Title Page

  • Name of audited location

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Address of audited location
  • Auditee and their designation

  • Equipment inspected

  • Audit observer(s) and their designation

  • Work activity assessment for audit purposes

  • Documentation

  • Audit document number for reference

Inspection Page 1/3

1) Emergency Evacuation & Preparedness

  • 1.1-Aisles, passageways, and exit doors are free from obstruction?

  • 1.2-Corridors/passageways are sufficiently wide for emergency evacuation?

  • 1.3-First aid kit in a well-lit and accessible location?

  • 1.3.1-Record expiry date of first aid kits [Add note for additional first aid kits]

  • 1.3.2-List of first aiders clearly marked at a visible location?

  • 1.3.3-First aid kit inventory checked regularly?

  • 1.3.4-First aid kit is well stocked?

  • 1.4.1-Record expiry date of first aid kits (yyyymmdd) [Add note for additional first aid kits]

  • 1.4.2-List of first aiders clearly marked at a visible location?

  • 1.4.3-First aid kit inventory checked regularly?

  • 1.4.4-First aid kit is well stocked?

  • 1.4-Customer safety signs such as emergency evacuation map/emergency exits/hazard communication/emergency contacts are present and clearly visible to staff?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Emergency Evacuation & Preparedness

2) General Workplace Safety and Health

  • 2.1-Customer staff (supervisor, health physicist, doctor etc.) is present during inspection?

  • 2.2-The workplace is not overcrowded or cramped?

  • 2.3-Toilets/restrooms are clean, sufficient, well-ventilated with good lighting?

  • 2.4-The environmental conditions at the workplace is suitable and adequate with regards to temperature, light, humidity, noise, ventilation, dust, vibration, etc.

  • 2.5-Staff do not display prohibited practices (smoking, alcohol consumption, apply cosmetics, etc.)?

  • 2.6-The workplace displays good housekeeping practice to minimize slip, trip, fall, fire hazards?

  • 2.7-Are shelves/racks used at the workplace?

  • 2.7.1-Shelves/racks display the safe working load (SWL)?

  • 2.7.2-Shelves/racks are sturdy (not wobbly)?

  • 2.7.3-Shelves/racks have good structural integrity (no sunken platform/rusting/missing parts, etc.)?

  • 2.8-Gas cylinders are safely secured to a fixed object and restrained?

  • 2.8.1-Gas detectors are installed?

  • 2.8.2-Gas detectors are up-to-date on calibration/servicing/maintenance?

  • 2.8.3-Are the labels on the cylinders legible?

  • 2.8.4-Unused cylinders have valve protection cap securely in place?

  • 2.8.5-Workers have access to the safety data sheets for the gas cylinders?

  • 2.8.6-Gas regulators show no signs of visible damage/deformity?

  • 2.9-Only compatible works are carried out?

  • 2.10-Staff (record name in notes) can briefly describe what is incompatible work?

  • 2.11-Are non-Work-At-Height PPE (eyewear, ear plugs, masks, helmets, footwear, clothing, gloves, etc.) available for staff to use?

  • 2.12-List of PPE available?

  • 2.13-Are auditees wearing the correct PPE during the audit?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for General Workplace Safety and Health

Inspection Page 2/3

3) Electrical Safety

  • 3.1-Electrical safety signs are visible at appropriate locations?

  • 3.2-Cables are not damaged (frayed/worn/exposed wiring/cut/etc.)?

  • 3.3-Electrical connections (breakers/switches/plugs/etc.) are not damaged (burn marks/exposed wiring/holes/rust/etc.)?

  • 3.4-Electrical connections are not likely to come in contact with water or other liquids?

  • 3.5-Cables and connections show no sign of unsafe modifications?

  • 3.6-Extension cords are not daisy-chained?

  • 3.7-Plugs in use have safety logo?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Electrical Safety

4) Fire Safety

  • 4.1-Fire extinguishers are inspected, not expired, in visibly good working condition and unobstructed?

  • 4.2-Fire hose reels are inspected, not expired, in visibly good working condition and unobstructed?

  • 4.3-Fire detection system (smoke/heat/flame) is present?

  • 4.3.1-What is the fire detection system used?

  • 4.3.2-Does the fire detection system show no visible signs of damage/corrosion?

  • 4.4-Fire suppression systems are present?

  • 4.4.1-What is the type of fire suppression system?

  • 4.4.2-Does the fire suppression system show no visible signs of damage/corrosion?

  • 4.5-Electrical connections are not likely to come in contact with flammable materials?

  • 4.6-No stack/pile of combustible or flammable materials?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Fire Safety

5) Chemical Safety

  • 5.1-Chemicals are properly labeled according to GHS guidelines?

  • 5.2-Chemicals (including waste) are properly stored prior to disposal?

  • 5.3-Chemical spill kit present?

