br>• Coupling, uncoupling and towing trailers

  • M8 Operational and driving at work risks shall be assessed with control measures documented as a procedure, risk assessment or method statement. Operational and driving at work risks include:<br>• D2 Seat belts, speed, distraction and adverse weather<br>• D5 In-vehicle communications<br>• V5 Safe loading and load restraint<br>• O1 Routing, including prescribed passenger routes, designated routes to and from construction sites, and notified routes for abnormal indivisible loads (AIL)<br>• O4 Passenger safety<br>• O5 Specialist operations<br>• O6 Operational security<br>• O7 Counter terrorism

  • M8 Risk assessments and method statements shall include personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements for drivers, particularly P2W drivers.

NOTE: The policy, procedures, risk assessments, method statements, records and data relevant to health and safety shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

M9 Complaints Requirement - To review and act upon any complaint made against the fleet operation. Purpose - To ensure that complaints are investigated and used to improve operational performance through the resolution of any issues identified.

  • M9 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedure to manage complaints, grievances and objections made against the organisation or their drivers. These include, but are not limited to:<br>• Complaints from customers<br>• Complaints from passengers<br>• Reports from members of the public<br>• Reports from the FORS compliance team<br>• Grievances from members of staff

  • M9 A procedure shall be in place that includes the action to be taken in the event of a complaint and how consequences are dealt with.

  • M9 All complaints shall be recorded and investigated within 10 working days to identify whether control measures have failed and if operational improvements can be made. Any improvement action taken shall also be recorded.

  • M9 The complaints procedure that covers the fleet operation may be included within an organisation-wide complaints procedure.

NOTE: The policy, procedure and records relevant to complaints shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

M10 Transport infringements Requirement - To record, investigate and take action against all transport-related infringements. Purpose - To ensure operational risk exposure is minimised, costs are controlled, and drivers operate legally, safely and professionally.

  • M10 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedure in place to record, investigate and monitor all transport-related breaches and offences.

  • M10 The procedures shall include the actions to take in the event of:<br>• Moving traffic offences<br>• Fixed Penalty Notices (including Graduated)<br>• Penalty Charge Notices<br>• Roadworthiness Prohibitions PG9<br>• Drivers’ hours offences<br>• Notices of intended prosecution or action<br>• Notices and the outcomes of public inquiries

  • M10 The procedures shall also include compliance with transport related schemes, such as:<br>• Road user charges, such as congestion charge and tolls<br>• Safety zones, clean air zones and low emission zones<br>• Out of hours restrictions, such as the London Lorry Control Scheme<br>• Other permit schemes and traffic management orders

  • M10 Transport-related infringements shall be recorded and investigated to identify whether control measures have failed and if operational improvements can be made. Any corrective action taken shall also be recorded.

  • M10 Investigations of infringements shall be conducted by a person with competence to:<br>• Review and monitor infringements<br>• Identify direct and root causes<br>• Take corrective action to prevent recurrence<br>• Deal with any consequences<br>• Review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken

  • M10 Corrective action should include:<br>• Changes to operational procedures<br>• Refresher or remedial training<br>• Continued professional development<br>• Disciplinary action

NOTE: The policy, procedure and records relevant to transport infringements shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Aligned to driver licence checks in accordance with requirement D1

  • Recorded in PDPs in accordance with requirement D4

  • Developed in accordance with the FORS Professional Development requirements at Annexes 1 and 2

M11 Transport updates Requirement - To keep up-to-date with developments in the fleet and road transport industry. Purpose - To ensure that the organisation is prepared for and manages any change that may affect the fleet operation, such as legislation or industry practice.

  • M11 FORS operators shall evidence a way of keeping up-to-date with industry developments and changes. Updates shall be specific to the fleet operation and vehicle type.

  • M11 Evidence of keeping up-to-date with industry developments should include, but are not limited to:<br>• FORS bulletins, FORS eNews and FORS social media platforms<br>• Subscription to Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) Moving On, Health and Safety Executive and The Highway Code updates and alerts<br>• Scheme bulletins, such as Construction Logistics and Community Safety (CLOCS)<br>• Membership of a relevant professional body<br>• Membership of a relevant trade association<br>• Subscription to industry media and trade press services

NOTE: Any industry change that is relevant to the fleet operation shall be communicated to drivers and other transport staff in accordance with requirement M5.

3.2 Vehicles

V1 Serviceability and roadworthiness Requirement - To maintain vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment in a serviceable and roadworthy condition. Purpose - To ensure that all vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment operate on the roads safely, within the law and with consideration of the environment.

  • V1 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedure in place to inspect, service and repair vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment. The policy and supporting procedures shall include information on:<br>• Effective management and supervisory responsibilities<br>• Systems for both planned and unplanned maintenance<br>• Maintenance to achieve optimum environmental and performance standards<br>• Daily walkaround checks and defect reporting<br>• First use inspections, including leased, hired, or loaned vehicles<br>• How safety critical defects and prohibitions are managed and investigated<br>• How unroadworthy vehicles are removed from service<br>• How unroadworthy vehicles are brought back into service when passed fit

  • V1 An inspection and maintenance plan shall be in place that includes all vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment in scope<br>of FORS accreditation. The inspection and maintenance plan shall include a minimum of 15 months’ history and six months’<br>forecast of:<br>• MOT and statutory annual tests<br>• Safety inspections<br>• First-use inspections<br>• Maintenance and servicing<br>• Brake tests<br>• Calibration tests<br>• Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) examinations<br>• Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) inspections<br>• Any remedial work required or repairs carried out

  • V1 The inspection and maintenance plan shall be supported by individual vehicle maintenance records. It shall be reviewed and updated when any vehicles, trailers or specialist equipment are changed. Examples of specialist equipment include,<br>but are not limited to:<br>• Speed limiters<br>• Digital and analogue tachograph units<br>• Carrying equipment such as tanks, hoppers, mixers and refrigeration units<br>• Lifting equipment such as cranes, winches, skip loaders, tipping bodies and tail lifts<br>• Accessibility equipment such as ramps, lifts, rails and anchors

  • V1 For operator licence holders, the inspection and maintenance plan shall evidence the safety inspection interval as required by<br>the operator licence conditions. Where safety inspections and maintenance are:<br>• Undertaken in-house - the person with responsibility for technical engineering advice shall declare that the technical facilities and staff competence are adequate for the size of the fleet and type of vehicles operated<br>• Contracted out - a formal written contract with a maintenance provider shall be evidenced

  • V1 Safety inspections and maintenance facilities and technical engineering staff should be accredited by a relevant industry body, such as the Institute of Road Transport Engineers (IRTE) National Workshop Accreditation scheme.

  • V1 FORS accreditation signage shall be removed from a vehicle prior to its onward sale or disposal. For security reasons, organisational livery should also be removed.

NOTE: The policy, procedure, records and data relevant to vehicle inspection and maintenance shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

V2 Daily walkaround checks Requirement - To check vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment for defects immediately before they are used. Purpose - To ensure that all vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment operate on the roads safely, within the law and with consideration of the environment.

  • V2 FORS operators shall have a daily walkaround check and defect reporting procedure in place for all vehicles, trailers and specialist equipment. This shall include the undertaking of walkaround checks by drivers before vehicles are used on the road each day, with a minimum of one check within each 24 hours.

