Title Page
Name of Business being inspected
Date of Inspection
Location of Business being inspected
Inspection carried out by
Statutory Signs Audit
A. What type of Workers does this organisation engage?
- Employees
- Labour Only subcontractors
- No workers are engaged
Is the "Employers' Liability Insurance displayed for all staff and visitors to see?
B. Does the organisation have a written Health and Safety Policy Statement of Intent?
Is the Policy Statement of Intent displayed for all workers and/or labour only subcontractors to see?
The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1989, requires employers to either display the HSE-approved law poster or to provide each of their workers with the equivalent leaflet
C.1 Is this Health and Safety Executive approved law poster displayed for all workers and/or labour only subcontractors to see?
C.2 Is the Poster populated with contact details of the "Health and Safety Representative?
C.3 If there is NO Poster - has the organisation provided each of the workers and/or subcontractors with the equivalent leaflet?
Workplace Inspection
1.0 - Previous Inspection(s)
Has there been any previous inspections?
1.1 What was the date of the last inspection?
1.2 Has the last inspection been reviewed?
1.3 - Are there any outstanding actions?
What still needs to be actioned?
2.0 - Fire Prevention
2.0 How are people's presence on site recorded for use in a Fire Evacuation?
2.1 Is there a Written Fire Plan in place? (I.E. what to do in the case of a Fire)
2.2 Have all staff been informed about this plan?
2.3 Does the plan include Bi-annual Fire Drills?
2.4 When did the last Fire Drill take place?
2.5 Have Fire Marshalls been appointed?
2.6 Have they been suitably trained?
2.7 Is there a Fire detection system in place within the premises?
2.8 Are smoke detectors in every room that will be occupied?
2.9 If not are they within at least 10m of each other?
2.10 Is the Fire detection and Alarm system functioning correctly (I.E Not showing any system errors or activation faults)
2.11 Does the fire detection system trigger alarm sounders and/or beacons?
2.12 Can the alarm sounders and/or beacons be seen and/or heard from ever room that could be occupied?
2.13 Are Evacuation plans (drawings) displayed in every room that could be occupied?
2.14 Do the Evacuation plans clearly show the safest routes to the Fire Exits?
2.15 Are Photoluminescent "Direction" Signs in place to show how to get to the Fire Escapes?
2.16 Are these Signs 2.1m from the floor?
2.17 Are these Signs visible when following the evacuation route(s)?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
2.18 Are the Fire Evacuation routes clear of obstruction?
2.19 Are the Fire Exit Doors clear of obstruction?
2.20 Are ALL Fire exit doors functioning correctly?
2.21 Are "FIRE DOOR - DO NOT BLOCK" Signs displayed on both sides of each Fire Exit Doors?
2.22 Are Fire Extinguishers deployed throughout the premises?
2.23 Are these Fire Extinguishers clear of obstructions?
2.24 Are these Fire Extinguishers mounted no higher than 1200mm from the floor and their base(s) no lower than 100mm from the floor?
