Title Page
Olympus Plymouth
Conducted on
Prepared by
- Jon Carter
- Chris Bew
- David Ruffell
- Nick Jenkins
- Tom Broadbent
- Tania Dickinson
- Alex Buckland
- Injection Moulding
- Goods IN
- Toolroom
- Canteen and Cloakroom / First Aid
- Eng / Qual Office
- Upper Office
- Cleanroom 1/2/3
- Trend Print area
- Rolls Royce Cell
- Screen and Pad printing
- Vac Forming
- Metrology
- Learning Centre / Multi Faith
Principle Response
How would you define the standard for this area?
- Poor standard, no controls evident
- Not 100%, but under control - improvements required
- High standard, good level of control
Please add the name of the person you have spoken to.
What comments did they make about this particular zone?
How would you their response?
- Negative - nothing considered
- Not really bought into the Gemba experience
- Positive and considered