  • V2 The walkaround check procedure shall include an inspection of the whole vehicle, trailer and any specialist equipment. In particular, the walkaround check shall cover the serviceability of:<br>• Wheels and tyres<br>• Brakes and steering<br>• Lights and markers<br>• Mirrors and window glass<br>• Obstructions to driver vision<br>• Bodywork condition<br>• Fluid levels and any leakages<br>• Vehicle safety equipment

  • V2 Where relevant, the walkaround check shall also cover any vehicle specific components such as:<br>• Load restraint systems such as lashing points, anchor points, bulkheads and curtains<br>• Carrying equipment such as tanks, hoppers, mixers and refrigeration units<br>• Lifting equipment such as cranes, winches, skip loaders, tipping bodies and tail lifts<br>• Accessibility equipment such as ramps, lifts, rails and anchors<br>• Trailer couplings and service connections<br>• Charging cables or fuelling equipment for alternatively fuelled vehicles

  • V2 Any defects shall be recorded and reported if they are found during:<br>• The daily walkaround check<br>• While the vehicle is in use<br>• On return to the operating centre

  • V2 The details recorded shall include:<br>• Vehicle registration mark<br>• Vehicle identification number for trailers, where relevant<br>• Date<br>• Driver’s name<br>• Details of the defect or symptom<br>• Who the defect was reported to

  • V2 Defects that affect roadworthiness or safety shall be repaired before the vehicle, trailer or specialist equipment is used on the road.

  • V2 Drivers who are expected to repair minor defects, such as light bulb or fuse replacement, shall be competent to undertake this task.

  • V2 Where there is a change in vehicle or trailer during the day, the driver taking charge should conduct their own walkaround check.

  • V2 If it is unsafe to conduct a walkaround check, there shall be a defect reporting system in place, which details the initial walkaround check and any defects reported during the day for the various drivers of a particular vehicle.

  • V2 Drivers shall be made aware of their legal responsibilities regarding vehicle condition and the procedures for reporting defects.

NOTE: The procedure, records and data relevant to walkaround checks and defect reporting shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

V3 Insurance Requirement - To hold a minimum of third party insurance or self-insurance for the fleet and any other insurance necessary to provide financial protection to the operation. Purpose - To ensure that all vehicles within the scope of FORS accreditation are insured to the minimum legal requirement and to provide financial protection in the event of injury, theft, damage or loss.

  • V3 FORS operators shall have insurance certificates or evidence of self-insurance that covers all drivers, vehicles, trailers,<br>specialist equipment and conditions of use that are within the scope of FORS accreditation.

  • V3 Other insurance certificates shall be in place where they are relevant to the fleet operation. These include:<br>• Employers’ liability<br>• Public liability<br>• Goods in transit<br>• Professional indemnity

  • V3 An annual evaluation of insurance requirements should be conducted with a broker or underwriter to ensure the insurance cover is adequate for the fleet operation and to ensure best value.

NOTE: To ensure the insurance is valid and the fleet operation remains financially protected, insurance certificates shall be:

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

V4 Vehicle tax Requirement - To tax all vehicles operating on public roads. Purpose - To ensure that the appropriate rate of vehicle tax has been paid for all vehicles used on public roads.

  • V4 FORS operators shall have a procedure in place to ensure vehicle tax and vehicle tax exemptions are in place for all vehicles in scope of FORS accreditation.

  • V4 The vehicle tax procedure shall include a register or planner that includes:<br>• Vehicle tax requirements<br>• Vehicle tax expiry dates<br>• Vehicle tax payments<br>• Vehicle tax exemptions

  • V4 V11 reminders or ‘last chance’ warning letters from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) should not be relied on as a means of reminder.

  • V4 If vehicle tax payment is not required, an exemption shall be applied for.

  • V4 Any untaxed vehicles shall be declared as Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN).

NOTE: To ensure vehicle tax is valid and the relevant payments are made by the dates required, vehicle tax requirements shall be:

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

V5 Load safety Bronze requirement V5 is divided into five sub-requirements applicable to the different vehicle types. V5.1 Load safety for HGV Requirement - To load vehicles and trailers safely and within the legal limits. Purpose - To ensure that vehicle and trailer loads are restrained so that they do not endanger the driver, any passengers or other road users.

  • V5.1 FORS operators shall have a policy, equipment, training and documentation in place for safe loading and load restraint. The policy shall include:<br>• Correct vehicle and trailer types for the load to be carried<br>• The load types to be carried by each vehicle and trailer type<br>• Safe loading and unloading practices<br>• Compliance with load documentation such as risk assessments and method statements<br>• Safe coupling of trailers to towing vehicles<br>• Information on the location and use of weighbridges

  • V5.1 Where relevant, the load documentation shall include:<br>• Vehicle gross and axle weight limits<br>• Nature of the load<br>• Load weight and dimensions<br>• Loading and unloading instructions<br>• Load distribution<br>• Load restraint<br>• Use of lifting equipment<br>• Any other special precautions that are necessary

  • V5.1 The correct equipment shall be issued to maintain safe loads.

  • V5.1 The dimensions, laden weight and axle weights shall be determined before vehicles are driven on public roads. An onboard overload protection system should be considered.

  • V5.1 If the overall vehicle height is 9 feet 10 inches (three metres) or above, a height indicator shall be displayed in the cab showing the overall height of the vehicle and load in feet and inches.

NOTE: Documentation, records and data relevant to load safety shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Included in the health and safety policy in accordance with requirement M8

  • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

V5 Load safety Bronze requirement V5 is divided into five sub-requirements applicable to the different vehicle types. V5.2 Load safety for PCV Requirement - To load vehicles and trailers safely and within the legal limits. Purpose - To ensure that luggage and vehicle equipment are restrained and within the vehicle weight limits so that they do not endanger the driver, any passengers or other road users.

  • V5.2 FORS operators shall have a policy, equipment, training and documentation in place for safe stowage. The policy shall include:<br>• Safe stowage of passenger luggage and ancillary vehicle items<br>• Compliance with stowage documentation such as risk assessments and method statements<br>• Correct trailer types for any luggage or cargo to be carried<br>• Safe coupling of trailers to towing vehicles

  • V5.2 Where relevant, the stowage documentation shall include:<br>• Vehicle gross, and axle weight limits<br>• Maximum passenger carrying capacity<br>• Luggage distribution and restraint in the stowage area<br>• Luggage distribution and restraint on-board including access to emergency exits<br>• Location and restraint of ancillary equipment<br>• Any other special precautions that are necessary

  • V5.2 The correct equipment shall be issued to maintain safe loads.

  • V5.2 Maximum passenger and luggage weight limits shall be considered.

  • V5.2 If the overall vehicle height is 9 feet 10 inches (three metres) or above, a height indicator shall be displayed in the cab showing the overall height of the vehicle and load in feet and inches.

NOTE: Documentation, records and data relevant to stowage safety shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Included in the health and safety policy in accordance with requirement M8

  • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

V5 Load safety Bronze requirement V5 is divided into five sub-requirements applicable to the different vehicle types. V5.3 Load safety for vans Requirement - To load vehicles and trailers safely and within the legal limits. Purpose - To ensure that any vehicle and trailer loads are restrained so that they do not endanger the driver, any passengers or other road users.

  • V5.3 FORS operators shall have a policy, equipment, training and documentation in place for safe cargo. The policy shall include:<br>• Correct vehicle and trailer types for the cargo to be carried<br>• The cargo types to be carried by each vehicle and trailer<br>• Safe loading and unloading practices<br>• Compliance with cargo documentation such as risk assessments and method statements<br>• Safe coupling of trailers to towing vehicles

  • V5.3 Where relevant, cargo documentation shall include:<br>• Vehicle gross and axle weight limits<br>• Nature of the cargo<br>• Cargo weight and dimensions<br>• Loading and unloading instructions<br>• Cargo distribution<br>• Cargo restraint system such as partitioning, racking, shelving, netting or sheeting

  • V5.3 The correct equipment shall be issued to maintain safe loads.

NOTE: Documentation, records and data relevant to load safety shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Included in the health and safety policy in accordance with requirement M8

  • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

V5 Load safety Bronze requirement V5 is divided into five sub-requirements applicable to the different vehicle types. V5.4 Load safety for cars Requirement - To load vehicles and trailers safely and within the legal limits. Purpose - To ensure that any vehicle and trailer loads are restrained so that they do not endanger the driver, any passengers or other road users.

