Title Page
Site Conducted:
Conducted On:
Prepared By:
Job Ref:
Gang Name:
Gangers Name:
If the answer to any of the prerequisite questions is 'No' the n the gang must be stood down immediately until the issue(s) are rectified.
Has the gang completed their Risk Assessment?
Are the operatives trained & competent and do they have copies of their training records with them?
Do the Gang have all the necessary equipment and PPE to let them carry out their work safely?
Are welfare facilities located within a suitable distance from the site?
Is all plant in safe working conditions and has inspections been recorded?
Vehicle Checks
If any defects are noted or any items identified as missing, please report them immediately to the Yard/Transport Manager!
Is the vehicle clean and tidy?
- Fully
- Mostly
- Partly
- Some
- Not At All
- N/A
Is there a number plate for the trailer?
Is there a good condition breakaway cable on the trailer and is it being used?
Does the van have suitable warning devices and signage? ( i.e. Flashing Amber Beacons, Rear Chevrons, Highway Maintenance, COSHH Symbols etc.)
- Fully
- Mostly
- Partly
- Some
- Not At All
- N/A
Are all COSHH substances stored in an appropriate container, secured and labelled?
- Fully
- Mostly
- Partly
- Some
- Not At All
- N/A
Is there a Spill Kit & Plant Nappy available?
- Fully
- Mostly
- Partly
- Some
- Not At All
- N/A
Is there a fully pressurised fire extinguisher in the vehicle?
Is PPE stored correctly?
Is there an adequate First Aid Kit & Eye Wash Kit availible?
Site Safety
Are advance warning signs (Men at Work) in place on all approaches?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are 'Road Narrow's' signs in place and correctly positioned for the work taking place?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are 'Footpath Closed' & 'Footpath Closed Ahead' signs in place and correctly positioned?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are all barriers in good condition and are they all clipped together?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Have barriers been used to prevent access for residents accessing site from their properties?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are there sufficient courtesy boards displayed?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are there sufficient sandbags on all barriers and signage?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are Traffic Cones used sufficiently on the site?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are Blue Arrow Signs in place and positioned correctly?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
If the work involves a road crossing, have plates or boards been secured in position to make the area safe?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
If Traffic Management is in place, is it fit for purpose?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Is housekeeping on-site to an acceptable standard?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Are all materials and equipment stored safely on-site or within a secure compound?
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
Is there any immediate risk to public safety? (Has the site been set up as per chapter 8)
- No Issues
- Issues Rectified During Inspection
- Issues Present
- N/A
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