Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Meeting details. Quality related questions
Is there a meeting SOP (TOR) present?<br>
Did the meeting follow the TOR?
Was the meeting fully attended as per TOR?
Did the meeting start and run to time?
Was the meeting helt in an appropriate location with godo visual management?
Was the meeting completed uninterrupted?<br>No phone calls, external interference etc.?
Using data. Quality related questions
Was performance against relevant indicators discussed during the meeting?
Were the top areas of focus identified?
Were the top areas of focus quantified?
Were actions assigned to the relevant focus areas?
Were accontability assigned to each of the action?
Were targets defined for each action?<br>Are they SMART?
Were due dates defined for each actions?
Were the meeting output documented irrelevant log?
Meeting details. Effectivness related questions
Were there any cosequences taken for those not attending?
Were actions from previous meeting reviewed? Were the effectiveness of them reviewed?
Were there any consequenses for not completing actions within allocated time?
Were all perticipants aware of role and prepared?
Meeting engagements. Effectivness related questions
Was the meeting energised?
Was the meeting focussd on indicators, as per TOR?
Was the meeting positive?
Was the meeting well lead?
Was the meeting forward focussed on improving results?