  • V5.4 FORS operators shall have a policy, equipment, training and documentation in place for safe cargo. The policy shall include:<br>• Correct vehicle and trailer types for the items to be carried<br>• The items to be carried by each vehicle and trailer<br>• Safe loading and unloading practices<br>• Compliance with vehicle manufacturer’s handbook and any supporting load documentation<br>• Safe coupling of trailers to towing vehicles

  • V5.4 Where relevant, the vehicle manufacturer’s handbook and any supporting load documentation shall include:<br>• Vehicle weight limits<br>• Nature of the load items<br>• Load weight and dimensions<br>• Loading and unloading instructions<br>• Load distribution<br>• Load restraint system such partitioning, netting and roof racks

  • V5.4 The correct equipment shall be issued to maintain safe loads.

NOTE: Documentation, records and data relevant to load safety shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Included in the health and safety policy in accordance with requirement M8

  • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

V5 Load safety Bronze requirement V5 is divided into five sub-requirements applicable to the different vehicle types. V5.5 Load safety for P2W Requirement - To load vehicles safely and within the legal limits. Purpose - To ensure that any motorcycle and moped loads are restrained so that they do not endanger the rider or other road users.

  • V5.5 FORS operators shall have a policy, equipment, training and documentation in place for safe loads. The policy shall include:<br>• Correct motorcycle and moped types for the load to be carried<br>• The load types to be carried by each motorcycle or moped<br>• Safe loading and unloading practices<br>• Compliance with load documentation such as risk assessments and method statements

  • V5.5 Where relevant, load documentation shall include:<br>• Motorcycle or moped gross weight limits<br>• Nature of the load<br>• Load weight and dimensions<br>• Loading and unloading instructions<br>• Load distribution<br>• Load restraint system such as top boxes, paniers and side bags

  • V5.5 The correct equipment shall be issued to maintain safe loads.

NOTE: Documentation, records and data relevant to load safety shall be:

  • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • Included in the health and safety policy in accordance with requirement M8

  • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

V6 Vehicle safety equipment Requirement - To fit larger vehicles with safety equipment that helps protect vulnerable road users. Purpose - To minimise the probability and severity of collisions involving vulnerable road users.

  • V6 FORS operators shall ensure that HGVs and vehicles designed to carry more than 16 passengers are fitted with blind spot warning signage.

  • V6 Blind spot warning signage shall be fitted:<br>• Prominently to the rear of the vehicle<br>• To visually warn other road users of the near-side close-proximity blind spot hazard<br>• So as not to cause offence to other road users<br>• So they are clearly visible to other road users

  • V6 Blind spot warning signage should not give instruction or direction to other road users.

  • V6 Goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight shall be fitted with safety equipment designed to reduce the risk of close-proximity collisions involving vulnerable road users. This includes:<br>• Side under-run protection to both sides of the vehicle<br>• Class V and VI close-proximity mirrors

  • V6 Side under-run protection shall be fitted:<br>• Unless defined as exempt in the Safer Lorry Scheme Traffic Regulation Order<br>• Unless the shape and characteristics of the vehicle mean that it meets the requirements for side under-run protection

  • V6 Class V and Class VI close-proximity mirrors shall be fitted:<br>• Where they can be mounted with no part of the mirror being two metres from the ground, regardless of the adjustment position<br>• In such a way that they are appropriately adjusted and fully visible from the driving position

  • V6 Class V and Class VI close-proximity mirror field of view may be achieved using a camera monitoring system.

  • V6 Evidence that vehicles are fitted with blind spot signage and safety equipment shall be provided. Evidence shall include:<br>• A vehicle safety equipment report and/or a permit scheme record or register<br>• A selection of photographs of safety equipment fitted<br>• Invoices from safety equipment suppliers

NOTE: Vehicle equipment relevant to vulnerable road user safety shall be:

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in daily walkaround checks in accordance with requirement V2

V7 Tyre management Requirement - To monitor tyre usage and maintain tyres in a serviceable and roadworthy condition. Purpose - To ensure the management and use of tyres is undertaken in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible manner.

  • V7 FORS operators shall have a policy and procedure in place to manage tyre selection, condition and replacement against vehicle usage.

  • V7 The tyre management policy should include:<br>• Tyre selection considering vehicle type and operating conditions<br>• Tyre monitoring of trends in wear, damage and age

  • V7 In accordance with requirements V1 and V2, tyre condition shall be visually checked for damage, wear and pressures as part of the daily walkaround check and fully examined at periodic safety inspections. A procedure shall be in place to rectify any defects identified.

  • V7 Where tyre maintenance is:<br>• Undertaken in-house - the person with responsibility for technical engineering advice shall declare that the technical facilities and staff competence are adequate for the size of the fleet and type of vehicles operated<br>• Undertaken by a tyre fitting service - a formal written contract or other supporting documentation shall beevidenced

  • V7 Tyre recycling and disposal shall be conducted in accordance with local waste regulations.

  • V7 Tyre reports shall be reviewed and retained, and the quality of any contracted work shall be monitored.

NOTE: Policy, procedure, records and data relevant to tyre management shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Reviewed to identify trends and retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5, in particular tyre safety, tread depth tolerance and pressures

3.3 Drivers

D1 Licensing Requirement - To verify that all drivers hold a valid licence for the category and type of vehicle they are tasked to drive and manage any risks associated with endorsements or restrictions. Purpose - To ensure that drivers are licensed to operate vehicles on the public highway and any risks that have been identified are monitored and managed.

  • D1 FORS operators shall have a procedure to check and verify all driver licences, categories, expiry dates, endorsements and restrictions.

  • D1 For drivers licensed in Great Britain, this shall be conducted through a service that directly accesses current Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) data.

  • D1 For drivers that are not licensed in Great Britain, checks shall be conducted through the equivalent licensing authority where such a service is available at no cost.

  • D1 Where a no-cost licensing check service is unavailable, driving licence checks shall be conducted by a person or agent with competence to interpret driving licence:<br>• Entitlement categories<br>• Category and photocard expiry dates<br>• Endorsements, penalty points and their meaning<br>• Restriction codes, their meaning and the conditions needed to be able to drive

  • D1 Driving licence checks shall be conducted at least every six months. This frequency of checks shall be increased for higher<br>risk drivers using an approved risk scale. A typical approved risk scale is:<br>• 0–5 penalty points on the driving licence – six monthly checks<br>• 6–8 penalty points on the driving licence – quarterly checks<br>• 9 or more penalty points on the driving licence – monthly checks

  • D1 Where relevant, the procedure shall include checks on the following:<br>• Digital tachograph driver cards<br>• Driver Qualification Cards (DQC) for Driver Certificate of Professional Competence

  • D1 The procedure shall include a requirement for drivers to sign an annual declaration and report licence endorsements, driving infringements and restrictions to the responsible person, whether incurred on or off duty.

NOTE: The procedure, records and data relevant to driver licensing shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

D2 Driving standards Requirement - To require all drivers to have knowledge of and comply with the rules of the road. Purpose - To ensure a safe standard of driving, consideration for other road users and to reduce the risk of death and injury.

  • D2 FORS operators shall have a policy in place on the driving standards required within the organisation and provide drivers with access to the current version of the following documents:<br>• The Highway Code for UK-based operations<br>• Official road user guide or code of practice for non-UK based operations

  • D2 Drivers should also have access to the current version of the official road user guide or highway code for any country they operate in.