2.25 Have these Fire Extinguishers been serviced within the last 12 months?
2.26 Is there a Sprinkler system deployed in the premises?
2.27 What is the date of the last service and inspection?
2.28 Is there a "Dry Riser" system deployed in the premises?
2.29 What is the date of the last service and inspection?
2.30 Is there a Fire Log Book in use?
2.31 What is the date of the last entry of record?
2.32 Are Fire Call Points working?
2.33 Are the call points checked regularly?
2.34 Are the checks recorded in the Fire Log Book?
2.35 Where is the Emergency Evacuation Muster Point?
2.36 Is the route to the Emergency Evacuation Muster Point a safe route and clear of obstructions?
3.0 First Aid
3.1 Have Emergency First Aiders been appointed?
3.2 How many Emergency First Aiders have been appointed?
3.3 Have they been suitably trained?
3.4 Are there any Emergency First Aiders without Refresher training within the last 3 years?
3.5 Have First Aiders been appointed?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
3.6 How many First Aiders have been appointed?
3.7 Have they been suitably trained
3.8 Are there any First Aiders without Refresher training within the last 3 years?
3.9 Are the list of First Aiders displayed throughout the premises?
3.10 Are First Aid Boxes deployed throughout the premises?
3.11 Are their locations flagged throughout the premises?
3.12 How often are the contents checked?
3.13 Are all contents within their expiry dates?
3.14 Are Boxes and their contents clean and orderly?
3.15 Are Emergency Contact Numbers displayed next to the First Aid Box?
3.16 Is there an Eye Wash Station(s) deployed in the places where Hazardous Substances are used?
3.17 Are the Eye Wash Solutions within Expiry Date?
3.18 Is there an accident reporting procedure in place?
3.19 Is the Accident Report Book available to record accidents?
4.0 Welfare Facilities
Section 2.2 of The HASAWA 1974 "Health and Welfare": Employers must provide and maintain adequate welfare facilities including a supply of drinking water, washing facilities, sanitary conveniences, accommodation for clothing, rest and eating facilities, seating, ventilation, heating and lighting
4.1 Is there an adequate supply of uncontaminated drinking water on the premises?
4.2 Are there suitable and sufficient facilities for washing on the premises?
4.3 Are there a suitable number of sanitary conveniences?
4.4 Are these in a clean and hygienic condition?
4.5 What are the provisions for accommodating clothing? (E.G., Clothes Rack/Lockers etc. etc.)
4.6 Is the Lighting within the premises suitable and sufficient?
4.7 Is the Ventilation within the premises suitable and sufficient?
4.8 Is the Heating within the premises suitable and sufficient?
4.9 Is there suitable and sufficient quantities of seating in the premises?
4.10 What are the rest facilities in the premises?
4.11 What are the provisions for eating within the premises?
4.12 Has a Legionella Risk Assessment been carried out?
4.13 What were the assessment's findings?
4.14 When are Legionella tests carried out?
5.0 General Lighting
5.1 Is there enough natural lighting in the premises?
5.2 Is the reflected light from walls and ceilings causing glare to employees?
5.3 Are ALL Light fittings clean and in good condition?
5.4 Is there suitable and sufficient Emergency Lighting in the premises?
5.5 How often is the Emergency Lighting Tested?
5.6 When was the Emergency Lighting last "Drop Tested"?
5.7 Do Fire Exit Doors have Emergency Lighting directly above them?
6.0 Building Safety
6.1 Are Floor surfaces even and uncluttered?
6.2 Are liquid spills removed quickly?
6.3 Is the Building's Entry and it's walkways kept clear?
6.4 Are Walkways clearly identified and marked if applicable?
6.5 Are walkway "Intersections" kept clear of obstructions?
6.6 Are there multiple floors in the premises?
6.7 How is access to other floors achieved?
- Stairs
- Lift
6.8 Do stairs have sufficient fall protection?
6.9 Are banister rails in good condition?
6.10 Are stair wells kept clear from obstruction?
6.11 Are there any landings?
6.12 Do landings have open railings?
6.13 Do these open railings have any toe boards to prevent falling items?
6.14 Is ALL Furniture in sound condition?
If not - what items of furniture need repairing or disposing of?
