Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Is the parking lot clean and free of debris?
Is all exterior lighting (including signage) in good working order?
Does the location need additional lighting?
Are hours of operations decals posted on approved areas and not damaged in anyway? (Cracked/peeling, unlaminated)
Are all metal signs in good condition and located in approved areas?
Does the location need any addtional exterior signage?
Are all exterior doors closed when not accepting donations?
Are all exterior doors in good working order?
Are all windows and doors clean?
Are outside lock boxes in good order?
Is the exterior free of donations? (bags/furniture)
Are there other concerns with the exterior of the donation station?
Are there any suggestions regarding the exterior of the building to enhance the donation experience?
Are interior windows clean and free of debris?
Is the floor vacuumed, swept, or mopped?
Is the location being dusted on a regular basis?
Are all trash cans being emptied regularly?
Is the "No Smoking" sign laminated and placed in the approved location? (not on a door, visible from exterior, typically in a lower corner of a window near the entrance door)
Is the "No Firearms" sign laminated and placed in the approved location? (not on a door, visible from exterior, typically in a lower corner of a window near the entrance door)
Is the Google review QR code decal on the front entrance door? (Standalone only)
Is the Google review QR code signage visible and easily accessible for the donor to scan at all donation intake areas?
Are there any interior signage concerns at this time?
Are all ceiling tiles free of water stains and in place? If not, please note the date maintenance request was placed.
Are all interior lights in good working order? If not, please note the date maintenance request was placed.
Are all fixtures/furniture approved by Goodwill and presentable?
Are there any unnecessary items visible in the donation intake areas?
Does the donation intake area only contain necessary supplies? (donor count sheet, tax slips)
Are all crew members wearing proper dress code?
Are all corporate memos up to date?
Is breakroom clean? (Standalone Only)
Are appliances clean and in good working order? (Standalone Only)
Is restroom clean and ready to use at the time of your visit? (Standalone Only)
Does the restroom have proper supplies readily available for use? (Standalone only)
Are restroom doors lockable and in good working order? (Standalone Only)
Are there any suggestions regarding the interior of the building to enhance the donation experience?
Are fire extingushers being checked monthly?
Is the pallet jack in good working order?
Does the location have appropriate equipment for moving large donations?
Are there any other safety concerns that need addressed at the location?
Donation Acquisition
Are donors being greeted with a smile within 10 seconds of arrival?
Are the attendants thanking each donor appropriately?(tagline to come)
Are all donors being offered a tax receipt?
Are the google QR codes being promoted properly by the attendant? (Will verify via Google when on site each time)
Is the attendant using buggies properly to facilitate donations?
Are the buggies in good working condition? if not, please note when maintenance request was created.
Are donation intake rooms setup properly according to the approved layout?
Does attendant understand how to properly containerize RD?
Does attendant understand proper procedures for handling incoming furniture?
Does the attendant understand the "Unacceptable Items List" ?
Can the attendant properly articulate how to deny items that are on the "Unacceptable Items List"?
Are gaylords being labeled properly?
Are there any signs of presorting in the donation intake room?
Are there any unnecessary or excessive amounts of supplies in the donation intake areas or at the standalone donation stations?
Are there any other needs to be addressed at the location?
Does the attendant know Goodwill's mission statement?
Is the attendant able to articulate Goodwill's mission statement in their own words?
Loss Prevention/IT
Are tablets properly mounted and in good working order at the time of visit? If not, please note when IT ticket was created.
Do standalone donation stations have working phone?
Are there any signs of stashing on the premises in the donation areas?
Is the backdoor shut at all times, unless loading?
Do attendants understand and follow all stashing and theft related policies according to the handbook? (WILL MAKE A ONE SHEETER)
Are lockbox codes being changed every 90 days or after any team member departure? (Review lockbox code log)
Are there any other LP/IT Concerns that need addressed at this time?
What is your overall impression during your visit?
Any followup comments or concerns from previous visit?