  • D2 Alongside the requirements of the FORS Standard, the driving standards policy shall be supported by a risk assessment or method statement and include:<br>• Driver responsibilities and professionalism<br>• Wearing seat belts where fitted and required<br>• Adherence to speed limits, traffic signs and road markings<br>• Distractions such as smoking, eating and drinking whilst driving<br>• Sharing the roads safely, particularly with vulnerable road users<br>• Fuel efficient driving techniques, air quality and emissions<br>• Driving on different road types such as urban, rural and motorways<br>• Driving in adverse weather conditions<br>• Actions in the event of a breakdown and road traffic collision

  • D2 Drivers shall be required to declare they have access to, and read and understood, the following information:<br>• Driving standards policy<br>• Current version of The Highway Code<br>• Official road user guide or code of practice for non-UK based operations

  • D2 Any driver incentive scheme that is operated shall promote and encourage legal, safe and professional behaviour.

NOTE: The driving standards policy requirements shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

D3 Staff induction Requirement - To inform drivers and other staff involved in the fleet operation of the fleet operation policies, procedures and FORS accreditation, from the start of their employment. Purpose - To ensure that staff have sufficient job specific information to conduct their duties legally, safely and professionally whilst addressing any job concerns and identify any development needs.

  • D3 FORS operators shall have an induction procedure and checklist in place to integrate all fleet-related staff (permanent and temporary) into the organisation.

  • D3 Induction shall include the organisation’s policies and procedures and be relevant to the member of staff’s working environment. Induction shall comprise:<br>• FORS, the level of accreditation, its requirements and general obligations<br>• Health and safety policy in accordance with requirement M8<br>• The importance of vulnerable road user safety, air quality and emissions<br>• Appraisal, professional development and performance management procedures<br>• Training needs and FORS Professional Development identified in accordance with requirement D4<br>• Familiarisation training on vehicles, routes and sites<br>• Any specific requirements of principal contracts

  • D3 Staff induction responsibilities may be shared between managers, supervisors, human resources or a mentor but should be signed<br>off by the line manager.

  • D3 On completion of staff induction, a declaration shall be made by:<br>• The person responsible for conducting the induction, stating that the member of staff has been familiarised with the organisation’s policies and procedures<br>• The member of staff, stating that they are fully familiar with the organisation’s values, policies and procedures

NOTE: The procedure, checklist and records relevant to staff induction shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

D4 Professional development Requirement - To professionally develop drivers and all other staff involved in the fleet operation, through progressive FORS Professional Development. Purpose - To ensure all staff have the knowledge, skills and attitude to conduct their duties legally, safely and professionally.

  • D4 The mandatory FORS Professional Development requirements shall be completed as set out at Annex 1 (for drivers) and Annex 2 (for managers).

  • D4 FORS Professional Development shall be listed in a Professional Development Plan (PDP). The PDP shall identify and document the training needs for drivers and all other staff involved in the fleet operation.

  • D4 The PDP shall include the following information:<br>• Who needs the training<br>• The training need identified<br>• The method of training delivery<br>• How the training need was identified – such as induction, appraisals or performance management<br>• Planned and completed training

  • D4 The export function in the FORS Professional training register may be used to evidence training.

  • D4 PDPs shall be:<br>• Relevant to the fleet type and sector<br>• Relevant to the operating environment and the risks identified<br>• Updated when new training needs are identified, such as changes in responsibilities, vehicles, equipment or risks<br>• Progressive and aligned to Driver Certificate of Professional Competence where relevant

  • D4 To allow for ongoing driver turnover and recruitment, a 10 per cent tolerance in the number of drivers that have undertaken FORS Professional Development may be accepted. This tolerance shall be fully justified at audit.

NOTE: PDPs shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

D5 In-vehicle communication Requirement - To not cause or permit a driver to use a hand-held mobile phone or any other handheld communication device while driving. Purpose - To ensure that drivers are not distracted, exercise proper control of the vehicle and have full view of the road and traffic ahead.

  • D5 FORS operators shall have a policy on the use of hand-held mobile phones and interactive communication devices while driving. The policy shall be supported by a risk assessment or method statement and include:<br>• Unlawful use of hand-held mobile phones and hand-held communication devices<br>• The responsibilities of office staff making and receiving calls to and from drivers<br>• The actions for office staff to end a call if they suspect the driver is driving<br>• The fact there is no expectation for drivers to answer any call until it is safe to do so

  • D5 A non-exhaustive list of interactive communication devices includes:<br>• Navigation devices<br>• Camera monitor systems<br>• Tablet computers, laptops and e-readers<br>• Personal digital assistants (PDAs)<br>• Two-way radios<br>• Head-up displays (HUD)

  • D5 The policy should not allow the use of hands-free mobile phones, interactive communication devices or headphones. Where a policy does, the conditions of use for hands-free mobile phones and communication devices shall include:<br>• Any conditions of use for hands-free mobile phones and communication devices<br>• Sending and receiving work-related calls, messages and data safely<br>• Any restrictions on making and receiving personal calls

  • D5 If the use of hands-free mobile phones, communication devices or headphones is permitted, a risk assessment or method statement shall be completed and the control measures identified included in the policy. This includes:<br>• Any device being used is fully hands-free<br>• Safe stowage of the device so as not to limit field of view or cause distraction<br>• Any messages being limited to a basic level and for a minimum duration<br>• The responsibility to remain in full control of the vehicle and the risk of distraction from driving

NOTE: The policy relevant to hand-held mobile phones and communication devices shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

D6 Health and eyesight Requirement - To require that drivers are fit to drive, are not impaired and meet the minimum eyesight standard for driving. Purpose - To ensure drivers maintain a level of skill and ability to exercise proper control of the vehicle and interact safely with other road users.

  • D6 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place on fitness to drive and the eyesight standards for driving. The policy and supporting procedures shall include:<br>• Minimum medical standards for driving<br>• Illness and prescribed and over-the counter medication<br>• Health effects of driving such as posture and in-cab air quality<br>• Impairment through drugs and alcohol<br>• Fatigue-related illnesses such as sleep apnoea<br>• Mental health problems such as stress, depression and anxiety<br>• Minimum vision standards for driving and the use of glasses and contact lenses<br>• A driver health and fitness declaration<br>• Driver eyesight checks and tests

  • D6 A driver eyesight check procedure shall be in place that requires drivers (with glasses or contact lenses, if required) to read a vehicle number plate made after 1 September 2001 from a distance of 20 metres, or a suitable alternative check.

  • D6 Records of eyesight checks shall include the:<br>• Driver’s name<br>• Date<br>• Name of the person supervising the check<br>• Vehicle registration plate used<br>• Outcome of the check<br>• Details of any follow-on actions

  • D6 The frequency of eyesight checks should be dependent on the individual and operating conditions but shall be conducted:<br>• Pre-employment or the start of a specific contract<br>• Every six months<br>• After involvement in a blameworthy road traffic collision

  • D6 Any driver failing an eyesight check shall be referred to an optician for an eyesight test.

  • D6 A procedure shall be in place for drivers to inform management of any health or eyesight condition that affects driving ability and to inform the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) of reportable medical conditions that affect driving entitlement.

  • D6 A drugs and alcohol procedure shall be in place that includes the actions to take on suspecting driver impairment through drugs or alcohol.

  • D6 This should include drug and alcohol testing that is conducted:<br>• Pre-employment or the start of a specific contract<br>• Routinely, randomly or unannounced<br>• After involvement in a road traffic collision, incident or near-miss

NOTE: The policy, procedures and records relevant to fitness to drive and eyesight standards shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

D7 Working time and drivers’ hours Requirement - To manage drivers’ working time and driving hours. Purpose - To ensure that drivers are not subjected to excessive work, not fatigued whilst driving and comply with the rules on working time and drivers’ hours.

