Gatehouse Random Vehicle Inbound / Outbound Control Check
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Please enter your name
Logistics company
Please specify company name
Driver's name (optional)
Registration number of vehicle
Is delivery inbound or outbound to the site?
What load is being carried / service provided?
Please enter a short description of the load / service provided
Is the driver able to show a current license? (sight only, photo not required)
If not, please add details why.
Does the driver know where to go, who to make contact with and has delivery / collection instructions?
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
If inbound, is driver appropriately inducted for the area and do they have the correct PPE if entering any plant areas?
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
Does the driver appear fit for duty? (Not showing obvious fatigue or the influence of alcohol or drugs)
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
Does the driver have a load manifest they can produce (if carrying a load)?
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
If the load is a dangerous good (in > 500 L containers), do the Hazchem placards on the back match the load manifest classification and does the vehicle have fire extinguishers fitted and a spill kit?
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
Can the driver demonstrate the gross mass is within the vehicle's acceptable limits?
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
Does the load appear adequately secured and not unsafely protruding from vehicle (if applicable) – including container doors being properly fastened?
Alert Site Shift Team Leader or a relevant Operations contact to situation. (Please confirm when done by checking the box).
Ask the driver if they have any safety concerns they would like to raise for the task involving Qenos (if so please note them in the text box).
Please briefly note the relevant safety concern(s)