6.15 Are footpaths to the premises in good condition?
6.16 Is there a Car Park for staff and visitors?
6.17 Are vehicles reversed into car parking spaces?
6.18 How are pedestrians segregated from vehicles?
7.0 Electrical Safety
7.1 When was the last Electrical installation condition report (EICR) completed?
7.2 When was the last Portable Appliance (In service inspection) and Testing completed?
7.3 Are Portable Appliances "tagged" as "PASSED SAFETY TEST"?
7.4 Are Cut Off Safety switches installed?
7.5 Do All Cut Off Safety switches work?
7.6 Are Locks deployed on Machine Cut Off Safety switches?
7.7 When was the last safety switches test completed?
7.8 Are there any broken plugs, sockets or switches?
7.9 Why have these NOT been isolated, removed or repaired?
Confirm the following are NOT an issue
7.10 Double plug-in adapters are NOT in use?
7.11 Power extension-leads are NOT strewn across walkways?
7.12 Electrical power leads are neither frayed or damaged?
7.13 Electrical power leads are NOT strained?
7.14 Portable power tools are in GOOD condition?
8.0 Equipment Inspection History
8.1 Which of these items are present in the premises?
- Gas Boiler
- Destratification fans
- Electric On Demand Water Heater(s)
- Air Conditioning
- Door Access System
- Security Gates/Bars over Fire Exit Doors
- There are None of these present in the premises
8.2 Which of these pieces of equipment are present in the premises?
- Storage Racking and/or Shelving
- Baler
- Compactor
- Passenger Lift
- Goods Lift
- Lifting Equipment
- Hand Operated Pallet Trucks
- Electrically Operated Pallet Trucks
- Forklift Truck
- Mobile Elevated Work Platform
- Portable Access Tower
- Harnesses
- There are NONE of these present on the premises
8.3 Are there any Ladders in use on the premises?
8.4 Are ALL Ladders rated to Commercial Classification EN131?
8.5 Is there a Ladder Log and Inspection Regime?
8.6 If used for Electrical Work are they non-conductive? (Wood or GRP)
8.7 Are ALL Ladders in good condition?
8.8 Are ALL Ladders used according to manufacturers instructions?
8.9 Do all Ladders carry a "SAFE TO USE" Tag on them?
8.10 Is there an Equipment Inspection regime in place?
8.11 Have ALL these identified items been inspected in line with LOLER and PUWER Regulations within the last 12 months?
9.0 Waste Accumulation and Disposal
9.1 Are General Waste Bins deployed throughout the premises?
9.2 Are General Waste Bin Signs displayed above each General Waste Bin?
9.3 Are these General Waste Bins emptied regularly?
- Yes
- No
- N/A
9.4 Are Recycling Bins deployed throughout the premises?
9.5 Which of these materials are recycled?
- Wood
- Plastics
- Cardboard
- Metal
Please specify what other materials are recycled.
9.6 Are Recycling Waste Bin Signs displayed above each Recycling Waste Bin?
9.7 Are these Recycling Bins emptied regularly?
When managing waste, businesses need to know what types of waste they are producing and how this waste should be safely treated, managed and disposed of. It is essential to know that some waste has to be treated and disposed of differently from other waste, particularly waste considered hazardous. I.E.,
9.8 Are Hazardous Waste materials accumulated on the premises?
9.9 Which of these Hazardous Materials are accumulated on site?
- Compressed Gas
- Corrosive Materials
- Environmentally Damaging Materials
- Explosive Materials
- Flammable Materials
- Health Hazard Materials
- Irritant Materials
- Oxidizing Materials
- Toxic Materials
9.10 How are they stored? E.G. Are oily rags and other flammable materials stored in covered metal containers?
9.11 Is a COSHH Symbols and Information Sign displayed within the premises?
9.12 How are they recycled?
9.13 Are Waste Bins including Recycling and Hazardous Waste stored in Vessels outside the premises?
9.14 Are the "Vessels" at least 5m from the perimeter of the building?
9.15 Are the "Vessels" lockable?
10.0 Personal Protective Equipment
PPE is defined in the PPER 2022 as ‘all equipment (including clothing affording protection against the weather) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects the person against one or more risks to that person’s health or safety, and any addition or accessory designed to meet that objective’.
Where an employer finds PPE to be necessary after a risk assessment, using the hierarchy of controls, they have a duty to provide it free of charge. -
Is there a Forklift Truck being used in the premises?
You should also complete Section 14 all about Fork Lift Truck Controls
Please select which items of PPE are in use and check they are in good condition with photographic evidence as proof.
Safety Footwear
Safety Clothing - such as overalls
Task Specific Hand Protection
Describe specific tasks requiring Hand Protection and the types of Hand Protection being used
Safety Helmet
Hi-Visibility Clothing
Task Specific Eye Protection
Describe specific tasks requiring Eye Protection and the types of Eye Protection being used - excluding a Full Face Shield
Full Face Shield
Ear Protection for noise levels at or above 85db(A)
Dust Mask
Respiratory Protective Equipment
Fall Protection Harness
List here other items of PPE not included in the list above
11.0 Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health
11.0 Are there any manufacturing processes likely to produce "Substances hazardous to health"?
11.1 Describe these processes producing "Substances hazardous to health"
11.2 Is there adequate ventilation provided to reduce the impact of inhaling any of these hazardous substances that are produced?