  • D7 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place on working time, drivers’ hours and their alignment. The policy and supporting procedures shall include:<br>• Planning daily and weekly work schedules and rest breaks to minimise fatigue<br>• How the risks associated with long journeys and night driving are managed<br>• Compliance with the Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations 2005, including the average 48-hour working week limit, where relevant<br>• How total working and driving time is monitored and enforced<br>• The requirement to report any fatigue or sleep related issues

  • D7 The working time and drivers’ hours policy and supporting procedures shall include adherence to the relevant rules, which will depend on the specific vehicle and journey type:<br>• For HGV and PCV drivers, EU drivers’ hours and mobile working time rules may apply - these rules require tachograph records to be kept<br>• For van, car and P2W drivers (and drivers of HGVs and PCVs that are out of scope or exempt from the EU rules), GB domestic drivers’ hours rules may apply - these rules require written records to be kept

  • D7 A procedure for obtaining, processing and analysing the relevant drivers’ hours records shall be in place. Where relevant, the procedure shall include information on:<br>• The recording method and the supply of log books, print rolls or charts<br>• Monitoring and managing driver and company tachograph card expiry dates<br>• Dealing with lost or defective tachograph cards<br>• Identifying and dealing with driver infringements to prevent recurrence<br>• Secondary employment and any impact this has on working time and drivers’ hours

  • D7 The policy should also include:<br>• Travel to and from work and drivers with no fixed or habitual place of work<br>• Overnight accommodation or alternative transport arrangements, where relevant

  • D7 Exemptions to drivers’ hours rules - There are a number of exemptions to the EU drivers’ hours and mobile working time rules, such as for vehicles up to 7.5 tonnes which are electrically powered and operate within a 100km radius.

  • D7 There are also a number of exemptions from Great Britain domestic drivers’ hours rules, such as for goods vehicles that are<br>driven for less than four hours in a day. https://www.gov.uk/drivers-hours.

NOTE: The policy, procedures and records relevant to working time and drivers’ hours shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

3.4 Operations

O1 Routing Requirement - To adhere to compliant, safe and efficient routes. Purpose - To ensure that the operation is as efficient as possible whilst minimising safety, environmental and congestion impacts on the road network.

  • O1 FORS operators shall have a procedure in place to plan and adhere to compliant, safe and efficient routes.

  • O1 The procedure shall specifically include adherence to any route scheduled by the FORS operator or any route authorised by a competent authority, including:<br>• Prescribed passenger routes for PCVs<br>• Designated routes to and from construction sites<br>• Permit-controlled routes, such as the London Lorry Control Scheme<br>• Notified routes for abnormal indivisible load (AIL) movements

  • O1 A risk assessment shall be in place for prescribed passenger routes, designated routes to and from construction sites, and notified AIL routes, providing instructions to drivers. This may be communicated as a method statement.

  • O1 The risk assessment or method statement shall include:<br>• Origin, destinations and any specific hazards identified<br>• Any route permits and approvals required<br>• Community considerations such as schools, hospitals and cycle routes<br>• The impact on working time and drivers’ hours<br>• Vehicle dimension and weight restrictions, particularly at bridges and structures<br>• Vehicle emissions standards and restrictions<br>• Parking, loading and unloading restrictions<br>• Any road user charging schemes or tolls

  • O1 Any deviations from designated, permitted or controlled routes should be justified with unauthorised deviations being investigated.

  • O1 Routes should be used that minimise distance driven and fuel used, and minimise the use of routes that are subject of local air quality exceedances. Distances travelled across the fleet shall be recorded by vehicle type.

  • O1 Any client specified route or schedule requirement that conflicts with compliance, safety or environmental objectives shall<br>be raised with the client for discussion and resolution.

  • O1 Instructions to drivers may include specific route information and turn-by-turn directions. If this is provided using navigation technology, the device shall be customised for the vehicle weight and dimensions and subject to a risk assessment or method statement.

NOTE: The procedure, risk assessments and method statements relevant to routing and scheduling shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Developed considering any load constraints in accordance with requirement V5

O2 Fuel, emissions and air quality Requirement - To monitor fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. Purpose - To understand operational performance levels and the impacts on the environment.

  • O2 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place to monitor fuel consumption and environmental impact.

  • O2 The policy and procedures shall outline the organisation’s commitment to environmental performance, name the Fuel and Emissions Champion and describe how:<br>• Environmental regulations and standards are complied with<br>• The vehicles and fuel type selected are suitable for the tasks to be undertaken<br>• Engine-idling is minimised to reduce fuel waste and unnecessary emissions<br>• Fuel usage data is collected and monitored by VRM, including AdBlue where relevant<br>• Fuel spillages are minimised and managed.

  • O2 Total fuel used across the fleet shall be monitored and recorded by vehicle and fuel type. Where relevant, this shall include AdBlue usage and should include the diesel to AdBlue ratio.

NOTE: The policy, procedures and records relevant to fuel and emissions shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

  • • The Fuel and Emissions Champion shall be identified in the organisation chart in accordance with requirement M4.

O3 Road traffic collisions Requirement - To document and investigate road traffic collisions, incidents and near-misses. Purpose - To determine the contributory and root causes of road traffic collisions, incidents and near-misses to prevent recurrence and minimise road risk.

  • O3 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place to record and investigate road traffic collisions, incidents and near-misses.

  • O3 The policy and procedures shall outline the organisation’s commitment to collision management, name the Road Risk Champion and describe how:<br>• Road risk is managed stating who does what, when and how<br>• Incidents are managed safely, legally and reported to the relevant authorities promptly<br>• Incident facts are collated accurately, recorded correctly and reported to the insurer<br>• Vehicles involved are repaired to a safe and legal state prior to being returned to the road<br>• Drivers involved are assessed for wellbeing and competency to ensure they are able and fit to return to driving duties<br>• Incidents are investigated to determine primary and contributory factors<br>• Incident facts are monitored to determine and implement remedial actions

  • O3 Collision management procedures should be split into minor, serious and major collision types, with the appropriate people<br>being involved at each level.

  • O3 Road traffic collision data across the fleet operation shall be monitored, recorded and, where contractually required, reported to the client.

  • O3 Claims review meetings should be held with the insurance provider to assess the road risk profile, the claims handling procedure and inform the performance management procedure.

NOTE: The policy, procedures, records and recommendations relevant to managing road risk and road traffic collisions shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

  • The Road Risk Champion shall be identified in the organisation chart in accordance with requirement M4.

O4 Passenger safety Requirement - To carry passengers in such a manner that no danger is likely to be caused. Purpose - To ensure passenger safety and comfort.

  • O4 FORS operators shall ensure that the permitted number of passengers for the vehicle is not exceeded.

  • O4 FORS operators shall have a passenger safety policy in place for each particular vehicle type. The policy shall be supported by a risk assessment or method statement.

  • O4 For all vehicles designed to carry one or more passengers, the passenger safety documentation shall include information on:<br>• Maximum permitted number of passengers<br>• Passenger embarkation and disembarkation<br>• Passenger safety instructions, including wearing seat belts and not distracting the driver<br>• Special considerations when carrying children, the disabled and elderly<br>• Safe parking procedures<br>• Evacuation and emergency procedures<br>• Actions to take in passenger conflict situations.

  • O4 Where vehicles are accessible to disabled people, the passenger safety documentation shall include instructions to the driver on:<br>• Gangways and emergency exits not being obstructed<br>• Restraint systems being safely stowed when not in use<br>• Wheelchairs being secured in the vehicle<br>• Instructions on securing and releasing accessibility restraint being readily visible to wheelchair passengers<br>• All on-board instruction notices to passengers being clearly visible and clean<br>• Serviceability of emergency equipment, such as first aid kit and fire extinguisher

  • O4 Where eligible, drivers and staff who come into contact with passengers within their role, such as escorts and conductors, shall be vetted as a pre-employment check through the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS). The DBS check shall be conducted every three years.

NOTE: Documentation, records and data relevant to passenger safety shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

O5 Specialist operations Requirement - To conduct specialist operations safely and in accordance with the law. Purpose - To ensure that the risks associated with specialist operations are managed so that they do not endanger the driver, any passengers or other road users.