  • 5.4-Staff are able to briefly explain how to properly use the chemical spill kit?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Chemical Safety

Inspection Page 3/3

6) Work-at-Height (WAH) Safety

  • 6.1-There are no open sides from which a person could fall from?

  • 6.2-There are no openings on the floor from which a person could fall into?

  • 6.3-Guard rails are sufficient in height according to local regulations?

  • 6.3.1-If guard rails are not at high enough, what are the additional risk controls adopted?

  • 6.4-Gaps in the guard rail are sufficient according to local regulations?

  • 6.5-Is/are the field engineers(s) aware to inspect WAH PPE before each use?

  • 6.5.1-Could staff briefly describe how to inspect WAH PPE before use in a satisfactory manner?

  • 6.6-There are no fragile surfaces from which a person could fall from?

  • 6.6.1-Are the fragile surfaces marked and barricaded?

  • 6.7-Ladders show no visible damage/deformity?

  • 6.8-Take photos of ladders with attached safety standard label

  • 6.9-Are staff aware of the need to inspect the ladder before use?

  • 6.10-Scaffolds and their components are regularly inspected by competent person?

  • 6.11-Scaffolds show no sign of visible damage/deformity?

  • 6.12-Are staff aware of the need to inspect the scaffold before use?

  • 6.13-Two horizontal and parallel guardrails on each side are in place and properly installed?

  • 6.14-The scaffolds platforms have toe-boards on all sides?

  • 6.15-Does the scaffold come with a user manual supplied by the manufacturer?

  • 6.16-Was the scaffold built to a recognized safety standard?

  • 6.17-Sample several WAH PPE. Do these show no visible signs of damage/deformity?

  • 6.18-Sample several WAH PPE. Are these current and not past expiry date?

  • 6.19-Are the WAH PPE properly stored and easily accessible?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for WAH Safety

7) Lifting Equipment Safety (e.g. crane/hoist/pulleys/rope/etc.)

  • 7.1-Lifting tools/equipment show no signs of visible damage/deformity?

  • 7.2-Lifting tools/equipment are regularly inspected by a competent person?

  • 7.3-Are staff aware of the need to inspect the lifting equipment/tool before use?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Lifting Equipment Safety

8) Lockout and Tagout (LOTO)

  • 8.1-Lockout devices have no visible damage/deformity?

  • 8.2-Tags are legible, robust, and and understandable by all staff who may be in the area?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for LOTO Safety

9) Inspection on Other Equipment and Hand Tools

  • 9.1-Sample several hand tools. Tools show no visible signs of damage/deformity?

  • 9.2-Where applicable, safety labels/signs are clear and affixed to the equipment?

  • 9.3-Patient treatment room/couch is clean and free from any potential biological hazards?

  • 9.4-Hand tools are stored safely in an organized manner?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Equipment and Hand Tools Inspection

10) Waste Management (excludes chemical, radioactive waste)

  • 10.1-Is there an agreement with the Customer for waste management (parts for scrapping, e-waste, etc.)?

  • 10.2-Is the waste properly segregated and stored prior to disposal?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured in checklist for Waste Management

B) Document Review

1) Emergency Evacuation & Preparedness

  • 1.1-Varian staff received EHS instruction/training/communication from customer?

  • 1.2-First aider keeps a record of treatments?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Emergency Evacuation & Preparedness

2) General Workplace Safety and Health

  • 2.1-Staff has access to updated EHS documents (procedures/risk assessments, etc.)?

  • 2.2-Staff has access to the latest work procedures ?

  • 2.3-How many courses in the training matrix have been completed?

  • 2.4-Is there an appointed safety officer/lead to oversee daily EHS activities at the workplace?

  • 2.5-Do staff perform work using electric or gas welding machines?

  • 2.5.1-Please provide evidence of relevant training.

  • 2.6-Do staff operate forklifts?

  • 2.6.1-Please provide evidence of relevant training.

  • 2.7-Staff has undergone medical examinations as a requirement to perform work?

  • 2.7.1-Please provide evidence of medical examinations.

  • 2.8-Site employees know to report incidents, near misses, and good observations to EHS and to the Site Manager?

  • 2.9-The site performs the monthly safety audit/inspections?

  • 2.9.1-Document evidence of completed monthly safety audits or inspections.

  • 2.9.2-Document evidence that a process is in place to correct discrepancies found in the monthly safety audit/inspections.

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for General Workplace Safety and Health

3) Electrical Safety

  • 3.1-Staff have completed Electrical Safety training on Learn4U?

  • 3.2-Provide evidence of other electrical safety training, if applicable.

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Electrical Safety

4) Fire Safety

  • 4.1-Provide evidence of fire safety training, if applicable

  • 4.2-Is there a list of appointed fire wardens?

  • 4.3-Provide evidence of fire warden training

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Fire Safety

5) Chemical Safety

  • 5.1-Workers have access to Safety data sheets (SDS), either in paper or softcopy?