11.3 Are there any other Hazardous materials in the workplace?
11.4 Is there a Hazardous Substances Inventory Register available?
11.5 Does it contain a list of ALL Hazardous Substances?
11.6 Are Material "Safety Data Sheets" available for ALL the listed Inventory?
11.7 Have COSHH Assessments been completed for all listed Inventory?
11.8 Do any "special storage" conditions apply?
11.9 Describe the "Special Storage" Conditions
11.10 Are "Special Storage" Conditions followed?
11.11 Do ALL Hazardous Substance containers display the correct hazard label?
11.12 Are ALL suitable items of PPE available when using or producing these hazardous substances?
11.13 Are suitable First Aid items available to deal with any COSHH incident?
12.0 Warehouse/Storage (Design and Use)
12.0 Is there a Warehouse/storage facility within or attached to the premises?
12.1 How are Pedestrians separated from the Warehouse/Storage area?
12.2 Is there a Loading Bay to enable goods to get into the warehouse/storage facility?
12.3 How is the Loading Bay Door operated?
12.4 Is Pallet Racking deployed throughout the warehouse/storage area?
12.5 Is the Pallet Racking inspected refgularly?
12.6 When was the last inspection conducted?
12.7 Is the Pallet Racking in "Good Condition"?
12.8 Are "goods" being stored on Pallets?
12.9 Are the Pallets being used in "Good Condition"?
12.10 Are the Floors around the racking clear of obstructions?
12.11 Is shelving deployed throughout the warehouse/storage area?
12.12 Are the goods stored on shelves laid out in a way to minimise manual handling and lifting?
12.13 Are the Floors around the shelving clear of obstructions?
12.14 Are Hazardous Substances stored within the warehouse/storage area?
12.15 How are the Hazardous Substances stored?
12.16 Are Work Benches Deployed in the warehouse/storage area?
12.17 Are the work benches set at the correct height for the type of work and worker?
12.18 Are the work benches free "sharp edges"?
12.19 Are the work benches clear of waste materials?
12.20 Are tools kept around the work benches?
12.21 Are there any damaged tools in use?
12.22 Are Tools NOT being used stored safely and out of harms way?
13.0 Manufacturing Space
13.0 Is there a Manufacturing facility within or attached to the premises?
13.1 How are unauthorised persons prevented from entering the manufacturing facility?
13.2 What is the manufacturing process being carried out?
13.3 Are Work Benches Deployed in the manufacturing area?
13.4 Are the work benches set at the correct height for the type of work and worker?
13.5 Are the work benches free "sharp edges"?
13.6 Are the work benches clear of waste materials?
13.7 Are tools kept around the work benches?
13.8 Are there any damaged tools in use?
13.9 Are Tools NOT being used, stored safely and out of harms way?
13.10 Are Machines deployed in this space?
13.11 What type of machines are deployed in this space?
Is there an Inspection and Maintenance regime in place for these machines?