  • O5 FORS operators shall have in place a policy and supporting procedures for any specialist operations. Procedures shall be supported by risk assessments or method statements. Specialist operations include, but are not limited to:<br>• Dangerous goods<br>• Hazardous and non-hazardous waste<br>• Abnormal indivisible loads (AIL).

  • O5 The person with continuous and effective responsibility for the specialist operation shall be formally appointed, trained, experienced and, where necessary, qualified. This should be relevant to the specialism of the operation such as:<br>• Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (DGSA)<br>• Waste carrier competence<br>• Special Types General Order (STGO) competence.

  • O5 For the carriage of dangerous goods, a procedure shall be in place and include:<br>• Dangerous goods vehicle approval certification<br>• Control measures relevant to the transportation of dangerous goods<br>• Dangerous goods documentation, consignment notes and data sheets<br>• Driver training and ADR (International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road) certificates<br>• Emergency actions and contact details.

  • O5 For hazardous and non-hazardous waste, a procedure shall be in place and shall include:<br>• Waste carrier licensing<br>• Control measures relevant to the transportation of waste<br>• Waste documentation, consignment notes and data sheets<br>• Waste operations and driver competence<br>• Emergency actions and contact details.

  • O5 For abnormal indivisible loads (AIL), a procedure shall be in place for vehicles operating under the conditions of STGO or vehicle special order movements. The procedure shall include:<br>• Notifying the police and the relevant highway and bridge authorities where required<br>• Compliance with all movement conditions relevant to the weight and dimensions of the vehicle and load<br>• The carriage of the vehicle movement approval with the load documentation<br>• The use of marker boards for overwidth and over-length projections<br>• STGO and abnormal indivisible load (AIL) driver competence

NOTE: The policy, procedures, risk assessments and competences specific to specialist operations shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Verified in accordance with requirement D1

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

O6 Operational security Requirement - To minimise the risk of theft of vehicles, fuel, equipment and loads. Purpose - To protect the fleet operation against criminal and unauthorised activity minimising loss, damage and risk.

  • O6 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place to help safeguard against security breaches, unauthorised vehicle access and theft of vehicles, loads, fuel and equipment. Procedures shall be supported by risk assessments or method statements.

  • O6 The fleet security policy shall outline the commitment to raising awareness, security and vigilance across the organisation and<br>describe how:<br>• Vehicles, keys and operating centres are secured and controlled<br>• Eligibility to drive vehicles is determined and controlled<br>• Visitors are controlled<br>• Overnight parking facilities are identified.

  • O6 The procedures for fleet security shall be supported by risk assessments or method statements and include instructions to drivers on:<br>• Safety and security of the vehicle and keys<br>• Security measures when stopping for breaks and rest<br>• Leaving a vehicle engine running for operational purposes<br>• Preventing hijack attempts through unauthorised passengers and hoax enforcement officers<br>• Reporting theft and suspicious activity.

NOTE: The policy, procedures and risk assessment relevant to fleet security shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Consistent with requirement O7

O7 Counter terrorism Requirement - To recognise the current terrorist threat and raise awareness, security and vigilance across the organisation. Purpose - To minimise the risks posed by potential security and terrorist threats and to ensure staff are prepared to deal with extremist and terrorist action.

  • O7 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place to help safeguard against potential security and terrorist threats.

  • O7 The counter terrorism policy shall outline the commitment to raising awareness, security and vigilance across the organisation, name the Counter Terrorism Champion and describe the:<br>• Different forms of threat that exist in terms of vehicle security and terrorism<br>• Security improvements and contingency plans that are needed<br>• Security measures that are to be complied with and reviewed<br>• Level of staff communications and awareness training required<br>• Safe and sensitive management of security incidents<br>• Reporting procedure to the relevant authorities.

  • O7 The procedures for countering terrorism shall be supported by risk assessments or method statements and include instructions to drivers on:<br>• Identifying suspicious behaviour or activity<br>• Dealing with vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices<br>• Dealing with bomb threats and suspect devices.

  • O7 The procedures for countering terrorism should be aligned to the procedures for protecting against other security threats, such as theft and crime.

  • O7 An emergency and business continuity plan should be in place to enable a simultaneous response to a security incident and a return to ‘business as usual’ as soon as possible.

NOTE: The policy, procedures and risk assessment relevant to security and counter terrorism shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

  • • Consistent with requirement O6

  • The Counter Terrorism Champion shall be identified in the organisation chart in accordance with requirement M4.

4 Silver and Gold accreditation

4.1 Silver progression

S1 FORS Bronze Requirement - To maintain the requirements of the FORS Bronze accreditation awarded. Purpose - To ensure that minimum operating standards are maintained and FORS obligations are upheld.

  • S1 FORS operators applying for initial FORS Silver accreditation shall:<br>• Be FORS Bronze accredited with at least 45 calendar days before its expiry date.

  • S1 FORS operators applying for re-approval of FORS Silver accreditation shall:<br>• Be FORS Bronze accredited with at least 45 calendar days before its expiry date<br>• Be FORS Silver accredited with at least 45 calendar days before its expiry date.

S2 Performance data Requirement - To actively monitor and manage operational performance. Purpose - To improve operational performance, reduce costs and minimise impact on the environment.

  • S2 FORS operators shall complete the FORS progression data report for all vehicles in scope of FORS accreditation that includes the following operational performance indicators:<br>• Total distance travelled and fuel1 used by vehicle type<br>• Total road traffic collision and incident data by vehicle type<br>• Total Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) reportable incident data<br>• Total transport related fines and penalty charges.

  • S2 Fuel usage and distance travelled shall be used to calculate and report CO2, NOX and Particulate Matter emissions.

  • S2 On initial FORS Silver accreditation, the FORS progression data report shall cover a minimum of a three month baseline period prior to the date of submission.

  • S2 At FORS Silver re-approval, the FORS progression data report shall cover the 12 months prior to the date of submission.

  • S2 An operational performance action plan shall be documented that includes:<br>• Performance indicators and the operational targets to be achieved<br>• Activities required to achieve or maintain operational targets<br>• Methods of data capture and active monitoring.

  • S2 Data capture and monitoring tools should include:<br>• Fleet management system<br>• Vehicle telematics<br>• Insurance reports<br>• Fuel card reports<br>• Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) management.

  • S2 FORS operators accredited under multi-operating centre accreditation (MOCA) may elect to progress to Silver at individual operating centres. In this case, performance data for the relevant operating centres shall be provided.

  • S2 The FORS progression data report available on FORS online shall be used to submit the required performance indicators.

  • S2 Road traffic collision and incident data should be entered into the FORS Collision Manager tool.

NOTE: The FORS progression data report and operational performance action plan shall be:

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

S3 Fuel, emissions and air quality Requirement - To commit to reducing fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. Purpose - To improve operational performance and minimise negative impacts on the environment.

  • S3 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place that commit to reducing fuel consumption and minimising environmental impact.

  • S3 The commitment to reducing fuel consumption and minimising environmental impact shall be a development on the FORS Bronze requirement O2 and include:<br>• Evidence of the Fuel and Emissions Champion’s competence<br>• Details of fleet performance management that enables effective and efficient analysis<br>• The fuel efficiency and emissions reduction initiatives that are in place or are included in the operational performance action plan.

NOTE: The policy, procedures and records relevant to fuel and emissions shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Consistent with the FORS Professional Development requirements at Annexes 1 and 2

  • • Performance managed in accordance with requirement S2

S4 Road risk Requirement - To investigate and analyse road traffic collisions, incidents and near-misses. Purpose - To determine any trends in road traffic collisions, incidents and near-misses to prevent recurrence and minimise road risk.

  • S4 FORS operators shall have a policy and supporting procedures in place that commit to managing work-related road risk.

  • S4 The commitment to managing work-related road risk shall be a development on the FORS Bronze requirement O3 and include:<br>• Evidence of the Road Risk Champion’s competence<br>• Details of road risk data management to enable effective and efficient analysis<br>• The road risk initiatives, campaigns and training that are in place or are included in the operational performance action plan<br>• Evidence of a review with the insurance provider within the previous 12 months to assess the road risk profile and claims handling.