  • 5.2-Provide evidence of chemical safety training, if applicable

  • 5.3-Inventory of hazardous chemicals maintained and accessible on-site?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Chemical Safety

6) Work-at-Height (WAH) Safety

  • 6.1-Staff performing WAH activities have the required license/training?

  • 6.2-Staff managing WAH activities have the required license/training?

  • 6.3-Is a list of WAH PPE assigned to staff available?

  • 6.4-WAH PPE are under a regular maintenance/inspection program?

  • 6.5-Are there safe means of entry and exit for WAH work activities?

  • 6.6-Varian staff using ladders at work completed EHS Ladder Safety training on Learn4U?

  • 6.7-Staff who move, operate, and inspect the scaffold are trained to recognize the hazards associated with it?

  • 6.8-Staff have completed the Fall Protection training on Learn4U?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Work-at-Height Safety

7) Lifting Equipment Safety (e.g. crane/hoist/pulleys/rope/etc.)

  • 7.1-Is there a list of lifting tools/equipment used by staff?

  • 7.2-Staff have completed Overhead and Gantry Crane Safety Awareness training on Learn4U?

  • 7.3-Lifting equipment/tools have valid Lifting Machine (LM) certificate or equivalent document?

  • 7.4-Is there an established and implemented Lifting Plan?

  • 7.4.1-Is the Lifting Plan made available for inspection upon request by an inspector?

  • 7.5-Staff operating the overhead travelling crane has completed relevant training course?

  • 7.6-Staff supervising crane lifting operations has completed relevant training course?

  • 7.7-Staff performing rigging and/or signaling has completed relevant training course?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Lifting Equipment Safety

8) Lockout and Tagout (LOTO)

  • 8.1-Staff have completed Lockout-Tagout training on Learn4U?

  • 8.2-Staff could briefly describe the LOTO procedures in a satisfactory manner?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Lockout and Tagout (LOTO)

9) Lone Worker

  • 9.1-Has the Site Manager identified the areas and tasks at the site where the Lone Worker Rule applies?

  • 9.2-Were the site employees trained on the Lone Worker Rule before work began?

C) Structured Interview (choose several safety topics and staff for interview)

1) Work-at-Height (WAH) Safety

  • 1.1-Name of interviewee and designation

  • 1.2-Date of interview

  • 1.3-Start time of interview

  • 1.4-Staff could briefly describe the procedures to follow when working at the top of the gantry with the crane or lifeline as the anchor point?

  • 1.5-Staff could briefly describe the emergency procedures for WAH activities?

  • 1.6-End time of interview

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Work-at-Height (WAH) Safety

2) Electrical Safety

  • 2.1-Name of interviewee and designation

  • 2.2-Date of interview

  • 2.3-Start time of interview

  • 2.4-Staff could briefly describe the observer rule for work on exposed energized circuits of 50 V or greater?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Electrical Safety

3) Lockout and Tagout (LOTO)

  • 3.1-Name of interviewee and designation

  • 3.2-Date of interview

  • 3.3-Start time of interview

  • 3.4-Staff could briefly describe how to communicate during LOTO work when out of line of sight?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Lockout and Tagout (LOTO)

4) Work-at-Height (WAH) Safety Harness Demonstration

  • 4.1-Name of interviewee and designation

  • 4.2-Date of interview

  • 4.3-Start time of interview

  • 4.4-Staff could demonstrate putting on a safety harness correctly and adjusting to ensure good fit?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captures above for WAH Safety Harness Demonstration

D) Work Activity Assessment

  • 1.1-Staff and designation

  • 1.2-Date of assessment

  • 1.3-Start time of assessment

1.4-Choose one of the following work activities for assessment.

  • 1.4.1-Observe in real-time how the EHS monthly inspection is done by the site team using the provided checklist.

  • 1.4.2-Mock demonstration of emergency rescue of fallen colleague hanging from a harness.

  • 1.4.3-For specific work activity based on Varian maintenance and service documents, click Yes, and provide details in Question 1.5.

  • 1.5-Description of work activity

  • 1.5.1-Observed uncontrolled risks?

  • 1.5.2-What are the uncontrolled risks?

  • Comments/Notes/Findings not captured above for Work Activity Assessment

E) Conclusion

  • 1.1-Summary of audit findings

  • 1.2-Summary of audit actions

  • 1.3-Conclusion

F) Signatures and Acknowledgement

  • 1.1-Auditor name and signature

  • 1.2-Auditee name and signature

  • 1.3-Auditee name and signature

  • 1.4-Auditee name and signature

  • 1.5-Auditee name and signature

  • 1.6-Auditee name and signature

  • 1.7-Auditee name and signature

  • 1.8-Audit observers

  • 1.9-Audit end date

  • 1.10 Audit end time

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.