General information
State walkround inspection area
Conducted on
Name of manager or nominated person conducting the inspection
Weekly GLA H&S Inspection Checklist
Record if each question is satisfactory - Yes, No or N/A.
To record observations tap on the paperclip to add text, photos, or actions. -
1. Are floors and stairs clean, in good condition, free from obstruction and non-slip?
2. Are trailing leads and cables secured or covered?
3. Are stairways, corridors and exits adequately lit?
4. Are First Aid kits and Eye Wash Stations clean and correctly stocked?
5. Are fire escape routes clearly signed and clear of obstructions?
6. Are all Fire doors in good working order and not wedged open?
7. Are fire extinguishers in the correct place and not tampered with?
8. Are toilets and rest areas clean and in good repair?
9. Are floors, public areas and pedestrian routes free from defect, tripping hazards and rubbish?
Additional comments or findings.
Additional media if required.
Completion Signoff
Raise all faults or potential incidents via local processes and include reference numbers within this form before sending. Send completed checklist to 'GLA distribution profile' to ensure findings are addressed.
Signature of manager/nominee confirming inspection checklist is completed.