  • S4 The review with the insurance provider may be evidenced through a diary or calendar entry, email confirmation or a dated insurance report.

NOTE: The policy, procedures and records relevant to road risk shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Consistent with the FORS Professional Development requirements at Annexes 1 and 2

  • • Performance managed in accordance with requirement S2

S5 Professional development Requirement - To professionally develop drivers and other staff involved in the fleet operation, through progressive FORS Professional Development. Purpose - To ensure all staff maintain the knowledge, skills and attitude to conduct their duties safely, professionally and with consideration to the environment.

  • S5 The mandatory FORS Professional Development requirements shall be completed as set out at Annex 1 (for drivers) and Annex 2 (for managers). This means the requirements at both Bronze and Silver apply.

  • S5 FORS operators shall maintain and implement PDPs that identify and document progressive FORS Professional Development relevant to the specific roles and responsibilities of drivers, the responsible person and all other staff involved in the fleet operation.

  • S5 The amount of Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) training to be completed by drivers every five years should be seen by responsible persons and other staff involved in the fleet operation as a guide for their own professional development.

  • S5 To introduce new talent into the profession, fleet operations should make an effort to include driver licence acquisition training, according to their means, within their FORS Professional Development.

  • S5 To allow for ongoing driver turnover and recruitment, a 10 per cent tolerance in the number of drivers that have undertaken FORS Professional Development may be accepted. This tolerance shall be fully justified at audit.

NOTE: FORS Professional Development shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Developed in accordance with the FORS Professional Development requirements at Annex 1 (for drivers) and Annex 2 (for managers)

  • • Evidenced using the FORS Professional training register

S6 Vehicle safety equipment Requirement - To ensure HGVs have enhanced safety equipment fitted to help protect vulnerable road users. Purpose - To minimise the probability and severity of collisions involving vulnerable road users.

  • S6 FORS operators shall ensure that all HGVs are fitted with enhanced safety equipment designed to reduce the risk of close-proximity collisions involving vulnerable road users.

  • S6 Vulnerable road user safety equipment shall include:<br>• Blind spot vision aids that provide the driver with a full view of the near-side vehicle blind spot<br>• An audible warning system that alerts other road users of left-turn and reversing manoeuvres.

  • S6 Evidence that HGVs are fitted with enhanced vulnerable road user safety equipment shall be provided using the FORS Vehicle safety equipment report, supported by:<br>• Permit scheme records or register<br>• A selection of photographs of safety equipment fitted<br>• Invoices from safety equipment suppliers.

  • S6 Regional or city vehicle permits relating to safety requirements may also be included as evidence, where applicable, so long as they meet or exceed the FORS Standard.

  • S6 Blind spot vision aids shall include:<br>• A camera system that monitors the near-side vehicle blind spot<br>• An in-cab display screen to provide the driver with a view of the near-side blind spot<br>• An in-cab audible warning system to alert the driver of other road users in the near-side blind spot.

  • S6 Where the driver has full view of the nearside blind spot area by direct vision, such as a left-hand drive vehicle, the camera system and in-cab display screen is not required.

  • S6 Rigid goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight shall be fitted with a camera system that monitors the rear vehicle blind spot.

  • S6 Camera systems should also:<br>• Monitor front and off-side blind spots<br>• Be able to digitally record incidents and assist in driver training and development.

  • S6 To allow for older vehicles in the fleet replacement cycle, a tolerance in the number of vehicles fitted with camera systems may be accepted for vehicles registered before 1 January 2015 where there is not a contractual or permit requirement. This tolerance shall be<br>fully justified at audit. If this tolerance is permitted, older vehicles not fitted with camera systems shall be fitted with an alternative blind spot vision aid such as a Fresnel Lens.

  • S6 An audible system that warns other road users of a left-turn and reversing vehicle manoeuvre shall be fitted. The audible system:<br>• Shall activate when the left-turn indicator is engaged<br>• Should be fitted with a manual switch to mute the sound when required, such as operating between 23:30 and 07:00 in urban areas<br>• May be supplemented with a visual warning to vulnerable road users.

  • S6 Vehicles operating in countries that drive on the right-hand side of the road should be fitted with an audible system that warns other road users of a right-turn vehicle manoeuvre.

NOTE: Vehicle equipment relevant to vulnerable road user safety shall be:

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Included in daily walkaround checks in accordance with requirement V2

  • • Included in Professional Development Plans in accordance with requirement D4

S7 Noise pollution Requirement - To conduct and comply with a noise impact assessment at operating centres and noise sensitive locations. Purpose - To minimise noise pollution and its impact on local communities.

  • S7 FORS operators shall assess the noise impacts of operational activities, driver behaviour and equipment used at operating centres and relevant customer locations.

  • S7 The noise impact assessment shall include:<br>• A review of the noise sensitivity at operating centres<br>• The noise levels of vehicles and operational equipment<br>• Potential and predicted noise pollution and who could be affected<br>• Noise pollution reduction measures such as vehicle specification, equipment and procedures<br>• A code of practice to communicate appropriate driver behaviour.

  • S7 The organisation chart at Bronze requirement M4 shall be updated to include the person with continuous and effective responsibility for noise pollution measures (Champion).

  • S7 FORS operators may use the FORS Noise Assessment template to help evidence this requirement.

NOTE: The noise assessment shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

S8 Internal communications Requirement - To actively promote FORS and the requirements of the FORS Standard across the organisation. Purpose - To raise awareness of road risk, environment impact, efficiency and terrorist threat and achieve long-term behaviour change.

  • S8 FORS operators shall have an annual campaign plan in place to communicate topical issues that are relevant to FORS and the fleet operation.

  • S8 At FORS Silver re-approval, relevant internal communications for the previous 12 months shall also be demonstrated.

  • S8 Internal communications campaigns should utilise relevant materials and resources published by FORS, industry bodies, campaign groups and government agencies, such as:<br>• Department for Transport ‘Think!’ campaign<br>• Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA)<br>• Health and Safety Executive<br>• Highways authorities.

  • S8 Each campaign should have clear objectives and measures of success and be managed by the relevant person with continuous and effective responsibility for the campaign issue.

  • S8 Campaigns may use a mix of communication methods such as:<br>• Workplace posters<br>• Toolbox talks<br>• Driver action cards<br>• In-cab signage.

NOTE: Internal campaigns shall be:

  • • Consistent with requirement M5

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

S9 Sub-contracted services Requirement - To require FORS accreditation throughout sub-contracted services that are delivered on behalf of FORS-specifying clients. Purpose - To ensure that all fleet operators, drivers and vehicles working on behalf of FORS-specifying clients comply with consistent operating standards.

  • S9 Where FORS accreditation is specified in contracts, FORS operators shall incorporate a flow down clause in the terms of sub-contract agreements that require the provision of fleet operations, vehicles and drivers at FORS Silver level of accreditation.

  • S9 Sub-contract services include the providers of:<br>• Hired services to deliver the client contract<br>• Temporary drivers<br>• Temporary vehicles.

  • S9 Sub-contracted services should be monitored to ensure FORS Silver level of accreditation has been achieved, implemented and complied with.

NOTE: Sub-contracted service agreements and compliance records shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

4.2 Gold progression

G1 FORS Silver Requirement - To maintain the requirements of the FORS Silver accreditation awarded. Purpose - To ensure that good practice and minimum operating standards are maintained.

  • G1 FORS operators applying for initial FORS Gold accreditation shall:<br>• Be FORS Bronze accredited with at least 45 calendar days before their expiry date<br>• Be FORS Silver accredited with at least 45 calendar days before their expiry date.