13.12 Are ALL Machine Operators trained in the "Safe Use" of ALL Machines?
13.13 Is the training recorded?
13.14 Do Machine Operators comply with the operating procedures?
13.15 Are the machines kept clean?
13.16 Are the floors around the machines kept clean and free of obstructions?
13.17 Are Machine Guards in place on ALL Machines?
13.18 Are the Machine Guards in good condition?
13.19 Do the Machine Guards function properly?
13.20 Are Machine starting and stopping devices within easy reach of the operator?
13.21 Are Drip pans on floor to prevent slips from spillages?
13.22 Are "Duckboards" deployed in front of machines?
13.23 Are these "Duckboards" in good repair?
13.24 Are Machine Lockouts deployed on ALL Machines?
13.25 Are "Lockout" procedures implemented and followed?
13.26 Is the work task planned ergonomically and safely?
13.27 Is there any bending or stooping required?
13.28 Is there sufficient space around the machine to work safely?
13.29 Is the lighting around the machine suitable and sufficient?
13.30 Are ALL Noise levels controlled? (Engineering Controls and PPE)
13.31 Are "Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems in place?
13.32 Do ALL "Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems" work properly
13.33 Are "Waste" and/or "Off Cuts" removed and stored safely?
14.0 Forklift Truck
14.1 Are Forklift Trucks operating in the warehouse/storage area and manufacturing facility?
14.2 How are pedestrians segregated from their operating paths?
14.3 Have ALL Operators undertaken An Approved Training Course?
14.4 Have ALL Operators been trained within the last 12 months?
14.5 How are the Forklift Trucks powered?
- Liquid Petroleum Gas
- Diesel
- Electric
14.6 Is there a dedicated charging station?
Please confirm the "Charging station is equipped with:
A CO2 Fire Extinguisher
A Full Face Shield
De-ionised Water
A Thick Rubber Waterproof and Chemical Resistant Apron
Latex Chemical Resistant Gauntlets
A Rubber Torch
14.6 Are "spare" Gas bottles kept on site?
14.7 Where are the Gas Bottles Stored?
- In a Locked Cage outside of the premises
- In a Locked Cage inside the premises
- Inside the premises in a Locked Cage
- Inside the premises but not secured
14.6 Is Diesel stored in the premises
14.7a Is it stored away from direct sunlight?
14.7b Is it stored at a temperature below 20°C?
14.7c Is it stored in Secure "Jerry Cans"?
14.8 Which type of Forklift trucks are in operation?
- Counterbalance Forklift Truck
- Reach Forklift Truck
- Side Loader Forklift Truck
- Telescopic/telehandler Forklift Truck
- Articulated (Aka Bendy) Forklift Truck
- Order Pickers
14.9 Is there an inspection regime in place?
14.10 How often are inspections carried out?
14.11 How are operators authorised to operate a forklift truck?
14.12 Are Seat belts fitted to forklift trucks?
14.13 Is wearing seat belts mandated?
14.14 Do all operators wear seat belts?
14.15 How are Forklift Trucks "started"?
14.16 Where is the Shared key stored?
14.16 Where are Operators' Personal Keys or Cards kept?
14.17 Where are Forklift trucks kept when not in use?
- In a designated cordoned off "Safe Space"
- Within the cordoned off "Electric Charging Point" area
- Between Rack Aisles
- No Specific place
14.18 Are Forklift Trucks serviced and inspected?
14.19 When was the last service and inspection carried out?
15.0 Offices
15.1 Are there areas within these premises that constitute Offices?
15.2 Which items of furniture are being used?
- Desks
- Chairs
- Filing Cabinets
- Photocopier(s)
- Occasional Tables
- Security Lockers
15.3 Are Desks in Good Condition?
15.3 Do Chairs have Five Star Bases?
15.4 Are chairs in Good Condition?
15.3 Are Filing Cabinets in Good Condition?
15.3 Are Photocopiers working and in Good Condition?
15.3 Are Occasional Tables in Good Condition?
15.3 Are Security Lockers in Good Condition?
15.4 Are Screen Based equipment positioned to reduce "Glare" from windows?
15.5 Can "Glare" from windows be BLOCKED out with Blinds/Screens/Curtains?
15.6 How is the office area "Heated"
- Heated Water Radiators
- Electric Radiators
- Air Conditioning
- Infra Red Heaters
- There is NO Heating
15.7 How is the Office area "Ventilated"
- Air Conditioning
- Local Exhaust Ventilators
- By opening the windows
- There is NO means of ventilation
15.2 How are Office type tasks performed?
15.3 Where are Office type tasks performed?
15.5 Are Screen Based equipment positioned to reduce "Glare" from windows?
15.6 Can "Glare" from windows be BLOCKED out with Blinds/Screens/Curtains?
15.7 How is the office area "Heated"
15.8 How is the Office area "Ventilated"
- Air Conditioning
- Local Exhaust Ventilators
- By opening the windows
- There is NO means of ventilation
Sign Off
Name of Inspector
Inspector's signature