  • G1 FORS operators applying for re-approval of FORS Gold accreditation shall:<br>• Be FORS Bronze accredited with at least 45 calendar days before its expiry date<br>• Be FORS Silver accredited with at least 45 calendar days before its expiry date<br>• Be FORS Gold accredited with at least 45 calendar days before its expiry date.

G2 Recruitment and retention Requirement - To actively attract, recruit and retain drivers and other staff involved in the fleet operation. Purpose - To sustain the fleet operation and help promote transport and logistics as a profession of choice.

  • G2 FORS operators shall have a recruitment and retention policy in place that:<br>• Meets the resource needs of the organisation and minimises staff turnover<br>• Raises awareness of the career options in the transport and logistics profession<br>• Attracts new talent into the road transport sector<br>• Is inclusive, accessible and fair.

  • G2 Where relevant, the recruitment and retention policy shall include a training programme to attract new drivers and staff that might not have road transport skills or experience.

  • G2 For fleet operations with over 50 HGVs or PCVs, the training programme shall include driving licence acquisition training.<br>As an indicator, this should be at a rate of one per cent of vehicles held every 36 months.

  • G2 Driver and staff retention and turnover shall be represented as a percentage statistic over a 12-month period.

  • G2 To achieve recruitment and retention targets, engagement should be undertaken with:<br>• Schools, colleges and universities<br>• The Armed Forces Covenant<br>• Job seeker and job match services<br>• Industry schemes and campaigns.

NOTE: The recruitment and retention policy shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Developed in accordance with the FORS Professional Development requirements at Annexes 1 and 2

G3 Sustainable operations Requirement - To progress further to reduce the environmental, safety and congestion impacts of the fleet operation. Purpose - To ensure that the negative impacts of the fleet operation can be reduced over time.

  • G3 FORS operators shall undertake a review of the fleet operation to further improve environment performance, road safety and efficiency.

  • G3 The review shall include a considered evaluation for using:<br>• Vehicles designed for more efficient operations<br>• Ultralow and zero emission capable vehicles<br>• Safer vehicles that are best in class for direct vision.

  • G3 The review shall inform fleet replacement decisions.

  • G3 At the time of audit, at least 50 per cent of vehicles in the fleet should be ultra low emissions, this means either:<br>• Euro VI and Euro 6 for diesel vehicles<br>• Euro 4 or above for petrol vehicles<br>• Alternative fuelled vehicles emitting less than 75g of CO2/km from the tailpipe.

  • G3 The fleet replacement plan should demonstrate progression towards a 100 per cent ultra low emission fleet.

  • G3 Where a tolerance has been accepted at requirement S6, all HGVs (irrespective of age) shall be fitted with blind spot vision<br>aids that include:<br>• A camera system that monitors the near-side vehicle blind spot<br>• An in-cab display screen to provide the driver with a view of the near-side blind spot.

  • G3 Fitment of blind spot vision aids for vehicles registered before 1 January 2015 may be planned and evidenced in line with the operator’s fleet replacement cycle. This shall be fully justified at audit.

  • G3 The review shall also evaluate the use of sustainable ways of working that minimise the impact of the fleet operation. Sustainable ways of working include:<br>• Technology to optimise operations<br>• Collaborating to share resources and infrastructure<br>• Renewable energy sources<br>• Retiming fleet activities to avoid peak congested periods<br>• Improving first time delivery performance<br>• Consolidating loads and activities<br>• Rail or water as an alternative to road transport.

  • G3 The review should include a cost benefit analysis with the benefits communicated in terms of emissions, road risk and reduced road miles.

  • G3 The review may include projects, research or trials of future technology, operational concepts and vehicle design.

  • G3 FORS operators may also provide evidence of promoting sustainable initiatives within communities and industry, which could include:<br>• Engagement with schools, colleges and local communities<br>• Supporting road safety initiatives, such as ‘Exchanging Places’<br>• Supporting other operators to attain FORS accreditation, such as through the development of case studies.

NOTE: The sustainable operations review shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

G4 Staff travel Requirement - To encourage the promotion of sustainable and cost-effective staff travel behaviour. Purpose - To minimise the negative impact of staff travel to and from the workplace.

  • G4 FORS operators shall have in place a workplace travel plan that is aligned to the relevant local authority guidance. The workplace travel plan shall include:<br>• A workplace audit and staff survey<br>• Objectives and staff travel targets to achieve<br>• Incentives and initiatives to reduce reliance on car use<br>• An action plan and monitoring strategy.

  • G4 Staff travel incentives and initiatives should include:<br>• Appointing a Staff Travel Champion<br>• Cycle facilities and a ‘Cycle to Work’ scheme<br>• Step challenges and a ‘Step to Work’ scheme<br>• Workplace cycle training and maintenance<br>• Car sharing schemes<br>• Using conferencing to reduce travel for meetings<br>• Taking part in wider initiatives such as Bike Week, Cycle to Work Day, Ride to Work week and Liftshare Week.

NOTE: The workplace travel plan shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

G5 Professional development Requirement - To develop, motivate and engage drivers and all other staff involved in the fleet operation to further their professional development. Purpose - To ensure the fleet operation has the behaviours and culture to achieve sustainable performance improvements.

  • G5 The mandatory FORS Professional Development requirements for managers and drivers shall be completed as set out in Annex 1 (for drivers) and Annex 2 (for managers). This means the requirements at Bronze, Silver and Gold apply.

  • G5 FORS operators shall maintain and implement PDPs that develop, motivate and engage all staff involved in the fleet operation.

  • G5 The PDP shall include:<br>• FORS Professional Development relevant to individual roles and responsibilities<br>• Continued professional development that encourages personal growth<br>• Personal objectives aligned to the priorities, objectives and culture of a FORS Gold accredited organisation.

  • G5 To allow for ongoing driver turnover and recruitment, a 10 per cent tolerance in the number of drivers that have undertaken FORS Professional Development may be accepted. This tolerance shall be fully justified at audit.

  • G5 On initial FORS Gold accreditation, the responsible person, or other nominated manager involved in the fleet operation, shall be working towards qualifying as a FORS Practitioner.

  • G5 At FORS Gold re-approval, the responsible person, or other nominated manager involved in the fleet operation, shall be qualified as a FORS Practitioner.

  • G5 For managers and supervisors, the PDP should include professional development on people leadership and management skills.

  • G5 An appraisal procedure should be in place to monitor and measure individual performance against personal objectives.

NOTE: FORS Professional Development shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

  • • Communicated in accordance with requirement M5

  • • Developed in accordance with the FORS Professional Development requirements at Annexes 1 and 2

  • • Evidenced using the FORS Professional training register

G6 Contracted services Requirement - To require a minimum of FORS Bronze accreditation for contracted suppliers and services. Purpose - To ensure that all fleet operators, drivers and vehicles working on behalf of the FORS operator comply with consistent operating standards.

  • G6 At initial Gold audit, FORS operators shall have a written plan for incorporating a flow down clause requiring a minimum of FORS<br>Bronze accreditation in the terms of new contract agreements for the provision of services that support the fleet operation.

  • G6 At Gold re-approval audit, FORS operators shall incorporate a flow down clause requiring a minimum of FORS Bronze accreditation in the terms of new contract agreements for the provision of services that support the fleet operation.

  • G6 Suppliers and contracted services should be monitored to ensure the FORS Standard has been adopted, implemented and complied with.

  • G6 Suppliers and contracted services include, but are not limited to:<br>• Maintenance services and parts<br>• Tyre services<br>• Vehicle recovery operators<br>• Bulk fuel providers

  • G6 It is understood that it may be difficult to influence some suppliers. In such cases, best endeavours should be demonstrated.

  • G6 The FORS list of accredited operators should be explored when placing contracts for transport suppliers.

  • G6 This requirement is in addition to S9.

NOTE: Contracted service agreements and compliance records shall be:

  • • Documented and reviewed in accordance with requirement M1

  • • Retained in accordance with requirement M2

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.